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Statues, dolls, robots, therianthropes and other humanoids

Statues, dolls, robots, therianthropes and other humanoids published on No Comments on Statues, dolls, robots, therianthropes and other humanoids

I got my first chance of trying to make a humanoid digital model into statuary when I make my digital replica of Story’s Angel of Grief. This was before I discovered the utility of shaders, so I created a seamless marble texture tile and laborious applied it to the angel’s body, hair, wings and dress, as well as her plinth.

Then Muusa The Myth, a character package and set for V4 by Forbidden Whispers, FWDesign and Daz, appeared on deep discount. It contains a fully human texture, a full stone texture and various textures to represent the character in the process of enstonement. The set, of course, contains a platform to stick her on after transforming her. I used the stone texture and my go-to texture for digital people, RBSD Merchant Base by rebelmommy and shellyw, to create a more stepwise progression on enstonement, thanks to the help of my limited Photoshop Elements skills. I really enjoyed myself, and I’m now trying to apply these skills to another set of stepwise transformation textures — this time, a tree. What type of tree depends on what type of tree I can find locally to scan bark and leaves from.

Anyway, back to statues. Now I have my own Ingenious Rock Shaders by JGreenlees/Daz, so I can make statues of people [and gravestones] without manual application of my own texture tiles. Whoo hoo!

I also just found this hilarious product in the Daz store: Canary3D’s Sculptural Genesis Ultra Fun Kit. It’s a kit of Daz shaders, full-body poses, hand poses, objects to hold and objects to stand on — all to aid in the creation of humanoid statues based on Genesis figures. The great number of material shaders alone make this worth the price, even if I weren’t going to use it for statues. The wonderful details — like the conforming fig leaf to stick in the statue’s crotch and the shades so that one can make figures into lamps — move the package from merely cool to must-have.

Yeah…like I need more humanoids in my runtime…

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