I had one of those evenings where I felt dissatisfied with all my accomplishments.
First I started off on a more realistic digital version of Jareth. I discovered that my custom character morph of David Bowie from the Ziggy Stardust era, which I was using as a base for Jareth [among other morphs], messes up the tongue. It’s not supposed to do that, and I, with my limited skills, tools, and knowledge, cannot figure out how to keep the morph that I worked so hard to create, but revert the shape of the tongue to default. Argh!
I moved on to Carter’s faceup. While I’m making acceptable progress on it, I find it annoying because it seems to take forever. I am bored of painting minuscule sideburns, and I just want him to be complete already.
My Cutey Honey’s red bob wig arrived today. I wanted to make it lie closer to her head, so I dunked it swiftly in some boiling water, followed by cold to set it. Unfortunately, my tactic took all the spring out of the bob. I can’t figure out how to curl it back under [but with less volume that originally], so I just gave the wig to Isabel.

While plopping one of Isabel’s faux fur wigs on Cutey Honey in the interim, I realized that she is in poorer shape than I thought. I already knew that she suffered from brittle, shedding hair — that’s why I got her the wig. Furthermore, she has some odd glossy patch on her face that I can’t get rid of. Her weak ankles make her prone to shelf diving, and, to top it all off, her stretch vinyl outfit is cracking and degrading. [And her sword snapped the last time I brought her to VTDL.] In other words, she’s showing her age.
I hereby officially give up on having a stock Cutey Honey as a desk guardian. I’ll still use her, though, as her head and body remain perfectly functional [minus stock clothes and hair >:( ]. She needs some custom work, however, before appearing on the shelf again.
I also worked on Timonium’s legs. I started painting his fairy feet in a dried-blood red this weekend. Everything looked good initially until I tried blending the paint up his calves. My custom mixed color does not want to blend, leaving distinct rings and blotches. I’ve sealed what I have so far, but I really need to hunt up some paint retarder or diluter or whatever it’s called — something to make the pigment smoother, thinner, and more even.

1 Comment
I’m sorry things did not go well. (I have Doll Times like that, too.) Would that it were possible to get your doll(s) near my airbrush(es)…