Saturday morning we started the day with the DollFest meetup, where I assiduously chased around people until I got their names, the names of the doll sculpts, and the names of their doll makers. I enjoyed an excuse to talk to strangers and share our enthusiasm.
Dai Today’s Volks Dollfie Dream and 5Stardoll Alysia.
Dai Today’s Doll Family Miaou Miaou.
Sevore’s Iplehouse Raffine boy [L] and Withdoll Lala [R].
L to R: My Submit, Lyrajean’s SmartDoll Starlight [large], Volks Yo-SD Yu [with wings], Volks Yo-SD Kira. Bittersweet Blue’s Fairyland Minifee Chloe [L] and Doll Family A Anasta head on Luts Kid Delf body [R].
Genevieve’s Volks Dollfie Dream.
Clannadia’s SmartDoll LeLouche [L] and SmartDoll Starlight [R].
Miss Joleanne’s RingDoll K [L] and IOS Mezz head on Dragon Doll/Telesthesia body [R].
Miss Joleanne’s dolls took over this boudoir set.
K offered Mezz all sorts of things, but he was unmoved until K offered himself.
Assaliah’s Volks Yo-SD White Rabbit [L] and Volks Yo-SD Ayumu [R].
Planet_cosmos’ Asleep Eidolon Vanessa.
Flame Girl’s Volks Dollfie Dream [L] and SmartDoll Ivory Futaba [R].
L to R: Bakayarou Photography’s Volks Dollfie Dream, SmartDolls Miari and Melody.
Laurie-Anne’s Doll Leaves Lilith.
Jenny’s Musedoll Rei-Chi.
Meruko’s Volks Dollfie Dream.
Melinda’s Luts Kid Delf ??
Lawrichai’s Cerberus Project Zuzu Delf Persi.
Lawrah’s crew. Back row [L to R]: Luts winter event head 2011 on Dreaming Doll body [with purple hair], Impldoll Vanessa head on Resinsoul body, Resinsoul Mai, Resinsoul Bei, Resinsoul Song. Front row [L to R]: Asleep Eidolon Coral, Dearmine Dune, DreamHigh Studios Hiro.
Chibi_fluffy’s dolls. Back row [L to R]: Dollshe Rosen, Dollmore Zaoll Luv, Dollmore Zaoll Muse. Front row [L to R]: Alchemic Lab Chibi Unoa on Customhouse Little Junior body, Pipos Baha [cat], Dollmore Narsha.
Chibi_fluffy’s alternative to spraying on sealant is to use a small bit of makeup sponge to lightly and quickly dab layers of sealant over the faceup. This obviates the brush lines that my faceups suffer when I seal them with paintbrush, although the method does leave a bit of texture from the sponge holes. NOTE TO SELF: Try this with future faceups on 1:6 scale dolls.
Lawrah provided free accessories for dolls, so Submit got this bottle of magic stuff [i.e., red glitter], of which she is very proud.