Last week I got more stock in the mail for my produce section: cantaloupe, eggplant, pumpkins, kabocha [green pumpkin-like things], onions, and red potatoes. While I was at it, I also got some bottles and cartons of juice, at left in front. Everything is genuine Iwako, thus high quality.
I’m still waiting for pineapple, cucumbers, bok choy, and cabbage [all erasers], as well as some yellow peppers. I also have some oblate spheroids that I need to turn into persimmons or tomatoes or something…
The pumpkins came in an alarmingly fluorescent shade of orange, so I repainted them with more of a yellowish ochre. The kabocha next to them are a sweet squash regularly used in Japanese tempura. The brown produce trays are made from lids of paperboard jewelry boxes. I need to prop them up on a slant.Let’s assume that the cantaloupe [lower left], eggplant, and kabocha are a good size for 1:6 scale. Even the pumpkins are, if we assume they’re mini pie pumpkins. That leaves the onions and red potatoes ridiculously out of scale, however.The potato is maybe 125% the size of the cantaloupe! The onion is the same size as the cantaloupe! Alison and Bill are both puzzled and amused.I’ve decided to embrace the out-of-scaleness, however. There will be a special sign by the potatoes: PREPOSTEROUSLY PRODIGIOUS POTATOES. The one by the onions will say OVERTLY OVERSIZE ONIONS.