Yellow peppers and bok choy! This time, 1:6ers Alison and Bill show scale.
This set is the most detailed I’ve ever made. Even my forest and cemetery sets, while they contain many parts and customized pieces, don’t have the sheer number and variety of things as this produce section does.
I also think that this is the most expensive set that I’ve created. Most people who follow my work know that I tend to use simple, cheap, multipurpose objects in my sets. While I used this principle with the counters [made of a table, a miniature crate, cut-down box lids + dowels] and some of the produce holders [mini box lids and screw-top lids], the majority of the pieces, being food, are very specific. That means a lot of money sunk into single-purpose props, insofar as pieces of food are counted as single-purpose things. Someday I’ll add up how many objects are in this set and how much they set me back, but today is not that day.
Still to come: Rocket Fuel Foods snacks, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots. Ugh, I need more counter space…

1 Comment
I love the Goblin Market! It’s awesome, and I like the idea of mutant veg – I mean, these are Whovians so really, it’s not a stretch.