Before the Weeping Angel monsters from Doctor Who existed, there was The Angel of Grief, carved by William Wetmore Story for his wife’s tomb. Some time ago, I got a small-scale replica of this statue, shown below with a 1:6 scale figure for comparison.
After painting it white and weathering it a lot, I ended up with this:
Since the original is lifesize or slightly larger, though, I was always sad that my Angel of Grief was undersize. This disappointment lay mostly forgotten until I learned about the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who, thus rekindling my love of funereal statuary.

I initially thought that I wanted to make a 1:6 scale articulated DW Weeping Angel. I have since modified that idea to be an articulated angel that looks like it’s made of stone. It can either grieve on a plinth and thus be a 1:6 scale version of the Angel of Grief, or it can stand up and snarl when I need a DW Weeping Angel.
To that end, I have collected a Coreplay white/grey body from Deep Blur Phase Diver, two heads from Phicen Shi [one neutral, one angry], TB League closed bat wings, and two sets of hands from TB League Lady Death. Gotta remove paint from hands, paint both heads and wings all white, do something about hair, weather body, make dress, and add torso bend for appropriate grieving posture.