With my eraser, my Colorless Blender [sounds like a kitchen appliance in a boring shade of grey] and Prismacolor Blush [PC928], I reapplied Frank's blush, trying to make it more even, but still highly visible.
I still maintain that he really looks like me!
EDIT: Oh yeah, and I blurred the purple shadows around his nose and removed some with the eraser. They were too dark. I may reduce them even more.
Did you tone down the purple shadows some? He looks a little less like he was attacked by a grape Popsicle.
Grape Popsicle!
Yeah, I did tone down the purple shadows. I take it that was a good thing. 
Me, I’m amused by the purple soul-patch.
I am not entirely sure why you used that specific colour for the nose-area shading etc, but it does draw away from the fact that there is cheek blushing at all. I would have used the cheek blush colour to shade the nose etc, and left the purple only for around the eyes.
HAHAHAH, thanks for your comments, everyone. Tonight I’m going to make the shadows a different color other than purple.