Stuff I’m getting rid of.

Looking to trade, rather than sell, especially for the following:
Stuff for my secondhand store, especially highly detailed bags, highly detailed shoes for 1:6 scale action figures, and highly detailed hats for 1:6 scale action figures
Stuff for my reading room, including miniature books, bookshelves, and waist-high tables or similar that can be used as counters
Stuff for my robotics/resurrection lab, including computers, Fiendish Devices, robots, anatomical models, chemistry stuff, etc.
Stuff for my cemetery/spellcasting set, including realistic cats, skulls, funeral statuary, etc.
To get an idea of what I’d like in those sets, look at my pictures of them here.
I’m also looking for the following:
Stuff for my chem lab/kitchen, especially steampunk widgets
Stuff for my alchemy/magic room, especially bottles of weird substances, magical items, books, bookshelves, and waist-high tables or similar that can be used as counters
Pictures of those sets can be seen here.
I’m also selectively interested in Doctor Who stuff, but it’s VERY selective. My interest is limited to the Third Doctor, Delgado Master, Jo Grant, The Scream of the Shalka AU, Tenth Doctor, Simm Master, Missy, and Bill Potts, insofar as she is awesome and NOT steamrolled by a shitty narrative. Oh yeah, and Weeping Angels [because my cemetery needs one :p], Cyber people [cyborgs!!!], and Daleks [more cyborgs!!!]. I may be interested in small representations of some DW stuff, if you have any of that lying around.
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I will be at the meetup tomorrow, with items to trade!