Photos with 1:6ers Alison and Bill below. Both durian and tomatoes are resin pieces purchased from Aliexpress. Tomatoes were billed as “1:12 scale,” which seems not to actually mean “1 inch scale,” but “suitable for dolls; take your chances on size.” Durians all have an area of skin cut off to show pulp, but I have put that area facing the table so no one notices. Voila! Continue reading The Goblin Market got durian and tomatoes!!!!
Posts categoriezed as 2018
Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
My latest round of 3″ Titans — the Master x3, the Stylist, and an extra — arrived today. HELP HELP! They are too adorable for words. Continue reading Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
Thirteen and the TARDIS
Character Options came out with a 10″ Thirteenth Doctor. After seeing how gay and dorky @natalunasans’ looked, I decided to get my own. I knew that, if I hesitated, the Doctor would probably increase in price on the secondary market, as the 1:6 scale Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones dolls have, and I’d be shit out of luck.
The Thirteen doll bears a very recognizable likeness to the actor Jodie Whittaker. The expression is neutral, tending slightly to the befuddled and definitely dweeby. I like it! Molded hair, tucked behind one ear on one side and partly obscuring the face on the other, is simply, but effectively sculpted. Body is sculpted more for function than form, but it’s all generally in scale. Right hand is sculpted to hold included sonic screwdriver, while left is in an open, neutral position.
The fabric outfit replicates the character’s dress with a few concessions to ease of use. Thirteen wears a long-sleeve white undershirt and a black T-shirt with rainbow stripes over that. These two pieces have been combined by Character Options into one piece, over which is a partly lined blue-grey trench with rainbow lapel trim, functional lined hood, and nonfunctional pockets. The high-waisted blue culottes Velcro in the front and have separate thin yellow ribbons for suspenders. There are molded brown boots with molded socks.
Paint is very simple on the face, with long dark eyebrows, unadorned eyes, and lips in a neutral orangey shade. I haven’t been paying attention to promo pics, but I’m pretty sure the character wears at least some more eyeliner. The character’s hairstyle with brown roots showing is approximated with a pale yellow layer over a brown plastic base. The yellow is too striking; I’ll have to work on this.
In terms of articulation, the doll has a single sculpt for both head and neck, with a ball joint at the base of the neck. Swiveling is good, though the neck socket on mine doesn’t quite accommodate the neck on sideways turns, so the front and back bust pieces separate slightly. There’s a bit of nodding movement, but not much. There are ball-jointed hips and shoulders, double-jointed elbows and knees, swivel waist, and wrists with both hinge and swivel joints. Doll can touch head and face [for extra puzzled/dweeby poses! :D], sit competently, and stand unsupported. However, because the feet are somewhat small, with only ankle swivels, balance is compromised.
Unfortunately, the Thirteen doll is not 1:6 scale. At 10″, it’s 4′ in 1:6 scale. If the doll were going to be truly in scale, it would be slightly more than 11.5″, as the actor Jodie Whittaker is slightly over 5.5′.
This doll will run people in the U.S. between $30.00 and $40.00, depending on where you pick it up. It’s built for play, but the price is kinda steep for kids. Older fans of Doctor Who, however, won’t blink at the price and will take a highly articulated, realistic, well tailored Thirteen that actually looks like the character and go wild. I enthusiastically endorse this doll, with the caveat that it will not play nicely scale-wise with anyone else.
Would it have killed you to make Thirteen in 1:6 scale, Character Options?
Here the Doctor steps out of the TARDIS and detects something odd about relative sizes… TARDIS played by a truly 1:6 scale BCS Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS. Thirteen played by aforementioned NOT-1:6-SCALE Character Options Thirteen doll. Continue reading Thirteen and the TARDIS
Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Wow, I totally forgot that I had done this photostory with Alison and the Master almost 5 months ago! Here it is, another experiment in wordless storytelling. Continue reading Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VIII
Part VIII: Friends Make Everything Better. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VIII
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VII
Part VII: Where’d She Go? Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VII
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VI
Part VI: Playtime. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VI
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part V
Part V: Open House. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part V
Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
I got a Barbie skirt in the mail recently for Missy, shortened it an inch, and it fit perfectly. I made a raggedy bow out of some gauzy purplish stretch net, and I was done. Then she posed against a selection of Halloween/Gothic art papers I got from Michaels recently.
I just finished 1:9 scale versions of Bill and Missy today. Both of them are hybrids, combining heads from the 3″ Titan mini figures with bodies from ToyBiz’s Famous Covers series of Marvel action figures. They’re 9″ high.
For Bill, I painted her body to match her head, filled in her irises, dry-brushed her hair to show up the detail, glossed lips and eyes, ground the neck off the head, and modded the crotch and tops of forearms for greater flexion. She wears a dress from a Mattel Skipper Babysitters Inc. doll, a bolero from a Fresh Dolls Mia, leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie, a Rement sunflower, and bracelets made from a bubble tea straw.
For Missy, I removed her original hair and replaced it with a combination of a hand-sculpted scalp [with Aves Apoxie Sculpt] and a ponytail of Mattel Barbie hair, which I curled with a boil perm. I swapped out the default ToyBiz Famous Covers hands for those from a 10″ Disney Elite Princess Leia figure. I filled in her irises, repainted eyebrows, gave a very light brown wash to the nasolabial creases, and repainted eyebrows. I also carved out top of forearms and inner sides of crotch to increase poseability. Missy wears a shirt from an unknown female action figure, a Mattel Barbie skirt [shortened by 1″], leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie [not shown], and a cravat that I made. Her umbrella is a large cocktail umbrella painted black with acrylic paints and sealed.
Coming eventually in the 1:9 scale world: Alison Cheney [Scream of the Shalka], Shalka Doctor, Delgado Master [=Shalka Master in my mind], and the Third Doctor!
Continue reading Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
Improving the Little Witch’s body and likeness
After I upgraded the Little Fixit to a 21cm Obitsu body, I felt the need to work on the Little Witch too. I’ve been playing with these dolls more than I expected, and their limited poseability was bothering me. Continue reading Improving the Little Witch’s body and likeness
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part IV
Part IV: Reading the Story. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part IV
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part III
Part III: A Heavy Load. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part III
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi II
Part II: Here’s Alison!
Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi II
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi: Part I
Part I: Playing Peacefully.Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi: Part I
Otakuthon DollFest, Montreal, Quebec, 08/03/2018-08/05/2018: Friday travel and hotel, Saturday morning
Bittersweet Blue, Lyrajean, and I traveled up to Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Friday morning for the BJD-related programming at Otakuthon. Continue reading Otakuthon DollFest, Montreal, Quebec, 08/03/2018-08/05/2018: Friday travel and hotel, Saturday morning
Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
We took some dolls and went to South Mountain State Park, NC for pictures. Continue reading Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
Day 5 with natalunasans — even more tiny books and a meeting of the catwitches
Today I made more 1:6 scale reading material while natalunasans went out and did errands. Continue reading Day 5 with natalunasans — even more tiny books and a meeting of the catwitches
Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Yesterday we headed off to Table Rock State Park. Small-scale drama ensued in the form of a multipart photostory called The Master Disaster. Continue reading Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Lakis pokes around a strange blue box…
Lakis Atlantean, latest addition to my universe of reinterpreted Doctor Who characters, is done. She’s a Mattel Hawaiian Fun Kira head on a Mattel Curvy Made to Move Fashionista [Dancer] body. I customized her by stitching her bangs against her scalp, giving her the headband from a Mattel/Hello Kitty Chococat outfit and bootz from an MGA Bratz, hand-sewing her outfit [!!], and of course repainting her. It’s a very simple faceup, but I didn’t want to give her too much detail, as she’s supposed to be just 17 years old and very cute.
Credits: Inspiration for this body/head combo comes from @dollsahoy’s recent custom. Dress made by modifying a T-shirt pattern by @cosmomoore. TARDIS from @natalunasans.
May the 5th be with you?
Starring Princess Leia x2. The one on the left is mine. The one on the right is Jill’s.
Last week’s photos — Alison, Bill, and Anima have an adventure
Members of the Dork fam Alison and Bill have a little adventure with Anima [the Doctor’s TARDIS]. Continue reading Last week’s photos — Alison, Bill, and Anima have an adventure
A Field Guide to Some TARDIS Cats
I got two more felted sleeping kitties from Nitwit Oddments recently. They are Loaf and Pretzel below, and they are adorable. They fit right in with the others. ^_^ Continue reading A Field Guide to Some TARDIS Cats
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse IV
Part IV: A Happy Ending!
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse III
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse II
Part II: A False Start. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse II
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse I
The Little Shalka Dorks get busy with a new project: an old toy horse of my mom’s that we rescued from my parents’ attic around last Xmas. Little Alison is the one playing with dolls. Little Bill is the one reading pulp fiction. The Little Witch, in the cape and top hat, is my version of the Master when he was a little girl. The Little Fixit, with alien T-shirt and tool box, is my version of the Doctor as a kid. None of this information is really necessary to understand and enjoy the story.
Part I: The Dorks Gather.
Alison, Bill, and some TARDIS cats
The TARDIS cats have very demanding lives, okay?! An excuse to showcase some felted sleeping kitties by Awa of Nitwit Oddments, my preferred source for TARDIS cats. Order yours today!Continue reading Alison, Bill, and some TARDIS cats