Wordless photostory. Continue reading Touralyn Comes Home
Posts tagged flower
Timonium stars in “The Humiliating Sweater”
Christmas crap is 50% off at most stores, so I purchased several items for my dolls yesterday. The following photostory features a seasonal sweater ornament and an extremely pissed off fairy.
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Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 06/13/2015
Flower, June, and Submit accompanied me to VTDL last Saturday. I also brought my 1:6 scale Barbie/Coke soda fountain, which occasioned some fun vignettes.
Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 08/23/2014
Yesterday CCDC welcomed its largest complement of attendees ever! A whole dozen of us attended, including newcomers Pink and their husband [from Maine] and Pink’s friend from Quebec [who doesn’t have any dolls…yet]. We spent the entire extended duration [noon to 4:00 PM] talking dolls, posing and photoing them, in between side conversations about mutual interests such as Monster High, Internet-based cartoons and fursuits. As far as I can tell, everyone enjoyed themselves.
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Figurvore prop challenge: I made a fridge!
This month’s Figurvore prop challenge was to construct something kitchen-related and to provide photos of dolls using the item. Originally I planned to make a popcorn popper, though I had no use for it, but I turned my mind instead to one of the gaps in my set collection that has long frustrated me: the lack of a 1:6 scale refrigerator. Sure, I’ve got a stove, a sink, a microwave, a coffee maker, a table and chairs, a toaster, a blender, cooking utensils, silverware, plates, bowls, a hutch, crockery, a colander, etc., etc., etc., but I wanted a fridge dammit!
Flower in the window
Flower came to work a few weeks ago to take advantage of the wonderful natural light there. Here he is in the window. I tried to frame shots so that they could include him, as well as the flourishing trees and Lake Champlain, but he wanted the camera to focus on him alone.
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Yup, I think he’s pretty much done.
Usually I’m not a fan of green in faceups, preferring pink, magenta, red, orange, yellow and black, but I must say that Flower is rockin’ the green here. Since the last picture earlier this evening, I progressed the freckles further down his torso and also onto the tops of his shoulders. I also started sealing his mouth with high-gloss varnish and added the style of eye makeup that’s been my signature since the very first faceup I ever did on Sardonix 1.0. Of the BJDs who bug me, Sardonix, Mellifer, Timonium, Yamarrah and now Flower have the upswept eyeliner and the down-slanting eyebrows.
Anyway, behold Flower the Unsubtle! What a change! I always knew he was fabulous…
Flower and the unexpected freckles!
Flower has languished, paintless, since he finished playing Mackenzie in Me and My Muses, but I have finally been giving him a new faceup recently. Continue reading Flower and the unexpected freckles!
New faceups for fairies
Decided last night to take the colors from Flower’s skirt and use them as a palette for his new faceup. Pink! Magenta! Possibly some reddish purple! With accents in lime green [color of his eyes]! I find the pink/purple/lime combination a wonderful one. I may add some swirly viny lines too…
Also decided last night that Polly’s faceup will feature predominantly turquoise, with accents in white and navy blue. There will also be a lot of dots, for example, forming her eyebrows and maybe coming up and out like bubbles from the outer edges of her eyes.
This entry was originally posted at http://modernwizard.dreamwidth.org/1646711.html. You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
Flower as Mackenzie
I’ve wanted to redo Flower’s default faceup for a long time. When the occasion rolled around to create Mackenzie, Ellery’s new love interest, I took the opportunity to wipe Flower and repaint him temporarily to be Mackenzie. Faceup is unsealed, mostly watercolor pencil, with some black acrylic for eyelashes and brown acrylic for eyebrows. Beard shadow was achieved with brown dashes of watercolor pencil, shaded darker with black watercolor pencil where she has the densest facial hair. She’s wearing FR Homme clothes, mostly from London Crossing Kyu [Barrett]. The sweater vest, however, comes from London Crossing Cruz, and it looks gloriously meretricious!
I’m having a really, really hard time referring to Flower as Mackenzie, even though he really looks very different as Mackenzie than he does as himself. :p
Thinking about Flower
Love his headsculpt, love his green/green eyes, love his purple and pink palette and delicate, translucent ears. I do not, however, dig his default pale grey faceup. I am currently thinking about redoing him with some nice bright pinks and purples, similar to Jareth’s colors. He just looks so blah right now.
This entry was originally posted at http://modernwizard.dreamwidth.org/1511736.html. You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
The continuing adventures of Flower, Epona and others
After experiencing violent allergies, Flower tells Epona why he’s really hanging out in the fake forest. Jareth butts in.
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Flower vs. nature
I finally got some green crinkle paper of the right shade to act as ground cover for my forest set! I was just going to take pictures of it, but Flower and Epona started chatting, and this happened…
Concept A+, execution C-
I added some green crinkle paper to my forest for ground cover. After I placed the green paper on the ground, I realized that it was too blue for the forest palette. SHIT!
Flower’s bucolic reverie
Brought to you by cotton print fabric, dried moss, sticks, acrylic paint, plastic greenery, Sculpey, Aves Apoxie Sculpt and brown crinkle paper.
This is a test of brown crinkle paper as undergrowth to break up the rectilinear lines where the sky fabric means the ground board. I think I need some green crinkle paper too. The brown alone does not provide sufficient variation.
Continue reading Flower’s bucolic reverie
Mysterious blood bag
This photostory started off as a simple showcase for my latest 1:6 scale accessory, a blood bag, but then changed into something longer and more pointless.
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New green/green eyes for Flower
I couldn’t see his brown defaults that well, so I gave him some radioactively green ones. It’s hard work being this glamorous, but someone has to do it!
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Chittenden County Doll Club, 02/09/13: everyone’s dolls!
We had the biggest meetup ever this afternoon; five people attended: me, Lyrajean, vermont chick, goldi and Megan, a newcomer. Here are the best of the 177 photos I took:Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 02/09/13: everyone’s dolls!
Flower in a tree
Flower and I went outside and took some pictures. Another reason I like Soom Faery Legends is that they are small enough to be eminently portable, but large enough to pose well [seriously, you can't really pose something <20cm].
Flower is my most beautiful doll!
Continue reading Flower in a tree
Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: Flower and Ginevra
Lyrajean, vermont chick and I attended a meetup yesterday at the Brownell Library in Essex Junction. I brought Flower and Ginevra. Flower's stupid ear fell off in transit, so that's why you're only seeing him from his good side. :p
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: Flower and Ginevra
Ginevra and Flower!!!
I took some quick pictures of Ginevra and Flower because a fellow DOA member wanted comparisons between male and female Soom Faeries. The photos are nothing special, except for the last shot of Ginevra, which captures her petulant beauty and her striking, glowy resin color.
Continue reading Ginevra and Flower!!!
Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Flower
Four people total came to yesterday's meetup at the Brownell Library in Essex Junction: me, goldi, Shion and Lyrajean!! We spent the full 2 hours [and even some overtime] talking ABJDs and taking pictures. First up, some photos of Flower. The light in the Koolvord Room at the library provides much clearer pictures than the light in my bedroom, so these photos of Flower really do him justice and show what a cutie he is!
Continue reading Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Flower
More Flower!
Flower has his wings and hair. I glued the purple wig on. Now he just needs some clothes. Pictures do not do this guy justice. He's extremely cute! ^_^
Continue reading More Flower!
Working on Flower…
Flower, my Soom Faery Sprite of Slumber, came on Monday. I’m just now getting around to putting him together. He’s all strung and everything, but his eyes need to be put in, ears glued on, arms wired and wings magnetized. So far I have put his eyes in, glued on his ears, wired his arms and put the magnets in the sockets in his back. Tomorrow I will glue the magnets into the sockets in his wings.
Flower represents my first male Soom Faery, as well as the first Soom Faery I’ve gotten with a faceup and blushing. I’m not too thrilled with the silly blushing all over his delicate white body, but I love the purple, sparkly, shimmery blushing on his ears and his wings. Both his ears and wings remind me of flower petals…hence his name.
I love Flower’s gentle little face. He reminds me of Soom Sabik, a [very large] doll that I used to have. [I mostly got him because he looks like a small, portable, less expensive Sabik…with bonus shimmery ears and wings!] I do, however, think that his narrow, finely drawn head would fit better on a less muscular body. In fact, as with most of Soom’s sculpts, Flower’s headsculpt is versatile enough to be used for a doll of any sex.
Some owners of CW Soom faeries have reported that the CW resin starts to turn “beauty green” after exposure to even mild, indoor, artificial light! Sadly, I think that will happen with Flower. His head especially already has green undertones, even more noticeable than his body. However, now that I think about it, green skin — or skin with a green tinge — is perfect for a flower fairy, so I’m not too perturbed. Greenness will not detract from Flower’s beauty!
A picture of Flower without his wig follows, then a picture of Flower in his default wig, then a picture of Flower in Lucian’s wig [tee hee!]. I’m not sure what to do about hair for Flower. Unlike Ginevra, he definitely needs hair: a long, flowing abundance. His default wig, a poor quality, plasticky, light purple one, seems to be slightly too small, but maybe I can hot glue it into an acceptable position. I really want him to have purple hair! Alternatively, he does not look that bad in Lucian’s slightly larger blond wig, but he certainly does not appear as otherworldly.
Continue reading Working on Flower…
Flower is shipping!
Flower, my Soom Kremer Faery Sprite of Slumber, is shipping! He should be here next week!
Flower accompanies Ginevra.
I have ordered him with company faceup, eyes, wig and body blushing so that his wings and ears come in those delicate pastel hues. I shall call him Flower, and he will keep Ginevra company!
Kremer the Soom Sprite of Slumber
Look at the little 1:6 fairy with flower-like ears and luscious lips. He is Kremer, the latest in the Soom Faery Legend line, which, by my lights, just keeps getting better and better.
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