Later we three returned to Tech Park. The Spymaster, owned by @natalunasans, discovered a tree root that looked like a butt [hur hur hur] and pointed it out to his student Xeni, also owned by @natalunasans. She overplayed her shock and accusations that he was being cringe because…well…it really did look like a butt.
Continue reading Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the MagisterPosts tagged natalunasans house
A dorklet encounters an Elder Witch!!
Emily, a Petworks Ruruko [redressed, with inner thigh sockets carved out for better sitting], meets the Toon Magister on @natalunasans dining table [guest starring my water bottle in the background]. [With @natalunasans and @roseinthelibrary, I use “dorklet” to refer to a kidsy who embodies the qualities of a dorklet–in this case, unabashed curiosity.] Emily feels somewhat intimidated by the Magister’s august reputation, but not so intimidated that she stops staring. The Magister tries to engage her with his usual combination of courtesy and straightforward respect. Emily isn’t sure how to take this.
Continue reading A dorklet encounters an Elder Witch!!At natalunasans house: Lizzie and others hiking in Tech Park
Today, the last day of the year, we went to Tech Park near @natalunasans house and took pictures of our dolls rock climbing. Yes, it was about 55 degrees F that day.
Lizzie [with greenish hair] is my doll. The Spymaster [in purple, with cane] and Ruth Doctor [in polka dots, with locs] are @natalunasans dolls. [@natalunasans is obscured by an emoji because she did not want her face online.] The Jakks Pacific Disney ILY4ever Nightmare Before Christmas fan doll [with reddish hair, in patchwork skirt] belongs to Rose.
Includes a closeup of the Spymaster because that’s a combination of my digital headsculpt [with cheeks made fuller by @natalunasans] and @natalunasans addition of hair and paint job. I love how she painted him!
Includes behind-the-scenes photos taken by me and @natalunasans showing us taking pictures of our dolls.
EDIT: I just realized that all the pictures are watermarked with January 1, 2025, but I don’t feel like going back and altering all the panels.
Continue reading At natalunasans house: Lizzie and others hiking in Tech ParkAt @natalunasans house, July 5: Lunch and Douglas International Airport
We got up early and had a leisurely morning, leaving very early for lunch at Spice in Fort Mill, a pan-Asian place. We shared kimchi fries [crispy French fries with kimchi and spicy mayonnaise on top] for an appetizer. I had a bulgogi burger, which was a cheeseburger with kimchi and spicy mayonnaise. I could have used more kimchi on the top, as the cheese overpowered it, but it was still decent. Nata had drunken noodles with tofu.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 5: Lunch and Douglas International AirportAt @natalunasans house, July 4: The Spymaster and Ruth Doctor eating bentos [with a special guest appearance from the mini citxs!]
In the semi-sequel to my earlier bento box photostory featuring Toon Silence and Toon Ethan, two of @natalunasans dolls eat the other two bentos I have. Her characters are custom 1:6 scale figures of two Doctor Who characters, Ruth Doctor [with red and black locs] and the Spymaster [with cane].
The cat is a gachapon miniature of a cat posed as the subject in Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream. I just put it in there to be silly and puzzle the characters.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 4: The Spymaster and Ruth Doctor eating bentos [with a special guest appearance from the mini citxs!]At @natalunasans house, July 4: The dining room and projects
I had some travel troubles last night. I was originally supposed to fly to @natalunasans house on July 3, but I received an alert on the afternoon of July 1 from American Airline, warning that my flights could be cancelled because of “severe weather.” As a result, I booked a one-way ticket from Burlington to Charlotte in the evening of July 1. I didn’t use my originally purchased ticket, so both parts of the round trip were cancelled.
I thought that both parts of my originally purchased ticket were cancelled due to the ambiguous “severe weather,” so I booked a one-way ticket from Charlotte to Burlington on Friday. After figuring out that my original ticket was cancelled because I hadn’t used the first part, I cancelled the Friday trip back and bought a one-way ticket back on Thursday.
This morning I talked to customer service and got a credit for the originally booked ticket that I didn’t use. Then I used part of that credit to purchase a flight from Charlotte to Burlington tomorrow, July 5. All other tickets that I had purchased from Charlotte to Burlington were cancelled.
Now I know that I can get “store credit” with airlines. I’ve never rescheduled flights before, and I probably should have turned my original itinerary into credit to purchase my July 1 flight from Burlington to Charlotte, but I did not know that I could. At least I used some credit on my July 5 flight from Charlotte to Burlington, so I didn’t waste that money. I also didn’t spend as much extra as I originally worried that I would.
All of this is to say that I really dislike air travel. I scheduled my return for July 5 instead of July 6 because I had arrived earlier. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome at @natalunasans house. All my flight changes and uncertainty worried me, and I felt a desire to return home as quickly as possible. Hopefully no “severe weather” fucks up my travel plans tomorrow!!
I took some pictures of @natalunasans dining room to illustrate what a comfortable, friendly house she has. There are lots of Colombian things around [as that’s her husband’s country of origin], Jewish things [as she’s Jewish], and cat things [because one-third of their family is Gatin!].
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 4: The dining room and projectsAt @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentos
Probably the most extensive treatment of these Rement bento box lunches that I will ever produce, this photostory features Toon Silence and Toon Ethan having lunch. I imagine that this scene takes place in the courtyard of Hardship High. Weird plants are played by a plastic landscaping piece for use in an aquarium.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentosAt @natalunasans house, July 3: Projects [and bonus miaou!]
We hit a few stores that I don’t have up in Vermont, including Books A Million, Five Below, and Big Lots, this morning. At Big Lots, I picked up one set of Super Impulse Sugar Buzz minis in minis. Surprisingly, I got two options that will look great in my snack and sweet shop, even if I think Necco wafers are repulsive: Necco wafers and Mentos, both decently detailed and scaled for 1:6 scale.
At Five Below, I picked up a Mattel BTS Jimin doll for $5.00 just for the outfit. I have a Mattel Barbie Princess of South Africa doll on an articulated Mattel Barbie Looks body that @natalunasans assures me will look striking in that suit!
@natalunasans gave me a Kenner Bride of Frankenstein [on left in first pic] and a ThreeZero Michonne [character from The Walking Dead, on right in third pic. I hope to move the Bride onto a matching body and make her Fay Pompion, an original character who’s a voice actor and self-styled scream queen. The ThreeZero Michonne got a dress, yarn wig, and bright orange slides from @natalunasans stash. I think her name is Petra.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 3: Projects [and bonus miaou!]At @natalunasans house, July 3: The doll room
The dolls have multiplied since the last time I visited, and they have taked over @natalunasans doll room! Proof below.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 3: The doll roomAt @natalunasans house, July 2: MGA Make It Mini Cafe series 2
We didn’t do a lot because I was recovering from my exhausting travel. I slept late, wrote peacefully in the morning, and napped in the mid-afternoon.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 2: MGA Make It Mini Cafe series 2At @natalunasans house, July 1: Guest bedroom
Trying to avoid bad weather projected for July 3 [my original arrival date], I hopped on a plane a few days early and arrived at @natalunasans house on July 1st. My flight left Burlington International Airport at 7:30 PM and arrived in Charlotte at 9:50 PM. With lots of traffic in the passenger pickup lanes, @natalunasans took a while to find me and rescue me from the airport, so I didn’t get to bed until about midnight.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 1: Guest bedroomAt @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 2 with @natalunasans — Working with the Villa!
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 2 with @natalunasans — Ruth Doctor, Missy, and the Spymaster
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 2 with @natalunasans
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 1 with @cosmomoore
A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: general photos
@dollsahoy, @natalunasans, and I met last weekend for doll geekery! Tagged “natalunasans house” for easy finding, even though I did not go to her house this time.Continue reading A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: general photos
Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
We hit Target before I flew out this morning. I was looking for the Fresh Doll with boingy hair, but didn’t find her. I found some other stuff, though… Continue reading Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
We took some dolls and went to South Mountain State Park, NC for pictures. Continue reading Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
Day 5 with natalunasans — even more tiny books and a meeting of the catwitches
Today I made more 1:6 scale reading material while natalunasans went out and did errands. Continue reading Day 5 with natalunasans — even more tiny books and a meeting of the catwitches
Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Yesterday we headed off to Table Rock State Park. Small-scale drama ensued in the form of a multipart photostory called The Master Disaster. Continue reading Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Day 3 with natalunasans — books, bottles, and cards
Yesterday, July 4th, we celebrated the United States’ independence by staying inside the air-conditioned house, except for an excursion to Books A Million [discount bookstore], Michaels [craft store], and two discount clothing/housewares stores that I forget because I didn’t get anything there.
Continue reading Day 3 with natalunasans — books, bottles, and cards
Day 2 with natalunasans — limb swaps, pulp fiction, and narcotics
Today we stayed indoors with the air conditioning on as we worked industriously on 1:6 scale props. Continue reading Day 2 with natalunasans — limb swaps, pulp fiction, and narcotics
Day 1 with natalunasans — new duds for small populations
I’m currently visiting natalunasans in South Carolina for about 6 days for almost an entire week of doll-related fun. Yesterday my dolls got some new duds. I also got some new dolls. I swear that they multiply when I’m not looking… >_>
Continue reading Day 1 with natalunasans — new duds for small populations
More stuff from @natalunasans’ house: clothes, props, kids, and a freaked out Master
Some more pics of stuff that I got when I went to see @natalunasans this past weekend. Continue reading More stuff from @natalunasans’ house: clothes, props, kids, and a freaked out Master
Shalkaverses collide part II: @natalunasans’ and my Alisons and their girlfriends
I visited @natalunasans over last weekend. After our Shalka Doctors and Masters met each other, our Shalka Alisons met and had a picnic with their girlfriends. @natalunasans’ dolls are on the left, mine on the right. @natalunasans’ Hot Toys Rocket tries to get the damn kids off his lawn. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Food made by Rose!
Continue reading Shalkaverses collide part II: @natalunasans’ and my Alisons and their girlfriends
Master meets Master: my Shalka Master and @natalunasans’ Simm Master cosplaying Razor
While I was at @natalunasans’ house over the past weekend, my Shalka Master met her Simm Master. They’ve talked before and gotten on pretty well, but this is the first time they met in…person? Since @natalunasans had just taken pictures of her Simm as Razor, I decided that, for some reason, he was cosplaying Razor. The two proceeded to give each other shit about their outfits. Ah, friendship. Continue reading Master meets Master: my Shalka Master and @natalunasans’ Simm Master cosplaying Razor
When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
My Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master met @natalunasans’ Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master when I went to @natalunasans’ house recently. My Doctor is a custom Richard E. Grant sculpt that I modded the eyebrows on and repainted, putting on a Triad body. My Master is a custom Roger Delgado sculpt that I painted and put on a Hot Toys body. @natalunasans’ Doctor and Master are both custom sculpts by @thegoodwhovian on Hot Toys bodies. Cape in question by me. Background by @natalunasans. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props.
Continue reading When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
Small populations from @natalunasans’ house!
I went to @natalunasans’ house for a long weekend, coming back today. My DW dolls met her DW dolls and had several photostories. I also helped her sort some of her massive amounts of 1:6 scale stuff and chose those items that I wanted for myself. Continue reading Small populations from @natalunasans’ house!