Jareth, Dorothy, and Honorine attended. Pics on blargh.
Posts tagged jareth
Jareth in frilly, ruffly Elizabethan garb
Damn…I haven’t taken photos of this dude in years. In fact, he’s been in my closet for quite a few months, as I was rearranging my room and making space for 1:6 scale inhabitants. But @supergranularqueer inspired me to have a coming out party for Jareth which involved changing his clothes. Phew, now I remember why I don’t do that too often. He has fiddly, complex, bespoke couture that requires hours to get him into. Of course, I really have no one to blame but myself for his style, since I commissioned all his clothes based on my own designs.
Behold one of his inimitable looks, vaguely Elizabethan, insofar as it’s layered, puffy, frilly, ruffly, and froofy. Behold as well the glory that is my creative chaos.
Damn, Jareth. Just DAMN. How do you manage to look so hot in everything and anything?!
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 10/14/2017
Jareth, Thalia, Timonium, and some others attended. Pics on official blargh.
Turnabout is fair play for really sarcastic dolls.
Jareth and Submit continue Valentine’s adventures.
Continue reading Turnabout is fair play for really sarcastic dolls.
Really sarcastic dolls continue Valentine’s Day adventures.
This time it’s Jareth and Submit [with me talking off-screen in the first panel]. They’re so cute together!
Continue reading Really sarcastic dolls continue Valentine’s Day adventures.
Jareth is flaming.
But we knew that already. :p
Behold the glory of tacking with colored thread. Jareth’s wig is made on the same principle as Yamarrah’s: same fur, same stitching up of selected spikes to create an anti-grav look. This time, though, instead of using white thread all the way around, I employed my new colored threads to stitch up red spikes with red thread and orange with orange.
I also eschewed the Mod Podge for this one. Mod Podge helps the colors of Yamarrah’s wig blend, thus looking more like flames, while Jareth’s wig looks fluffier and more fiber-like and hair-like.
Jareth knows he looks hilarious, and he’s down with that. ^_^
Standing tall
My crotch stand for Jareth from Mint on Card arrived today, so here he is getting a wedgie and showing just how long his legs are. It’s 17 inches or 43cm from crotch to ground when he’s wearing those shoes. In other words, his legs are as long as a standard 1:4 scale BJD is high. 0_0
Yamarrah’s wig construction [with bonus Jareth!]
Made another draft wig this morning out of pink fibers, cutting them with the grain so that the hair pointed down. I rolled under less of the edges so that this one was a bit bigger than the first draft, but still snug. Yamarrah models in the first picture, Jareth in the second.
Confident that my pattern would fit Yamarrah, I cut out her final wig from the yellow base fur with red and orange spikes. The third picture shows her hair before styling. I then saw that her hair sat high on her forehead, so I experimented with the addition of a widow’s peak. The last picture shows her current hair after the addition of Mod Podge and widow’s peak, a separate triangular piece of fur that I stitched in.
I still want to give her little pieces of loose hair hanging in front of her ears. I am satisfied with progress so far, though.
Continue reading Yamarrah’s wig construction [with bonus Jareth!]
The Excessive school of decoration
This is how Jareth thinks:
If pink hair is good, fluorescent pink hair is better!
If two leather collars are good, two leather collars and a locking bolero/pauldron thing with chains and dangly accents is better!
If calf-high platform heels are good, knee-high platform stiletto heels are better!
If a black cape is good, a sparkly black cape is better!
[P.S. I’m not really sure what’s up with the glasses, but he seems pretty attached to them. :p ]
Behold him below in more clothes created by the inimitable, fastidious and brilliant Brenda/Isabeau/Pansy Fashions:
[incoherent jubilation]
Jareth’s body and his ridiculous clothes have come home from Brenda/Isabeau/Pansy Fashions! I prepared tools and camera for the happy event, but neglected to bring wire so that I could string his legs. Mr. Demandypants is temporarily Mr. Demandynopants.
Jareth’s latest faceup
Erased the watercolor pencil lips and redid them in paint. Bottom lip is tomato red acrylic. Top lip is same, darkened with a bit of black. Also went over his eyebrows with black paint. Sealed the shit out of his mouth with satin varnish and eyebrows with matte.
Here he is borrowing Yamarrah’s body. The bad proportions make me twitch.
I miss Jareth :(
I mean, I miss my Jareth BJD, whose body is out at the tailor’s. He used to sit right next to my living room chair so that I could enjoy his gleeful fabulosity merely by looking over to the side. Now he’s temporarily gone. I hope he’ll be back soon!
This entry was originally posted at http://modernwizard.dreamwidth.org/1539856.html. You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
NOPE! Not working.
I decided to improve Jareth’s faceup today. Since his body is out being fitted for fabulous clothes beyond imagination [!!!!!!!], Janvier Jett allowed him to borrow hers. First he borrowed her wig and glasses too. He has rocked her wig and a pair of the orange spectacles before, but him on her body with all her gear just strikes me as jarringly wrong. [I wonder what he’ll look like on Yamarrah’s Domuya Flexi body when it comes?]
The investigation of Timonium
Remember last month, when my BJDs were discussing the taciturn newcomer Timonium? I shot the continuation of that completely trivial and banal saga almost a month ago, but have not gotten around to posting it until now. Since Jareth has gone off to a tailor’s to acquire some bespoke couture, who will be the voice of reason in his stead??? Who cares?
Continue reading The investigation of Timonium
The continuing adventures of Flower, Epona and others
After experiencing violent allergies, Flower tells Epona why he’s really hanging out in the fake forest. Jareth butts in.
Continue reading The continuing adventures of Flower, Epona and others
Airing his nethers
Jareth is currently hanging out in the window [open for the first time this season!], wearing the final Corset Thingie of Awesomeness from Isabeau [+ matching miniskirt]. No underwear…hence the post title. He looks almost sweet in some of these pictures, but don’t be deceived.
Mysterious blood bag
This photostory started off as a simple showcase for my latest 1:6 scale accessory, a blood bag, but then changed into something longer and more pointless.
Continue reading Mysterious blood bag
This violin magnet…
…was purchased for the sole purpose of illustrating the joke below. Coincidentally, it also happens to be perfectly 1:6 scale, so, now that its express purpose is finished, some musically inclined 1:6er may appropriate it.
Hangin’ out in my closet, doing what he does best
No, not making smart remarks. Being beautiful. :p
Look…boring pictures. Continue reading Hangin’ out in my closet, doing what he does best
Bunny bread from Great Harvest
Great Harvest makes big and little bunny breads the week before Easter. I picked one up Friday because it was so cute. It freaked out the local doll population.
Continue reading Bunny bread from Great Harvest
Jareth gets handsy.
I have really disliked Jareth’s default hands. As much as I find the sculpts elegant, they have wrist balls separate from the actual hands, and the hands frequently popped out of joint from the wrists.
I therefore thought that some substitutes with integrated wrist balls were in order. I really wanted a set of exaggeratedly elongated, slender hands to go along with the stalklike shape of the Doll Chateau adult male body. The fantasy hands that Soom issues with some of its female Monthly Dolls appeal to me, as they often have extra-long fingers and nails, but they are hard to find, given their limited editions.
Anyway, I found a set of Soom Breccia’s Foxie [=fantasy] hands on the DOA marketplace and snapped ’em up. At first I wasn’t sure about the brownish pink blushing on the fingertips, but it goes with Mr. Demandypants’ style.
As a bonus, they’re posed in a perfect position to facilitate nefarious plotting!
I also remembered how to create my own speech bubbles and how to make them automatically white with a thick black outline and a drop shadow.
Waiting for Yamarrah with Jareth and Araminthe
An entirely pointless photostory in direct continuation of that posted earlier!
Continue reading Waiting for Yamarrah with Jareth and Araminthe
Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix part II
The rest of the story, such as it is.
Continue reading Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix part II
Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix
Well, that was arduous. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I created custom panel layouts in Photoshop Elements and then figured out how to stick photos in the panels so that they wouldn’t overlap and/or block out other panels or photos.
I thoroughly frustrated myself in research about transparency, layer masks and clipping masks until I discovered that Elements has a Paste to Selection tool. I therefore just selected the interior of the desired panel with the Magic Wand tool, then copied my desired photo and Pasted to Selection.
After the photo is pasted, I can resize and reposition it, although this feature goes away as the panel and photo layers merge when I move to work on another panel. I’m sure there’s a way to Paste to Selection or its equivalent, while retaining the ability to resize and reposition the pasted photo, but this method suffices for now.
So here’s me experimenting with my new pages with the help of Jareth and Sardonix. I need to create custom shapes for speech bubbles with different orientations and also figure out how to make the bubbles default to white with black outlines and the text default to black, but, again, this suffices for now.Continue reading Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix
Casual Jareth is casual.
He and Jujube are making good friends apparently!
Jareth got restrung with 3mm elastic this afternoon, which makes him much looser. The 4mm he came with had wayyyyy too much tension. It allowed him to stand, but it compromised the poseability in his arms. I’d rather have more poseable arms than legs. My dolls tend to slouch around in aesthetically pleasing ways anyway rather than stand. Continue reading Casual Jareth is casual.
Jareth’s mind is in the gutter.
Or in his pants. Not sure which.
Or his pants are in the gutter.
I took off Jareth’s jacket, undid his shirt and lay him supine on my desk so I could measure [approximately] from nipple to crotch for the Corset Thing of Awesomeness. When I looked up from putting away the ruler, this happened:Continue reading Jareth’s mind is in the gutter.
There’s some dude hanging around in my closet.
He looks really good in pink!
Continue reading There’s some dude hanging around in my closet.
Jareth in the window
Hanging out in my office window because the light is much better at work than in my apartment.
Continue reading Jareth in the window
Any more will mess it up.
Pretty much done with Jareth for now. I gave his bangs a trim and evened out some of the color application. One picture without glasses, one picture with. I find it amusing to see him with glasses. At the same time, they go well with the planes of his face.
Prepare yourself, ladies and gentlequeers.
What you are about to see will shock and astound you.
I offer you a fainting couch if you feel a syncope of amazement coming on.
If your companion passes out, please use the complimentary smelling salts to bring them around.
We also have antacid tablets for those who truly can’t stomach the sight.
…As well as blindfolds for those who don’t even want to think about looking in its general direction.
Is everyone ready? Good. Continue reading Prepare yourself, ladies and gentlequeers.
Jareth is a fucking goof.
His appropriately sized hair came today, both in size 7-8. The first one is Pretty Girl in light peach and white blond. The second is Starr in white blond.
Continue reading Jareth is a fucking goof.
Jareth in Cheerydoll duds
I finally threw on Jareth's Cheerydoll trench coat, even though he insisted it was not froofy enough for him. Nevertheless, he rocked it, as well as an extra pair of specs that I bought when purchasing Janvier Jett's.
Continue reading Jareth in Cheerydoll duds
Jareth in red
I was getting tired of tripping over Jareth's exceptionally long cape and the train on his Ringdoll Frankenstein hot pants, so I swapped him into his other outfit: a sheer red Cheerydoll blouse and black leggings with yet another pair of black platform heels [but these are only calf-high]. I tried to get a good picture of his shirt, but I have yet to figure out how to master low light conditions. Therefore you get only glimpses of his shirt and much more detailed shots of him in Janvier Jett's wig, in which he looks fucking awesome.
Madness takes its toll…fifty cents, please!
After having taken photos of Jareth rocking the "Richard O'Brien as Riff Raff in RHPS" look, I like him so much more than when he was overwhelmed by the 8-9 wig I originally had for him. He looks elegant, ridiculous and stylized all at the same time, which is exactly how I imagine him to look.
Continue reading Madness takes its toll…fifty cents, please!
The asshole demanded more hair. >_>
I decided that Mr. Pointyhead McDemandypants' size 8-9 wig overwhelmed his narrow face, so I bought him two Monique wigs in size 7-8. [His head is 8 inches in circumference.] One is a long straight light blond with a center part. The other is a light blond Jarethian style. Boy, it's really hard to find long straight wigs WITHOUT bangs.
Initial photos of Mr. Pointyhead McDemandypants
I was going to stay off the compooper, but I couldn't resist shooting a few crappy photos of Mr. Pointyhead McDemandypants, who arrived today. Detailed commentary later this week. For now, feast your eyes on the cheekbones that can cut glass!!!
Continue reading Initial photos of Mr. Pointyhead McDemandypants
My Jareth: faceup
Meggilu has an extremely detailed tutorial about how to paint eyebrows on BJDs. I may use it, or I might squint and say, "Okay…the eyebrows go about there…" *scribble*
Naiara's general faceup tutorial on DOA.
Cifr's general faceup tutorial on DOA.
Elisa_maza's tutorial on DOA.
Leechy's tutorial on DOA.
Continue reading My Jareth: faceup