I’ve been waiting for so long to make this pun…Continue reading Ten pictures concerning absolutely nothing!
Posts tagged the doctor
The Doctor 2.0 and the Master’s new clothes
When I think of the Doctor from Doctor Who, I think of the Doctor from Scream of the Shalka. Played by Richard E. Grant and written by Paul Cornell to be a snarky, smug, petulant, dry, sarcastic, emotionally walled-off person with depression, they’re understandable, but not particularly approachable. Because I like happy characters, I decided to treat much of the Doctor’s attitude in SotS as manifestations of depressive symptoms.
I write all my fanfic from the perspective of the Doctor having recovered from much of their misery. They are now playful, witty, elliptical, and silly. They love plants and music; they frequently express themself in poetry and puns, and they do not match at all. Continue reading The Doctor 2.0 and the Master’s new clothes
The messy lab and new contents
Shit, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. In the meantime, I’ve been quite busy. Continue reading The messy lab and new contents
A slightly racier set of mini pulps, as read by Alison and her extended Dork Fam
The mini pulps I made today and yesterday are racier than earlier sets. See details as Alison and her extended Dork Fam gather in the Spymaster’s lab for some reading time. The first set took pictures from late 19th and early 20th century ads for circuses, plays, magicians, and Navy recruitment. The next three, all featuring Terra Nova and her spacesuits of dubious functionality, combine renders that I made in Daz Studio on the fronts and 20th century vibrator ads on the backs. Continue reading A slightly racier set of mini pulps, as read by Alison and her extended Dork Fam
How to entertain a bunch of nerds: snacks and pulps
More shots of my recently created pulps and Rocket Fuel Foods in action, courtesy of Alison and her extended Dork Fam. Continue reading How to entertain a bunch of nerds: snacks and pulps
Presenting THE Doctor and the Judge!
Two years or so ago, Big Chief Studios put out some amazing prototype pics for their doll of Geoffrey Holder as Baron Samedi in Live and Let Die. I saw the wonderfully expressive open-mouthed face and promptly declared that it was clearly a doll of the Doctor from some other universe. A whole history developed in my mind.
Before they were THE Doctor and the Judge, they were just two kids who were the best of friends who swore that they’d always be together and do the right thing. They drifted apart when, in early adulthood, D was recruited to be a medical assassin for the Council of Time Fascists, while J was recruited to enforce the elite fascist policies. They both compromised themselves so deeply that they were sure that the other wouldn’t accept them anymore, so they stayed away from one another.
The Time War was when shit really went down. THE Doctor, who was by then THE Doctor, was killing in the service of “the right time,” whatever that way, while the Judge, who was by then the Judge, was rendering verdicts in service of the Time Fascists and their concept of a “pure timeline.” Eventually THE Doctor rebelled and refused to kill, which brought him to trial, presided over by the Judge. Either she recused herself, or she just blatantly refused to convict him, so the fascists felt compelled to punish them both.
Then things start looking up because there was a horrendous space kablooey [or something], and an explosion kicks both THE Doctor and the Judge out of their universe and onto Alison’s Earth with complete retrograde amnesia [because why not?!]. Alison, ofc, meets the Judge because she has an affinity for Time Dorks like the Magister [Shalka Master, one of her partners in my fics] on her side of the pond, while Bill, ofc, meets THE Doctor because she has an affinity for Time Dorks like him. Because the Judge knows a lot about THE Doctor and vice versa, Alison and the others in the U.S. [i.e., the Magister and the Stylist] assume that the Judge is the Doctor from another universe. Bill and the others in England [i.e., the Doctor and Harry] assume that THE Doctor is the Master from another universe. Hah!
Anyway, the Dork Fam brings THE Doctor and the Judge together and helps them to remember who they are. Alison and Bill assure them that this is a happy ‘verse where no one is conscripting you, monitoring you, or making you condemn your friends. Both THE Doctor and the Judge’s minds are rather blown by the possibilities. With Alison’s permission, they decide to hang out in her universe for a while.
Sheep Happens!: A pointless photostory!
Wow, twelve panels in which to say nothing at all… My sister gave me a felted sheep for use in a photostory, so here’s its starring role. Continue reading Sheep Happens!: A pointless photostory!
Recent projects II: Another hand-sewn apron!
I have always envisioned the Doctor as a person with about five types of eyewear on their head and a work apron filled with all sorts of stuff. Part of my vision came true last week when I made them a work apron full of pockets. It was initially going to be a single layer of that goldenrod felt, but then I decided to reinforce it. Then I decided to be artsy-fartsy. Then I decided to add more pockets…and more…and more. It came out extremely loud, extremely pocket-laden, and therefore perfect for the Doctor!
Continue reading Recent projects II: Another hand-sewn apron!
The [extended] Dork fam in THE THINGIE!!!!!!
I just saw this digital model, a steampunk time machine, and needed to shoot a photostory about it. Naturally all my Doctor Who dolls got in on the action…Continue reading The [extended] Dork fam in THE THINGIE!!!!!!
Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Alison, Bill, the Master, and the Doctor have New Year’s sentiments to impart. Continue reading Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
I worked today on my 1:9 scale Doctor Who gang… Continue reading Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Pictures of the latest adventures in 1:9 scale — i.e., hybrids with 3″ Titan vinyl heads and action figure bodies — below. Continue reading 1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Stuff I got last weekend
VTDL met last Saturday, with Eseme and Kukolka from the Figurvore boards coming specifically for 1:6 scale selling, swapping, and enjoyment. I got some cool stuff for both my sets and my 1:9 scale Dork fam.
Adventures in 1:9 scale, or, I blame Bill Potts!
The three best companions ever in the history of Doctor Who are tied for first place: Alison Cheney, Bill Potts, and the Master. Alison and Bill suffered truly shitty adventures, so I paired them off, and now they are living happily.
Anyway, I’m always looking for little 3D representations of Bill, so I was checked online to see if Character Options had made her yet. No, of course not. But I did discover a Titan vinyl figure of her with a wonderful caricature that captures the essence of her lively, curious, upbeat personality. It also looks amazingly like Pearl Mackie, so of course I had to get it.
Further research into the DW offerings from Titan revealed more of my favorite characters, including the Third Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, and [coming in September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Delgado Master. I began to consider the possibility of dolls in this scale, especially since there were headsculpts for two of my core fanfic characters, Bill and the Master.
But what about Alison and the Doctor? I decided I could get a decent Shalka Doctor out of the First Doctor Titan. Then I discovered Toy Biz Famous Cover 9″ action figures of superheroes. One of them, Storm, looked in the pictures like she might approximate Alison’s sharp features, so I ordered her.
Well, Storm’s head turned out to be small, asymmetrical, and un-charming, so that was a bust. However, Titan Bill’s head looks great, accounting, of course, for eventual skintone matching.
This was not enough to console me, however, because I was still pissed off my by lack of Alison. Then I realized that I’m a digital sculptor with access to a 3D printer, and I have also made a digital Alison. I can just print her out at the correct size. With 1:9 scale versions of all four members of the Dork fam in the offing, I was finally pleased. Pics below. Continue reading Adventures in 1:9 scale, or, I blame Bill Potts!
Recent 1:6 scale activities part I: BC Mini cake and candy house keyrings
Do your small populations need some totally blinged out desserts of questionable aesthetic value? Look no further. BC Mini, purveyor of Japanese novelty erasers, keychains, squishy food replicas, and other necessary things, sells overdecorated circular cakes and candy houses, perfect for all your small-scale baking competitions. Continue reading Recent 1:6 scale activities part I: BC Mini cake and candy house keyrings
Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
We hit Target before I flew out this morning. I was looking for the Fresh Doll with boingy hair, but didn’t find her. I found some other stuff, though… Continue reading Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
We took some dolls and went to South Mountain State Park, NC for pictures. Continue reading Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
Day 3 with natalunasans — books, bottles, and cards
Yesterday, July 4th, we celebrated the United States’ independence by staying inside the air-conditioned house, except for an excursion to Books A Million [discount bookstore], Michaels [craft store], and two discount clothing/housewares stores that I forget because I didn’t get anything there.
Continue reading Day 3 with natalunasans — books, bottles, and cards
Day 2 with natalunasans — limb swaps, pulp fiction, and narcotics
Today we stayed indoors with the air conditioning on as we worked industriously on 1:6 scale props. Continue reading Day 2 with natalunasans — limb swaps, pulp fiction, and narcotics
Small sets in my bedroom and bonus Shalka dorks
I used to have just my dolls hanging out on shelves, talking to each other so that they wouldn’t get bored. Back in February of this year, though, I realized that I also had lots of nifty furniture, props, accessories, etc., that languished in storage. I could arrange them into vignettes for my dolls so they could do activities besides talking! Below are overviews of each scene, then detail shots. Continue reading Small sets in my bedroom and bonus Shalka dorks
MW’s biggest prop — and introducing Robo Ten!
I got a TARDIS in the mail from @natalunasans recently! Also a smiling Ten head! Here’s my largest prop and my interpretation of the Tenth Doctor.
Robo Ten is my fanfic universe’s version of the Tenth Doctor, a robotic replica created by Harry [Simm Master]. Robo Ten is a slightly enhanced BCS smiling Ten head on a BCS body with Triad Alpha hands and Hot Toys shoefeet. Sweatshirt is from TTYA.com, and jeggings were commandeered from a Mattel articulated Curvy.
Since Robo Ten is even messier than regular Ten, I took off their bangs, dunked in hot water, reshaped, then froze for a while. Antennae are wired that I coiled around a bamboo skewer, then hot glued behind the ears, adding beads to the top. Yes, I added eyeliner and lipstick to my version of Robo Ten. I love this headsculpt. The expression is playful, geeky, and slightly sheepish.
As for the TARDIS, this thing is so frickin’ cool [besides being frickin’ heavy and frickin’ large]. I’m pretty sure it’s the BCS Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS. It has a little phone, an openable door to go in, a little door to reach in and get the phone, and battery-operated lights. I particularly like the herringbone pattern of the flagstones inside. Anyway, you’ll be seeing more of it just because it’s really cool. I hope to do some on-location shoots….Continue reading MW’s biggest prop — and introducing Robo Ten!
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse I
The Little Shalka Dorks get busy with a new project: an old toy horse of my mom’s that we rescued from my parents’ attic around last Xmas. Little Alison is the one playing with dolls. Little Bill is the one reading pulp fiction. The Little Witch, in the cape and top hat, is my version of the Master when he was a little girl. The Little Fixit, with alien T-shirt and tool box, is my version of the Doctor as a kid. None of this information is really necessary to understand and enjoy the story.
Part I: The Dorks Gather.
Shalka Dorks Camping VIII — Beach II
Shalka Dorks encounter a KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inspired by this xkcd cartoon. The Shalka Dorks meet a cat. Hand felted by Nitwit Oddments on Etsy, this was originally a brooch, a little large for 1:6 scale, but so damn cute that I couldn’t resist. Alison [in dress] is a human. The Master [left] and the Doctor [right] are Time Lords Dorks. Continue reading Shalka Dorks encounter a KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
My Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master met @natalunasans’ Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master when I went to @natalunasans’ house recently. My Doctor is a custom Richard E. Grant sculpt that I modded the eyebrows on and repainted, putting on a Triad body. My Master is a custom Roger Delgado sculpt that I painted and put on a Hot Toys body. @natalunasans’ Doctor and Master are both custom sculpts by @thegoodwhovian on Hot Toys bodies. Cape in question by me. Background by @natalunasans. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props.
Continue reading When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
“But he’s a GOOD kitty!”: the Doctor paints a T-shirt for the Master
The Doctor is very proud of themselves. The Master is…less so. Alison thinks the whole thing is damn cute. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Continue reading “But he’s a GOOD kitty!”: the Doctor paints a T-shirt for the Master
Shalka Dorks read more pulp fiction
Making mini vintage sci-fi pulps is too much fun, so I made another four. Here are the Shalka Dorks engrossed again.
Shalka Dorks read pulp fiction
The Internet Archive has a beautiful trove of pulp magazines ranging from the late 1800s through the 1990s, all free, all scanned in high-quality color, available for you to read or to admire the pretty pictures.
Being a sci-fi and fantasy fan, as well as a connoisseur of the Technicolor cover art of 20th century pulps of that genre, I picked out some of most iconic and amusing covers for my own use. I modified the covers to add silly titles and author names. Then I reduced covers and backs to a size at which people could still admire the covers, but at which my 1:6 scale populations could also read them.
Here are my Shalka Dorks getting meta-fictional: sci-fi characters reading Atomic Age pulps!
Shalka dork photos: there’s one in every picture…
From left to right: the Doctor, the Master, Alison, Brad, the Stylist. There’s always someone a) not looking at the camera [the Doctor], b) wondering if this is beneath his dignity [the Master], c) totally chill as the center of attention [Alison], d) hamming it up [Brad], or e) not at all thrilled with any of the proceedings [the Stylist].Continue reading Shalka dork photos: there’s one in every picture…
Shalka dorks have Halorvic buttons; Farrier has identity crisis
@natalunasans surprised me recently by sending me some Doctor Who and Doctor Who extended universe buttons by @halorvic of Coffee and Tea Dragon fame. I got probably my five favorite DW characters in halorvic’s inimitably cute style: Alison Cheney [Shalkaverse], the Master [Shalkaverse], the Ninth Doctor [Shalkaverse], Delgado Master, and the canonical Tenth Doctor. The three main Shalka dorks posed proudly with pictures of themselves, although my iteration of the Master was confused, as he’s robotic, a la Shalkaverse Master, but Delgadesco in every other way. He decided to hold up both. For those who are interested, you can buy your own fab Halorvic stuff here.
Everything went well until a Zombieville denizen, Farrier, discovered that one of the buttons looked strangely like him. [No surprise there, as he’s a BCS Tenth Doctor.] He puzzled for some time over whether it could indeed be a cartoon of him before deciding that it couldn’t possibly because it looked way too happy.
Continue reading Shalka dorks have Halorvic buttons; Farrier has identity crisis
Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Climbing the Lilac Tree
Alison and the aliens went out in the front lawn and climbed a lilac bush tree. [Just pretend that the Master found a way out of the TARDIS, okay?] Alison literally hung around, which made the Master nervous. Then the Doctor sang a lot and nearly flattened the Master, which made him annoyed. Alison, very worried, wanted to know if the Master was okay, an inquiry which he found rather confusing. They all went home because he needed some fixing up. Alison insisted on accompanying the Master during his surgery, which caused him yet another moment of confusion. After that, Alison hugged him, which was also very puzzling. In short, it was a very confusing day — well, for the evil alien super-powered robot at least.
Continue reading Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Climbing the Lilac Tree
Shalkaverse dorks and their default postures
Experimenting with body language — here’s the Shalka dorks and their default postures upon encountering something new.
Continue reading Shalkaverse dorks and their default postures
Ziggy Marshall, magician!
I had a Mattel Fashionista Zigzag Curvy hanging around, the cool WOC with half cornrows and half rooted blond curls. I also recently acquired a Wolf King Female Joker, mostly for her cool clothes, a reinterpretation of the Joker’s from Batman Begins. The two-tone hair on the accompanying sculpt put me in mind of Zigzag, whose head I liked more. I decided to make a person cosplaying the Joker.
Of course, that’s where my idea started, but Ziggy took it in her own direction. At first I thought I could pop her head on the Wolf King body and just paint the neck to match, then hide the rest with clothes. Well, it turns out that paint don’t stick to those #%&%@$ squishy bust bodies, so I hacked off the Curvy’s bust. I removed the arms and reamed out the inside of the bust with my Dremel, then glued it over the Wolf King framework. Then I had only to cover everything else up with clothes, which I did. Ziggy’s pink socks prompted me to keep her BRIGHT PINK lips and then add some more pink in the form of the hair covering her original rooting area.
Anyway, folks, here’s Ziggy Marshall, the Maestra of Mystery, the Magical Master…Maestro of Mistress… Fuck it. The title is still a work in progress, apparently. Anyway, she’s a stage magician. She can juggle pretty well, but her specialty is scrying, which is cold reading with an acrylic juggling ball as a prop.
Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Get Me to the Doctor!
The Master is prevailed upon to compromise his dignity [?], which appears to be a regular occurrence. Continue reading Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Get Me to the Doctor!
“Welcome to the cabaret!”: Here’s the Shalka Doctor!
The final Shalkaverse cast member is done. Here’s the Doctor! Headsculpt is a custom sculpt of Richard E. Grant as Withnail, which works surprisingly well as a base for the Doctor. I modded it by removing the original eyebrows and sculpting them higher on the forehead. I painted the head and stuck it on a Triad Omega body. Hands are from an unknown figure. Vest, pants, shoes, and coat are from Pop Toys’ British Detective figure. Cape is by dollsahoy. Shirt is from unknown figure.
Despite being conceived of as “aristocratic and aloof” by screenwriter Paul Cornell, my Shalka Doctor wouldn’t know “aristocratic and aloof” if it smacked them upside the head. They’re rather a mess, which is why their shirt is untucked and vest unbuttoned. They’re an extremely enthusiastic and hammy person, any aloofness being a misinterpretation of the fact that they often get distracted in their attempt to experience all of life in all its wonder all at once. While they certainly have various wells of guilt, melancholy, and sadness inside them, I wanted to emphasize their scenery-chewing aspects — hence the boingy eyebrows and blue eye makeup. Hey…it works!
Continue reading “Welcome to the cabaret!”: Here’s the Shalka Doctor!