The Little Dorks came to VTDL yesterday, along with my collection of felted sleeping cats. They played with their toys and then, inspired by the cats, took a nap.Continue reading Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 02/08/2020
Posts tagged vermont doll lovers
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/21/2019 — the Little Dorks
The Little Dorks and Clara [Mattel Nutcracker and the Four Realms doll of Clara, i.e., the only fully articulated Skipper-size body that was around before the Mattel Creatable World line] attended VTDL yesterday. I opened up my two Mattel Creatable World dolls, purchased on sale at the end of November for $10.00, and took pictures of the CW clothes with my Little Dorks.Continue reading Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/21/2019 — the Little Dorks
The Little Dorks in the candy store!
On November 9th, I took part of my grocery store set to VTDL: the sweets/snacks/candy. I also took the Little Dorks, who had a great time shopping and eating.
Other photos from VTDL are on the official blargh.
Broom lessons for the Little Witch
VTDL occurred today. The Little Witch, Carnelian, and Anna attended. The Little Witch had broom lessons and a mishap!! Wordless photostory below. Continue reading Broom lessons for the Little Witch
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 06/15/2019
I took a bunch of 1:6 scale doofuses, including Iris, Bailey and Pammy, Major Tom, and 1:6 scale Thirteenth Doctor.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 04/13/2019
Araminthe and Fritillaria attended. Pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers February meetup, 02/09/2019
Clara, Thirteen, Missy, and a Barbie attended. Pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 03/09/2019
Ann, Jujube, and others went to VTDL with me. Pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers year-end meetup, 12/15/2018
Jareth, Dorothy, and Honorine attended. Pics on blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 09/15/2018
The residents of House Rainbow Barf, Jujube, Jeff, Honorine, and Dorothy, attended.
Paper dolls from VTDL part II — late Sixties and early Seventies styles!
Mary again brought more paper dolls to VTDL last month, and I only got around to processing the pics today. Below…more fashions clearly designed by people who were having fun exaggerating the traits of current trends. Continue reading Paper dolls from VTDL part II — late Sixties and early Seventies styles!
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 08/11/2018
Delmar, Polly, and a Dieter Muller American Teen came from my population. Pictures on blargh.
Otakuthon DollFest, 08/04/2018: Saturday meetup
Saturday morning we started the day with the DollFest meetup, where I assiduously chased around people until I got their names, the names of the doll sculpts, and the names of their doll makers. I enjoyed an excuse to talk to strangers and share our enthusiasm.
Continue reading Otakuthon DollFest, 08/04/2018: Saturday meetup
Otakuthon DollFest, Montreal, Quebec, 08/03/2018-08/05/2018: Friday travel and hotel, Saturday morning
Bittersweet Blue, Lyrajean, and I traveled up to Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Friday morning for the BJD-related programming at Otakuthon. Continue reading Otakuthon DollFest, Montreal, Quebec, 08/03/2018-08/05/2018: Friday travel and hotel, Saturday morning
Paper dolls from VTDL — the glory of the Seventies!!
Mary brought hundreds of pages of paper dolls to the VTDL meetup earlier this month, but I just processed the pictures tonight. All of them capture the bright colors and enthusiasm for prints characteristic of 1971. And they were all so playful and exuberant that I couldn’t select a few favorites. All the [crappy] photos are below the cut. Continue reading Paper dolls from VTDL — the glory of the Seventies!!
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 06/09/18
Frittilaria and Never the Less went. Pictures on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 05/12/2018
The inhabitants of House Rainbow Barf [Jujube, Dorothy, Jeff, and Honorine] went to VTDL last Saturday. Pics and video on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 04/14/2018
Sardonix, Thalia, and Sweet Sue went to VTDL today. Official blargh has photos and video.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 03/17/2018
Araminthe, Yamarrah, some Mattel Curvies, and Donna [a new-to-me 1950s American Character doll] attended yesterday. Blarghity blargh blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 02/17/2018
Fritillaria and Sardonix attended. Shitty pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/9/2017
Sardonix, Jujube, Dorothy, Jeff, Honorine, Submit, and Touralyn went. Pics on offical blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 11/11/2017
Fritillaria “Don’t Call Me Fritzi!” went. Pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 10/14/2017
Jareth, Thalia, Timonium, and some others attended. Pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 08/12/2017
Sardonix and Yamarrah went to VTDL. Pics on official blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 07/15/2017
Sardonix and others went to the VTDL meetup, but only the photo with Sardonix came out. Pics on official blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 6/17/2017
Doll lovers from Montreal came to the BEACH PARTY themed meetup! The gang from house Rainbow Barf [Jujube, Jeff, Dorothy, and Honorine] represented my small populations. Pics on official blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/17/2016
Araminthe, Polly, and Timonium went to VTDL yesterday, where they joined in the small-scale feast.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 11/12/2016
Araminthe and Thalia accompanied me to last Saturday’s meetup, pictures of which are on the blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 06/11/2016
Better late than never, I suppose, photos appear on the VTDL blog. Dorothy, Jeff, and Honorine played in the sandbox!
Vermont Doll Lovers St. Patrick’s/Easter meetup, 03/12/2016
Never the Less made her debut at today’s VTDL meetup. I posted her photostory below, while the full complement of VTDL photos is, as usual, on the blog. Continue reading Vermont Doll Lovers St. Patrick’s/Easter meetup, 03/12/2016
Vermont Doll Lovers December meetup, 12/12/2015
Araminthe, Honorine, Sardonix, and Submit went to VTDL today, along with a crapload of Christmas props. While there, I swapped a Lumedoll Arine for Touralyn, DragonGems’ second scratch-built BJD ever. Because I found a crack in her torso, Megan is redoing her body, so I actually came home with just her head. I did, however, get some photos of her hanging around Submit, the other 1:6 scale doll of mine in attendance. Pictures are on the VTDL blog, as usual.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 11/14/2015
Submit, along with Jujube, Dorothy, and Jeff, attended yesterday’s VTDL meetup. House Rainbow Barf made an appearance as well. Pictures on the VTDL blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers Halloween meetup, 10/24/2015
Polly, Jujube, Thalia, and Sardonix had an early Halloween party along with the other dolls at the most recent VTDL meet. Pictures are over on the official blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers, 08/08/2015
Two of my three open-mouthed vampires, Araminthe and Yamarrah, accompanied me to yesterday’s meetup. Pictures are on the official blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 06/13/2015
Flower, June, and Submit accompanied me to VTDL last Saturday. I also brought my 1:6 scale Barbie/Coke soda fountain, which occasioned some fun vignettes.
Vermont Doll Lovers, 04/11/2015
Araminthe, Jujube, Beth, and Death attended today’s VTDL meetup. Photos on the VTDL blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers St. Patrick’s Day/Spring meetup: 03/15/2015
Yesterday VTDL had another holiday meetup. I had very little time to prepare, much less purchase any St. Patty’s props, so I just brought Polly. Fortunately, she happened to be wearing a green shirt. Other attendees’ dolls compensated, however, for my lack of seasonal paraphernalia. Photos on the VTDL blog, as usual.
Vermont Doll Lovers Valentine’s meetup: 02/07/2015
We had a Valentine’s meetup on Saturday. For BJDs, I brought Muggins, Jujube and Submit. Cutey Honey also came along because she had hearts in her outfit. A close examination revealed that her hair is turning brittle and falling out, so I really need to fix that. VTDL members recommended a reroot, but I’m going for a wig. I’m pretty sure I have some bright red faux fur.
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
Vermont Doll Lovers year-end/holiday/winter meetup, 11/22/2014
I’ve decided not to laboriously reproduce my picture-filled posts on this blog when I can just point to the official VTDL blog post in which attendees did entertaining things with their dolls and Xmas props. I think Yamarrah got a little overwhelmed on her first Xmas… :p
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
Vermont Doll Lovers Halloween meetup: 10/11/2014
With many of our regulars engaged in other commitments, we had a small gathering this afternoon, just me, Lyrajean, vermont chick and a newcomer, Becca. In celebration of Halloween, attendees showed up with costumed dolls, copious pumpkins, a small-scale graveyard and articulated skeletons, so our dolls got festive.
Lyrajean’s dolls:
Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 08/23/2014
Yesterday CCDC welcomed its largest complement of attendees ever! A whole dozen of us attended, including newcomers Pink and their husband [from Maine] and Pink’s friend from Quebec [who doesn’t have any dolls…yet]. We spent the entire extended duration [noon to 4:00 PM] talking dolls, posing and photoing them, in between side conversations about mutual interests such as Monster High, Internet-based cartoons and fursuits. As far as I can tell, everyone enjoyed themselves.
Continue reading Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 08/23/2014
Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 06/14/2014
Nine people and God knows how many dolls attended last Saturday’s get-together. For the very first time, other types of dolls outnumbered the BJDs! Monster Highs represented very well, thanks to Shannon. Continue reading Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 06/14/2014
Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 04/05/2014
Megan, Lyrajean, vermont chick and I showed up to the CCDC meeting last Saturday, where dolls outnumbered people:
Continue reading Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 04/05/2014
Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 02/09/2014
Saturday’s Valentine’s meetup of Chittenden County Doll Club attracted a total of eight doll enthusiasts, as well as at least two hangers-on who did not come with dolls. In any event, the turnout represents the most populous meetup of CCDC ever, not only in terms of people, but in terms of dolls [somewhere north of 25]. Onto the pictures!
Continue reading Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 02/09/2014
Chittenden County Doll Club, 01/11/2014
The first meetup of 2014 saw me, Lyrajean, goldi and vermont chick braving the torrential downpours to converge upon the Koolvord Room in Brownell Library, Essex Junction, VT because we are hardcore devotees who must have our regular dolly fix.
Chittenden County Doll Club, 11/23/2013
Four of us gathered for CCDC’s first Thanksgiving/Xmas themed meetup. It ended up being mostly Xmas themed, so our dolls enjoyed gifts, Xmas candy, decorated trees and holiday mayhem from RealPukis. :pContinue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 11/23/2013
Chittenden County Doll Club, 10/26/2013
Six people attended the first CCDC Halloween meetup yesterday: me, Lyrajean, vermont chick, goldi, Megan and a newcomer, purplekiss101. [Megan did not bring any dolls, though.] I brought my graveyard set; purplekiss101 and Megan brought pumpkins; purplekiss101, vermont chick and Lyrajean brought dolls in costume, and Lyrajean brought some doll-scale Halloween treats.
Chittenden County Doll Club, 09/13/13: everyone’s dolls!
Lorraine [vermont chick], Megan and I gathered for a meetup this afternoon at the usual place and usual time.
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 09/13/13: everyone’s dolls!
Chittenden County Doll Club, 07/13/13
On Saturday, Lyrajean, goldi, vermont chick and I gathered at the usual place at the usual time for the usual shenanigans. Photos ensued.
Chittenden County Doll Club, 05/18/13: everyone’s dolls!
Doll club time arrived again at last this afternoon, with me, vermont chick, goldi, Lyrajean and Megan attending. 5 whole people! Not to mention all the small populations…
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 05/18/13: everyone’s dolls!
Chittenden County Doll Club, 02/09/13: everyone’s dolls!
We had the biggest meetup ever this afternoon; five people attended: me, Lyrajean, vermont chick, goldi and Megan, a newcomer. Here are the best of the 177 photos I took:Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 02/09/13: everyone’s dolls!
Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: vermont chick’s dolls
As usual, vermont chick came to the meetup bearing many Iplehouse dolls. On the left is an EID Soo. In the middle is an SID Lahela. On the right end, looking ready to bolt in petulant disgust, is a YID Bianca.
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: vermont chick’s dolls
Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: Nathaniel
I bought Nathaniel after seeing Lyrajean's Volks Masha [below at right] at the previous meetup and thinking that she, like Nathaniel, was an Emma. The two have some similarity, but they are quite different. I took pictures of both of them for comparison. I really like the Masha sculpt, except for the bags under the eyes!
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: Nathaniel
Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: goldi’s dolls
goldi's Fairyland LittleFee Rolly stands next to one of Lura's talon legs, from Soom Galena. It's as big as she is!
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: goldi’s dolls
Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: Mellifer
Looking dramatic. :p
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: Mellifer
Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: August
August hangs out with goldi's DollZone Ulli. I had a WTF moment recently when I saw this sculpt online, but, now that I've seen it in person, it's pretty hilarious. It looks drunk and sly.
Anyway, August has a new eye! It's smaller than the gold one, so she looks a bit older. Now she's pink all over.
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: August
Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: some of Lyrajean’s dolls
Lyrajean, vermont chick, goldi and I gathered for the Chittenden County Doll Club this afternoon. It was very exciting to have 4 people! :p
Here's a shot of everyone we brought with us, Lura's talons and mecha arm excluded.
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 08/11/12: some of Lyrajean’s dolls
Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: vermont chick and Lyrajean’s dolls
Here are 2 more photos, courtesy of vermont chick, covering the dolls that I did not get pictures of because my battery ran out.
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: vermont chick and Lyrajean’s dolls
Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: some of Lyrajean’s dolls
My camera battery crapped out [after 9 months on a single charge!!!] in the middle of shooting vermont chick's RealPukis, so I didn't get any photos of Lyrajean's dolls. Fortunately, vermont chick generously supplied those below.
Lyrajean's Volks F36 holds vermont chick's Pupu.
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: some of Lyrajean’s dolls
Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: vermont chick’s RealPukis
vermont chick brought an Iplehouse YID Harin [not shown] and her 3 Fairyland RealPukis! From left to right, Kaka, Soso and Pupu. Personally I think there should be a Wiwi to complete the scatological triumvirate. :p :p
Anyway, now that I've seen these in person, I really like Pupu more than I did when I saw the pictures. It's a very cute smile!
vermont chick got her RealPukis because she saw Noodge, my Soso, and thought she was so cute! She touched up her Soso's teeth so they can be better seen. Somehow this makes her Soso look even MORE devious!
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: vermont chick’s RealPukis
Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: Flower and Ginevra
Lyrajean, vermont chick and I attended a meetup yesterday at the Brownell Library in Essex Junction. I brought Flower and Ginevra. Flower's stupid ear fell off in transit, so that's why you're only seeing him from his good side. :p
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 06/09/12: Flower and Ginevra
Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Lyrajean’s hordes
Lyrajean brought about one-third of her collection, mostly Volks. She made all of their clothes herself.
Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Shion and goldi’s dolls
goldi brought her Fairyland LittleFee Rolly [with cute little teefs!], while Shion brought her DOD Kyrill. Rolly and Kyrill made fast friends!
Continue reading Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Shion and goldi’s dolls
Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Flower
Four people total came to yesterday's meetup at the Brownell Library in Essex Junction: me, goldi, Shion and Lyrajean!! We spent the full 2 hours [and even some overtime] talking ABJDs and taking pictures. First up, some photos of Flower. The light in the Koolvord Room at the library provides much clearer pictures than the light in my bedroom, so these photos of Flower really do him justice and show what a cutie he is!
Continue reading Doll meetup, 04/14/12: Flower
Doll meetup, 02/11/12: Zofia
vermont chick's Zofia, an Iplehouse SID Zera.
Continue reading Doll meetup, 02/11/12: Zofia
Doll meetup, 02/11/12: Penny
goldi's beautiful and soulful Penny, a FairyLand Minifee Chloe.
Continue reading Doll meetup, 02/11/12: Penny
Doll meetup, 02/11/12: Janvier Jett
Three of us — me, vermont chick and goldi — met in the Koolvord Room, Brownell Library, Essex Junction, today for an hour of photos and fun, despite the bitter wind chill factors. See the next three posts for the pictures I took.
From left to right: vermont chick's Iplehouse Zera named Zofia, goldi's FairyLand Littlefee Chloe named Penny and Janvier Jett serenading them all.
Continue reading Doll meetup, 02/11/12: Janvier Jett
Doll meetup, 01/14/12: Barahan
Doll meetup, 01/14/12: Sardonix
Doll meetup, 01/14/12: Noodge
Doll meetup, 01/14/12: all dolls
vermont chick and I met in the Koolvord Room of Brownell Library, Essex Junction, yesterday. She brought her new Iplehouse Barahan, and I brought Sardonix and Noodge. I took 200 pictures [primarily because my hands were shaking], mostly of her Barahan, since he is so handsome, with his serene smirk. Below, pictures of Barahan, Sardonix and Noodge.
Doll meetup, 12/10/11: Araminthe alone
Araminthe suffers the chilly weather in the Essex Shoppes gazebo in Essex Center, all for the sake of a few good backlit photos.
Continue reading Doll meetup, 12/10/11: Araminthe alone
Doll meetup, 12/10/11: TIny Thai, Essex Center
vermont chick, goldi, JustKate89 and I met this afternoon at Tiny Thai in Essex Center for some frigid pictures at the gazebo in the Essex Shoppes parking lot.
Attending were [L to R] vermont chick's Alchemic Lab Unoa Lusis, my Araminthe, JustKate89's Angel of Dream Mimi and goldi's Fairyland Minifee Chloe. They are all holding onto their hair because it was windy out!
Continue reading Doll meetup, 12/10/11: TIny Thai, Essex Center
Doll meetup, 10/22/11: Old Mill Park, Jericho
After lunch today at Tiny Thai, vermont chick and I ventured into the muddy confines of Old Mill Park in Jericho in hopes of capturing our dolls along with fall colors. Sadly, rain had knocked most of the leaves down, and the ground was too squishy for extended photoshoots, but we got some good shots of our dolls, my Sarah [Dorothy stayed in her glasses case box, not wanting to deal with large, wet leaves] and her Jamie [Iplehouse Claude]. Jamie is quite handsome, with a serene smirk.
Continue reading Doll meetup, 10/22/11: Old Mill Park, Jericho
Doll meetup, 09/17/11: Janvier Jett alone
vermont chick [Lorraine], Mousey [Suzanne] and I gathered at Tiny Thai in Essex Center today for lunch and doll play! We took our dolls out to the gazebo and the butterfly bench for some photos after eating. Here is Janvier Jett by herself. I thnk that she has beautiful eyes, especially behind her wee orange cat's-eye glasses!
Chittenden County, VT, meetup 8/13
I met vermont chick, Lorraine, at Tiny Thai in Essex Center to talk dolls and show ours off. The first Vermont meetup that I organized was a success. We enjoyed lunch and then took pictures of our dolls in a nearby gazebo and on a butterfly-shaped bench.
Continue reading Chittenden County, VT, meetup 8/13