fragileshell has a pirate hat pattern that I think I could actually follow, even given my complete impatience with the sewing machine:
DEDF and misc.
DEDF now boasts $248.64, just enough for a Uyoo! Must…resist…urge…to buy…Jennifer… I realize that, with Sardonix’ departure, I have no one to photograph in the cemeteries, and, given Jennifer’s current interest in graveyards, she’d be perfect. But what’s a Jennifer doll without a Frank doll first?
In future doll news, Kallisti has pics of the new Unoas up on Blastmilk . Nope, no Unoa for me, but I think Frank’s breasts should be similar, only scaled up in proportion to the Afghan base body. [Heck, I think Afghan should have had a rack like that originally, possibly even bigger. Then again, my preferences for dolls’ chests are heavily influenced by top-heavy CGs.]
Note to self…
I need to figure out how to add filters on this thing. EDIT: I figured out how. I used my link list to add links to sets of tagged entries. I feel clever.
DEDF update; Jareth progress pix
Sardonix sold for $160.00, her boots for $45.00. All money to Frank fund!
Armeleia sent photos this morning showing rough mods to Jareth’s head. Basically I commissioned mods on the cheeks [a la James Marsters because I don’t have a thing for BTVS’ Spike, no, not at all] and chin [a la David Bowie circa 1975 because I don’t have a thing for the Man Who Sold the World, no, not at all]. Let’s see how she’s doing, shall we? Continue reading DEDF update; Jareth progress pix
Published! Review of Sideshow Toy’s 12″ BTVS Drusilla!
Looky! My review of SST’s Drusilla femfig got published. I’m famous!
The new Cutey Honey in CG or Triad Toys’ long-awaited bodies?
Takara disappoints me these days [yeah, old news, right]. I haven’t bought a new CG since I think the original release of Blue Lightning [when she was AFFORDABLE] State-side. Now that new CGs appear only in Japan in limited quantities, I don’t buy them at all, even if they DO come with small chests, a la Protect Gear Midori. [Yeah, I still want one for variety in cup sizes.] Then the upcoming release of Cutey Honey as Kisaragi appeared. Continue reading The new Cutey Honey in CG or Triad Toys’ long-awaited bodies?
Sardonix liquidated into the DEDF
Sardonix’ body went into the DEDF. I thought I wouldn’t give up her head, but then decided that, however devilishly charming she is, she is not the doll[s] that I want. I want my Jareth and Frank dolls. Bye, Sardonix. Nice knowin’ ya. I doubt that Sardonix will truly disappear. Zephque will probably hang around too. After falling back into the great melting pot of aborted characters, their traits shall surely resurface in future creations.
I still want a Uyoo. She’s so innocent and cheerful-looking, which would make her a good representation of Jennifer.
DOA links about modifications and tools
Jareth’s clothes: lookin’ good!
Jen [merryallthemoreso] finally finished the wardrobe I commissioned for my upcoming Jareth doll. Everything’s exactly to specifications, and I’m quite pleased. Her Haund, Damien, looks less amused, however, to be modeling clothes that just aren’t his style, honey! Pics below. Continue reading Jareth’s clothes: lookin’ good!
DEDF grows…
Thanks to some Xmas money, the DEDF now has ~$138 in it. Woo hoo! My goal is $718. That is the cost of a full Afghan and a regular Haund head from Tensiya. I wish I could just get the Afghan body and the Haund head, but noooo, Afghan comes with a head. I have someone who wants the head, though, so it seems that constructing la poupee de Frank is mostly a matter of money…and modification. That $718 doesn’t cover facial and boobtacular mods needed for a true likeness. I’m so impatient, been waiting to have 3-D forms of these characters for DECADES… Part of me wants to drop the $$$ RIGHT NOW. Grargh.
Labyrinth timeline, part III: 2000-2006
The Web boosted Labyrinth to true cult status during the early part of its second decade, but it wasn’t until the new millennium that the establishment registered just how much we loved the movie. And I was there [still…]. Continue reading Labyrinth timeline, part III: 2000-2006
Labyrinth timeline, part II: 1996-1999
The way I see it, very little happened in Labyrinth’s first decade. But, with the advent of its second decade and the help of the burgeoning Internet, Labyrinth hit cult status. And I was there! Continue reading Labyrinth timeline, part II: 1996-1999
Labyrinth timeline, part I: 1986-1996
In 2006, Labyrinth turns 20, while the Realm turns 10. Jesus, I can’t believe it’s been that long. As I reflected back over the past two decades, I started making a timeline of Labyrinth and its fandom. Continue reading Labyrinth timeline, part I: 1986-1996
If I had unlimited funds…
I would have a modded SA Haund for Jareth, like I already do [only he’s not in my possessive little mitts yet]. Frank would be a modded regular Haund head on an Afghan body with severe breast augmentation. And Jennifer would be a Uyoo. Then I could have the whole Stichomythy in manipulable format! *…pauses to wander among thoughts…* Wow, I hope the D.E.D.F. (Disgustingly Expensive Doll Fund) receives an infusion this Xmas.
Paperweight eyes = lack of catchlights.
I used to think that I took poor photographs because I could never get Zephque’s or Sardonix’ eyes to catch light. Then I learned about doll eyeballs just now and discovered that it was the fault of their eye shapes, not me. Continue reading Paperweight eyes = lack of catchlights.
Coming in 2006!
I haven’t been doing much with the Realm in the past six months, but I have lots of cool stuff in the pipeline. Continue reading Coming in 2006!
Anneka Elizabeth in 1:3
Pix from DollMore:
I was really hoping for a tall, sexy fem. But noooo…we get an anorexic with a face that’s 10 years too young for her body. And NO BOOBIES! She is clearly not the 1:3 Cy Girl I seek. No matter…Continue reading Anneka Elizabeth in 1:3
Bawk bawk: Jill says Jareth is a chicken.
Jill thinks Jareth wants Toby because Jareth thinks it would be less intimidating to interact with a kid than a babelicious girl. Then he realizes that Sarah is an immature dolt like him, and sparks fly. Full theory, quoting Jill, below. Continue reading Bawk bawk: Jill says Jareth is a chicken.
Jareth arrives at Armeleia’s — Morraine deboxes!
Last night he arrived! I asked Armeleia to take pix on Jareth’s arrival. I also asked her modded Haund, Beau Morraine, to help with the box opening. He did, though Armeleia says he was very weirded out by the whole thing. Pics below. Continue reading Jareth arrives at Armeleia’s — Morraine deboxes!
Screencaps are funny.

I took many screencaps today for the purpose of adding smart remarks and using them as photo illustrations in essays. Dunno when I’ll have time to upload. You’ll have to make do with this for now.
Jareth shipped!
Latest: Jareth shipped! Directly to the modifier. I don’t know who reads this, but I for one am excited!
1:6 BJD wears Babs clothes…and is hot to boot!
I really like the Soom Mini Gem. Sweet face, realistic boobs, great posability and CHEAP CLOTHING OPTIONS! However, I’d just use her the same way I’d use much cheaper dolls, so I’m not sure the investment would be worth it.
OFFICIAL Jareth doll
Looks promising. I hope the proto is equal to the final. Those pants, however, have GOT to go. He doesn’t wear anything so tacky in the film. He’s more…campy.
[First in a series, eh? I’m waiting for Drag Queen Jareth and Superwhiny Sarah!!]
I ordered SA Haund!
Installment payments should start Monday. Cross your fingers for me! Continue reading I ordered SA Haund!
Make way for ANOTHER Jareth doll!
Yep. Can’t fight it. Want Haund. Am now looking about to see what I can sell to raise money.
This was the doll that I wanted when I got Zephque. Unfortunately Haund was not available.
Duuuuuuude, a mega Jareth doll!
Mirror Mask: the hidden sequel to Labyrinth
The 2005 fantasy film MirrorMask is billed as being “in the tradition of Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.” Well, it’s more than that. MirrorMask is less of a tribute and more of a rewrite of Labyrinth [which is itself a rip-off of many classics]. I wrote an essay about Labyrinth’s influence on Mirror Mask, but I have yet to get it uploaded. See tantalizing sample below… Continue reading Mirror Mask: the hidden sequel to Labyrinth
Life-size BJD…and more (photos)
I finally got into the site of the artist who did the life-size portrait BJD for the Absolut ad. Continue reading Life-size BJD…and more (photos)
Why does he want Toby? And why does Labyrinth STINK?
I have two new essays up: one about why Jareth wants Toby, another about why Labyrinth stinks.
Helena’s Room: my new Mirror Mask site
All you Laby freaks should go check out Helena’s Room, my site about the upcoming fantasy flick MirrorMask. It’s the same sort of twisted dream adventure as Labyrinth was, this time fueled by the imaginative power of Neil Gaiman, Steve McKean and the Henson Company. Helena’s Room contains analysis, photos, fan art and blather, just like Jareth’s Realm!
Labyrinth and Mirror Mask appearing as manga
The Jim Henson Co., Tokyopop and Neil Gaiman collaborate to <strike>bastardize</strike> adapt Labyrinth and Mirror Mask into manga. That includes the prequel to Mirror Mask, which explains how the Dark Princess got the Mask in the first place, and the SEQUEL to Labyrinth, in which Toby, 13, revisits the maze to claim Jareth’s throne. Didn’t know there was a sequel? Me neither. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but I will certainly buy. Full details below: Continue reading Labyrinth and Mirror Mask appearing as manga
Another theory on Laby potty humor: it was just messing with her head.
Courtesy of Jen Gagne again: I read your point about how the Labyrinth’s ‘gradeschool boy humor’ seemed like the product of the real life men involved in the production, rather than being in-character for a fantasy of Sarah’s. But I think it actually made sense that way considering the whole thing was set up to turn her expectations on end and be less temptingly wonderful than she might’ve originally expected.
The sequel to Labyrinth that never was
On September 30, MirrorMask, the latest film by the Jim Henson Company, is coming out. It’s the story of a 15-year-old girl who makes a stupid wish that jeopardizes a family member. In order to rescue her family member, she must journey to a confusing and dream-like alternate world populated by odd creatures. Hmmmm, why is this sounding familiar? I’ve ordered the book of the screenplay. Watch this space for a discussion about Labyrinth and MirrorMask. In the mean time, go to IMDB to find out more about the film: MirrorMask on IMDB.
Interview with Michael Polis about Mirror Mask’s origins
Basically he says that Labyrinth did very well in the after market, so the Henson Co. decided to rip it off and cash in…which just goes to show that Hollywood was recycling long before you were separating your paper from your plastic.
Alternative theory for Jareth / Sarah’s boyfriend
“Jareth definitely appears to be a symbolic incarnation of Sarah’s mother’s boyfriend. I believe he represents what the boyfriend did to her family, rather than a specific act against Sarah personally.” So saith Jen Gagne, a devoted fan. Her thoughts follow…Continue reading Alternative theory for Jareth / Sarah’s boyfriend
Jan Mclean’s Satine: better than Lollipop Girls
Jan Mclean’s Lollipop Girls just…bother me, but here the full chin and pouty mouth work to this doll’s advantage, making her look like a pretentious modern Goth girl or a child prostitute. Continue reading Jan Mclean’s Satine: better than Lollipop Girls
Glllaaaaahhh…unlimited Elfdoll Ryung.
Oh boy, I really like Ryung. Ever since someone compared her to the incomparably sexy Scarlett Johanssen, I’ve been admiring her.
I also really like Soah because she looks Korean.
Wow, that guy can smirk good! [#2 in the WHO CARES? series]
Picture of Gigglegeek’s Haund:
Note to self: Exploit the smirk when it arrives!
Bermann/Haund background info and pix [aka WHO CARES?]
Info about body comparisons and measurements as presented by the artist who’s doing LEs of Bermann. It’s fun to read her posts because she really, really loves what she’s doing.
Online dress-up and dress-down site
Mess around with outfits and accessories on paper dolls mostly in the form of stylized female celebrities.
Stories of BJDs
I started off with 1:6 dolls and built up quite the little universe. Wanting something larger, I actually entertained two mannequins for a while, then sold them because they were too big. Continue reading Stories of BJDs
I translated a Dutch article!!
Today, for your reading pleasure, I translated a Dutch article where Jim Henson talks about working with the puppets of Labyrinth. Cool stuff.
Sarah and sexual abuse: new theory
So I have this idea that Sarah’s mom’s boyfriend sexually abused her, and that explains Jareth. “Whaaaat?” you say. Well, read this, and THEN say you don’t believe me.
Consumption will fill the void within me!
Fashion Victims series 2 dolls by Mezco. Continue reading Consumption will fill the void within me!
What is it with “bonding?”
I see this discussed on DoA a lot. It refers to an owner’s response toward her BJD. Continue reading What is it with “bonding?”
This is an elf Lishe rant.
I’ve also been getting excited because I keep thinking she’s going to be released soon. First I thought it was in October. No…wait…November. Now latest news says the END of December. Her constantly postponed release makes me very antsy. Continue reading This is an elf Lishe rant.
Volks has plans for a whole bunch’a’ dolls.
You can see the minuscule ones [maybe 5″ tall??] in this picture, along with the Virgin Mary statue, also known, strangely enough, as “Mother SD.” The Virgin Mary generates SDs?! Does Catholicism know about this? :p Continue reading Volks has plans for a whole bunch’a’ dolls.
New capsule review of Labyrinth
I pulled this review of Labyrinth from The Rough Guide to Kids’ Movies (Dorling Kindersley, 2004) by Paul Simpson:
Head coming eventually!
I just wanted to share my news with people. Therese is getting an Elf Lishe. That’s a Cerebrus Project Delf doll, limited to an edition of 68. She has all the coolness of Lishe, as seen here, but with big pointy ears! Therese keeps the sleeping head, which we think has fangs, and I get the waking head [no fangs, blah]. Continue reading Head coming eventually!
New comix by Stacy!
Click over here for some charming Laby outtakes by Stacy.
All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 2: 11/16/04
[Posted on February 18, 2013, but backdated to November 16, 2004, for chronological order.] I also dredged up from my hard drive an “Active Duty” roster from mid-November, 2004. Continue reading All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 2: 11/16/04
Movieline interview with DB up!
Check out this interview for insights into Jareth and just how much of a hand David Bowie had in the film. There’s also a droolworthy piece of broody Jareth. Thank you, Solea, for all your loans of ephemera.
Napkins and games and DVDs, oh my!
Sorry ’bout the hiatus, folks. Getting married’ll do that to ya. :p Now that I’m back, please check out the pictures of the collector’s DVD [including conceptual sketches!], details on the ultra-rare Labyrinth game and…as the crowning touch…NAPKINS! Yes, you too could blow your nose on Jareth….. “Well?! Laugh!” I certainly did…. [Thank you to Solea, who checks this site religiously, for all the memorabilia she lets me photo! And for checking this site religiously. At least SOMEBODY visits! :p]
Dutch article up w rare pix of Sarah
Thanks to Solea for letting me scan this Dutch article, which has an overview of the film and some rare pix of Jennifer Connelly doing something ELSE besides the “Duh Pose.” Poor Jennifer Connelly. The script gave her a lot of whiny and/or staring moments: not a lot to work with. [Although her mouth DOES hang open in all her other films, so… :p]
Rare French review and commentary scanned in and translated
I think the title says it all. I translated this rare French curiosity and laughed at the hyperbole. “Labyrinth isn’t a dream in the strictest sense, but a dream come true!” Yeah, right. Cut down on the LSD, man.
Fixed docu stills gallery
All the docu stills [thanks, Stacy!] are now accessible. Now you can finally see what comments I added to each…
New fan art, link fixed
Check Heather D.’s fan art. Oh yeah, and I made it so you can actually get to the French interview with Jim Henson that I spent millions of years transcribing. Enjoy! I particularly like the fact that he admits David Bowie was chosen for SEX APPEAL. [Which still doesn’t explain why the movie is rated PG, given the appearance of DB’s bulge…]
Resin statues of everyone but Jareth and Sarah
Oooh, check this out! Plan-B Toys is thinking of doing resin statues of Labyrinth creatures. No Jareth and Sarah, though…they don’t have the license. Guess you’ll have to buy my custom dolls instead.
Nifty nifty fan art
Elfin Jareth and swooning Sarah appear in Eleanor Jacksson’s latest creation, “Jareth and Sarah: Dreams.” Ah, romance!
Fan art by Eleanor Jacksson
See…TOLDJA I’d update. :p Eleanor Jacksson did some neato fan art for me.
Someone blogged all over the Realm!
Now you can easily track updates on your favorite site. Check the Blog of Eternal Stench. [I’m so funny! ‘…Well?! Laugh?’]
Not only do you get to find out what happened when here, you can also interact more directly with me than through that bleeping gbook [note to self: delete that sucker and create one on own server]. You can make comments on my updates. Looking forward to hearing from you…
Collector’s edition debuts today!
It’s about time. You can buy it, but I don’t recommend it.
Exhaustive Henson interview
Translated from French by yours truly. Is Sarah really a brat? Is Jareth really sexy as hell? Read the director’s opinion.
Collector’s DVD out
The collector’s DVD is out, and it’s not worth your money.
Fan art by me
Did some new romantic fan art in quite a moody, broody, Gothy style, if I do say so myself.
All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 4: 01/03/04
[Posted on June 23, 2013, but backdated to January 3, 2004, for chronological order.] While not truly a census of all the small populations around New Year’s, 2004, these photos nevertheless show quite a few little peoples ringing in the new year:
Continue reading All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 4: 01/03/04
All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 1: 08/06/03
[Posted on February 13, 2013, but backdated to August 6, 2003, for chronological order.] Look what I discovered on my hard drive! A census of the small populations from a decade ago in August, 2003! Check it out!
Continue reading All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 1: 08/06/03
All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 3: 10/17/01
[Posted on May 19, 2013, but backdated to October 17, 2001, for chronological order.] As I sorted through old photo albums recently, I discovered pictures from my first 1:6 scale populations! Unfortunately, the photos were taken on film with a camera that didn’t do closeups well. However, for the sake of historical curiosity, I have scanned the best ones and annotated them.
Continue reading All my dolls, BLAST FROM THE PAST version 3: 10/17/01