Jill gave me these for my birthday precisely because they were creepy. She hoped that I would do a photostory with them. Here it is. Continue reading Death to creepy soaps!!!
Posts tagged smallerverse
Minor changes to Mattel Thirteenth Doctor, major improvements
Tonight I trimmed the right front of my Mattel Thirteenth Doctor’s hair. I also took the shirt off my Character Options 10″ Thirteen and put it on the Mattel one. Still looking too pale and washed out, but there’s a marked improvement. This gives me hope that a minor repaint will work additional wonders… Continue reading Minor changes to Mattel Thirteenth Doctor, major improvements
Parting out a Mattel 2007 Mad Hatter
Thanks to @natalunasans, I scored this hard-to-find doll for my birthday. No pictures of the doll as it came, but the head went to a smallerverse character, Max, one of Frankie’s parents. Continue reading Parting out a Mattel 2007 Mad Hatter
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor Barbie compared to Character Options Thirteenth Doctor 10″ doll
Basically the CO 10″ doll is a surprisingly well-made, screen-accurate, and affordable translation of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, while the Mattel 12″ doll is more of a product inspired by the portrayal, filtered through the distinctive Barbie sensibility. Once I figured this out, I disliked the Mattel one a lot less, but she still really can’t compare to the cheaper CO. Pics and commentary below. Thanks to @natalunasans, who gave me the Mattel one [although she kept the screwdriver :p ]. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor Barbie compared to Character Options Thirteenth Doctor 10″ doll
Recent doll work: smallerverse Bill is finally finished!
After several bodies and uncountable mods, smallerverse Bill is complete! Continue reading Recent doll work: smallerverse Bill is finally finished!
Smallerverse update: Missy and Bill
It’s been a while since I worked on my smallerverse DW dolls, mostly because I can’t find a decent, highly articulated base body. I finally put Missy on an Obitsu24, which works pretty good for her. Even the comparative heights between her and Thirteen are accurate, as she’s slightly shorter than Thirteen.
As for Bill, she’s currently on a Hasbro Descendants Jordan [daughter of the genie] body. It matches her light golden brown skintone very well. Unfortunately, it’s single-jointed all around, and the knees can’t even do a right angle. The legs are also way too long, making her more like 11″ rather than 10″. I’ll deal with that later. For now, she has shoes [a challenge to find for those large heeled feet], and she can hang out with the other smallerverse persons until I have the energy to cut her down.
No, I don’t know when I’ll get around to the rest of the smallerverse Dork fam. SIGH.Continue reading Smallerverse update: Missy and Bill
Last of Girl body mods and a new smallerverse character
I got my Redman Toys Last of Girl doll yesterday. She was $136.00 in part because the company didn’t spring for fancy packaging. She came in a plain box with her name, but without graphics. Inside was a foam insert with three slots. In one slot was her body, dressed in most of her outfit. In another slot were extra hands, head, and hairpieces. The final slot held accessories and clothes. As someone who doesn’t believe in MIB, I was very pleased. Follow body mods below. Continue reading Last of Girl body mods and a new smallerverse character
OKAY FUCK IT! Here is the final word on the scale of my smallerverse peoples.
I’ve had a heck of a time figuring out what scale my smallerverse dolls are. This is the group of DW dolls where the standard female action figure is 10″ tall. At first I thought they were 1:9 scale, then 1:7 scale, then 1:7.3333333333. I have finally performed the definitive math, and here’s the result: 1:6.9 scale.
The math goes as follows:
Standard female action figure in 1:6 scale is 11.5″ tall.
11.5″ * 6 = 69″ real-world height
Smallerverse standard female action figure is 10″ tall.
10″ * n = 69″ real-world height
n = 6.9
Smallerverse 1″ = 6.9″
In other words, smallerverse means 1:6.9 scale, which I am rounding to 1:7 scale. I’m changing the tag to “smallerverse,” ffs.
Vermont Doll Lovers February meetup, 02/09/2019
Clara, Thirteen, Missy, and a Barbie attended. Pics on official blargh.
Thirteen’s new companion, Frankie
My 10″ Thirteenth Doctor has been lonely since I acquired them. Inspired this weekend, I made them a companion from a 3″ Titans vinyl head from Janine Melnitz, a character from Ghostbusters, spliced onto a body from a Disney Elite 10″ Princess Leia. Continue reading Thirteen’s new companion, Frankie
The Goblin Market has little jars of…uh…stuff.
Twenty-five little resin jars of…uh…stuff…arrived today for the Goblin Market. The labels claim that they contain jam. However, given the fluorescent colors, I think they’re probably extraterrestrial. I put them over with the off-world food.
Continue reading The Goblin Market has little jars of…uh…stuff.
Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Acme Magnets, now sadly defunct, issued a wide variety of kitchen magnets in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. A lot of them were household items, including furniture, appliances, and food. Some of them even had sound features. Anyway, Acme magnets, while popular on Ebay, can be had for decent prices [$5.00-$10.00 apiece shipped], and they combine sturdy construction with realistic detailing and, in some cases, obnoxious noises. :p Today we’re looking at a boom box magnet!
Continue reading Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
I am now the proud owner of a 1:6 scale newspaper vending machine. It’s actually a diecast metal bank by Liberty Classics, a company mostly known for their scale models of vehicles. They also produce newspaper machine banks so that companies can commemorate various occasions with souvenirs. When I searched on Ebay for this one, which was commissioned by Shell Oil, I also saw ones commissioned by the Kiwanis Club, St. Petersburg Times, and Chevron/Texaco. I chose this one because its bright color scheme reminded me most of the attention-getting machines I have seen in my travels.
Made entirely of diecast metal except for plastic bottom and back, this bank is a sturdy, solid piece. It measures 13.4 cm high without the coin machine and 18cm with the coin machine. It is 7.5cm wide x 6.5cm deep. It’s beautifully detailed down to the diecast rivet heads, the branded graphics on the side, and the customized text, including the name and price of the paper, a preview window to the Petroleum Post, and a framed advertisement window below that. This piece is so well-made that I will not be able to remove the Petroleum Post and Shell copy, since they’re on pieces of metal. I’m just going to paste my own graphics over them.
The front of the bank even opens just like a real newspaper machine! Of course, there’s no place to store papers in there, as that would interfere with the bank reservoir. But it’s still fuckin’ cool. With some customization, this machine will show up in a future photostory as a convenient way of setting the stage.
Continue reading Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
The Goblin Market now stocks pineapples!!!!!
The Goblin Market gets citrus and a full juice fridge!
More stock arrived today for the Goblin Market: oranges, yellow grapefruit, and more juice for the fridge. Continue reading The Goblin Market gets citrus and a full juice fridge!
Progress on the Goblin Market
I have decided that my produce section is part of a local market called the Goblin Market. Its eldritch name derives from the off-world foods it sells. The addition of fictional foods makes the Goblin Market a much more interesting set, as well as a perfect place for my DW dolls to hang out. Recent additions below. Continue reading Progress on the Goblin Market
Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
My latest round of 3″ Titans — the Master x3, the Stylist, and an extra — arrived today. HELP HELP! They are too adorable for words. Continue reading Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
The Titans 3″ Delgado Master debuted [fucking finally] on November 19th, so I immediately purchased three — one for regular Master, one for Catster [with cat ears and whiskers], and one for extra. To that end, I’ve been busily working on 1:7.33333333 scale persons this weekend. Below is the current state of the Master’s body.
I’ve decided to keep my 1:7.3333333333 Master in his iconic black Nehru suit, with black shoes and black leather gloves. As a result, I don’t give a flying fuck what color his body is, since it will all be covered up, and I can paint the neck to match the head. As a result, I’ve pursued articulation over aesthetics for his body. Bust is from a 2018 Mattel Harry Potter kid doll. Arms are from an Obitsu slender male doll. Abdomen and lower body are from some solid plastic Willy Wonka 1:6 scale action figure from @natalunasans, heavily hacked down to size. A good sharp craft knife blade goes right through that dense solid plastic. Of course it also goes through flesh too… >_>
Below, the Master with another Master. Continue reading The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
Made some more counters, embraced the out-of-scaleness, and found background 1:7.33333333ers
I made some more counters out of a box top, which I cut in half and added hot-glued dowels to for legs. They’re so realistic that they have shims under one of the legs for added gritty realism because I cut them imperfectly. Continue reading Made some more counters, embraced the out-of-scaleness, and found background 1:7.33333333ers
The produce section has a shopping cart — will it work?!
I got a shopping cart off AliExpress in the mail today. Will it work for my produce section??? Continue reading The produce section has a shopping cart — will it work?!
1:6 scale or 1:7.3333333333333 scale grocery store
I’ve always wanted a small-scale grocery store. However, the sheer volume of food available that I would have to make has always daunted me. Recently I decided to use my time-honored method of using a part to suggest the whole, but with the principle applied to a grocery store. I chose a produce section to make because variety of shapes and colors would be aesthetically pleasing. Plus fruit is much easier to make than endless permutations of, say, cereal boxes. Results below. Continue reading 1:6 scale or 1:7.3333333333333 scale grocery store
1:7.3 scale kitchen — Crescent cast iron stove and Rement kitchen
1:7.3 scale Bill and 1:7.3 scale Missy pose with two recent acquisitions, a Crescent cast iron toy stove and a Rement kitchen, to show scale. Half in the frame of the first pic is another project in progress: a small-scale produce section for when I want my characters to go to a grocery store.Continue reading 1:7.3 scale kitchen — Crescent cast iron stove and Rement kitchen
Scratch that — they’re NOT 1:9 scale! They’re 1:7.333333 scale!
The 9″ DW dolls previously referred to as 1:9 scale are actually larger than that. They’re 1:7.333333333 scale. Fine…I’m changing the tag…
Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
I worked today on my 1:9 scale Doctor Who gang… Continue reading Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
I got a Barbie skirt in the mail recently for Missy, shortened it an inch, and it fit perfectly. I made a raggedy bow out of some gauzy purplish stretch net, and I was done. Then she posed against a selection of Halloween/Gothic art papers I got from Michaels recently.
I just finished 1:9 scale versions of Bill and Missy today. Both of them are hybrids, combining heads from the 3″ Titan mini figures with bodies from ToyBiz’s Famous Covers series of Marvel action figures. They’re 9″ high.
For Bill, I painted her body to match her head, filled in her irises, dry-brushed her hair to show up the detail, glossed lips and eyes, ground the neck off the head, and modded the crotch and tops of forearms for greater flexion. She wears a dress from a Mattel Skipper Babysitters Inc. doll, a bolero from a Fresh Dolls Mia, leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie, a Rement sunflower, and bracelets made from a bubble tea straw.
For Missy, I removed her original hair and replaced it with a combination of a hand-sculpted scalp [with Aves Apoxie Sculpt] and a ponytail of Mattel Barbie hair, which I curled with a boil perm. I swapped out the default ToyBiz Famous Covers hands for those from a 10″ Disney Elite Princess Leia figure. I filled in her irises, repainted eyebrows, gave a very light brown wash to the nasolabial creases, and repainted eyebrows. I also carved out top of forearms and inner sides of crotch to increase poseability. Missy wears a shirt from an unknown female action figure, a Mattel Barbie skirt [shortened by 1″], leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie [not shown], and a cravat that I made. Her umbrella is a large cocktail umbrella painted black with acrylic paints and sealed.
Coming eventually in the 1:9 scale world: Alison Cheney [Scream of the Shalka], Shalka Doctor, Delgado Master [=Shalka Master in my mind], and the Third Doctor!
Continue reading Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
Missy’s sonic umbrella
…Is a large cocktail umbrella painted black and sealed with matte varnish. She’s still disgruntled because I have yet to procure proper clothes… Continue reading Missy’s sonic umbrella
1:9 scale Missy done except for clothes!
I finalized 1:9 scale Missy’s hair and faceup over the past few days. More detailed pics later, including shots with 1:9 scale Bill, when it’s not so late.Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy done except for clothes!
1:9 scale Missy hair sculpting, neck mods, body mods
1:9 scale Missy takes shape… Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy hair sculpting, neck mods, body mods
1:9 scale Missy gets improved hair
I originally planned to make Shalka Doctor next in 1:9 scale, but I just felt so sorry for Missy with her shitty hair that I turned my attention to her next. Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy gets improved hair
1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Pictures of the latest adventures in 1:9 scale — i.e., hybrids with 3″ Titan vinyl heads and action figure bodies — below. Continue reading 1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Other projects II: Weeping Angel and 1:9 scale Alison
My interest in cemeteries, funerary statues, and Doctor Who converges in the Weeping Angels. Since I stare at Carnelian’s cemetery/magic set every time I’m at my computer, I started thinking that it needed more 1:6 scale statues. Sure, I have an Angel of Grief, but she’s more like 1:9 scale. I also have a meditating skeleton, but I was thinking of something that could actually work as a realistic cemetery denizen [assuming that you don’t look at its FANGS]. Therefore I thought that I should make a Weeping Angel.
BCS made 1:6 scale Weeping Angels, but they stink for a few reasons. 1) They’re not articulated figures. They’re big resin door stops with swappable heads and arms. 2) They’re expensive. I wanted an affordable interpretation with more poseability. For mine, I decided to mount the upper half of an action figure on a solid base [i.e., the floor-length skirt]. The solid base would provide enough of a statuesque look, but she could still menace people with her upper body articulation.
For maximum effectiveness, I wanted a yelling or snarling headsculpt for my Angel. I had very little luck, as most open-mouthed sculpts for female action figures look relaxed or seductive at best and blank at worst. TB League made a 1:6 scale version of comic book hero Shi, however, with an angry expression. With her crinkled nose, lowered brow, and individually sculpted teeth, she’ll serve quite nicely, even if she is fangless. You can see her below at left. I’m going to remove her hair and current paint, then sculpt her chignon, make her chiton out of some sort of semi-stiffened fabric, then paint the whole thing with spray paint that has a stone effect. Continue reading Other projects II: Weeping Angel and 1:9 scale Alison
Stuff I got last weekend
VTDL met last Saturday, with Eseme and Kukolka from the Figurvore boards coming specifically for 1:6 scale selling, swapping, and enjoyment. I got some cool stuff for both my sets and my 1:9 scale Dork fam.
Bill, Alison’s Heliantha clarissima
1:9 scale Bill improved exponentially this morning when I cut the stem off a Rement plastic sunflower and put it in her hair! The Master, who never calls people by their given names, refers to Bill as Heliantha clarissima, or most brilliant sunflower. And now she truly is a Heliantha, waiting for her Alisonshine!
1:9 scale Bill is done!
Here she is! I made her some bracelets out of a bubble tea straw. I enhanced her faceup just a bit by darkening the line of her upper eyelashes and filling her irises and pupils with brown to make her look more innocent and friendly. Continue reading 1:9 scale Bill is done!
Enhancing 1:9 scale Bill’s existing features
Since I last took a picture of 1:9 scale Bill, I performed several minor mods. The tendons on her right hand stood out prominently, so I filled in the back of her hand with some Aves Apoxie Sculpt and painted it to match. Fortunately, Craft Smart Golden Brown acrylic paint allowed me to match her hands to her head [and other painted parts of her body] without mixing. I sealed her hands with matte varnish.
I then turned my attention to her hair. When I ground down her jaw, I also chipped paint off the bottom of her hair. Therefore I started with a layer of blackish brown to cover all of her hair. Then I dry brushed a layer of Folk Art 940 Coffee Bean acrylic paint over her hair. This gave the impression of light touching the ends. It also brought out all the detail in the sculpt, which had formerly been obscured by the flat black paint.
For my final work, I’m going to enhance her faceup. She needs eyeliner, bags under eyes, more defined smirk brackets, and some eyebrow texturing. Probably some lip texturing too. The basics are there; they just need a little help. I’m really appreciating the Titans vinyl figures. Many of them [not all, but most] combine a recognizable likeness with a great caricature. The simple, but accurate, details of the sculpts are lost beneath indifferent paint jobs.
This 1:9 scale Bill doll has started me on a scale that I never thought I’d get into. But now I have embraced it with enthusiasm. As I mentioned before, I have a Titan First Doctor that I will make into Shalka Doctor, and I’m getting a little Delgado Master next month. I have also prepared my digital version of Alison for printing in 1:9 scale so I can make her, thus completing the Dork fam.
I’ve also ordered a Third Doctor, just because a Delgado Master needs a Third Doctor, and a Missy. I was planning to do Three and Missy in 1:6 scale just like everyone else [i.e., my main dolls], but the 1:9 scale sculpts were too good to pass up. I think I’ll do 1:9 scale Three and Missy. Not sure about a 1:9 scale Ten, though. The sculpts for Ten are great, but a 1:9 scale Ten would need a 1:9 scale Harry, and the Titans of Simm Master are just ugly.
Continue reading Enhancing 1:9 scale Bill’s existing features
Closing the thigh gap on a Toybiz 8″ Famous Covers Storm body for 1:9 scale Bill
My 1:9 scale Bill had a thigh gap that was bugging me. People tend to sit with their thighs side by side, but the first picture below illustrates that the Toybiz 8″ Famous Covers Storm body could not put its thighs together. Continue reading Closing the thigh gap on a Toybiz 8″ Famous Covers Storm body for 1:9 scale Bill
1:9 scale Bill Potts is TOO CUTE!!!
1:9 scale Bill is wearing a Mattel Babysitters Inc. AA Skipper jumper, Mattel Made to Move Barbie leggings, and a Fresh Dolls Mia bolero. She needs a sunflower for her hair, some decorations for her boots, and some jewelry. But she’s definitely rockin’ the look. <3 <3Continue reading 1:9 scale Bill Potts is TOO CUTE!!!
Adventures in 1:9 scale, or, I blame Bill Potts!
The three best companions ever in the history of Doctor Who are tied for first place: Alison Cheney, Bill Potts, and the Master. Alison and Bill suffered truly shitty adventures, so I paired them off, and now they are living happily.
Anyway, I’m always looking for little 3D representations of Bill, so I was checked online to see if Character Options had made her yet. No, of course not. But I did discover a Titan vinyl figure of her with a wonderful caricature that captures the essence of her lively, curious, upbeat personality. It also looks amazingly like Pearl Mackie, so of course I had to get it.
Further research into the DW offerings from Titan revealed more of my favorite characters, including the Third Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, and [coming in September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Delgado Master. I began to consider the possibility of dolls in this scale, especially since there were headsculpts for two of my core fanfic characters, Bill and the Master.
But what about Alison and the Doctor? I decided I could get a decent Shalka Doctor out of the First Doctor Titan. Then I discovered Toy Biz Famous Cover 9″ action figures of superheroes. One of them, Storm, looked in the pictures like she might approximate Alison’s sharp features, so I ordered her.
Well, Storm’s head turned out to be small, asymmetrical, and un-charming, so that was a bust. However, Titan Bill’s head looks great, accounting, of course, for eventual skintone matching.
This was not enough to console me, however, because I was still pissed off my by lack of Alison. Then I realized that I’m a digital sculptor with access to a 3D printer, and I have also made a digital Alison. I can just print her out at the correct size. With 1:9 scale versions of all four members of the Dork fam in the offing, I was finally pleased. Pics below. Continue reading Adventures in 1:9 scale, or, I blame Bill Potts!