Sardonix, Thalia, and Sweet Sue went to VTDL today. Official blargh has photos and video.
Posts tagged sardonix
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 02/17/2018
Fritillaria and Sardonix attended. Shitty pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/9/2017
Sardonix, Jujube, Dorothy, Jeff, Honorine, Submit, and Touralyn went. Pics on offical blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 08/12/2017
Sardonix and Yamarrah went to VTDL. Pics on official blog.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 07/15/2017
Sardonix and others went to the VTDL meetup, but only the photo with Sardonix came out. Pics on official blog.
I distributed my 1:3 food amongst my dolls today.
This is what ensued. Continue reading I distributed my 1:3 food amongst my dolls today.
Vermont Doll Lovers December meetup, 12/12/2015
Araminthe, Honorine, Sardonix, and Submit went to VTDL today, along with a crapload of Christmas props. While there, I swapped a Lumedoll Arine for Touralyn, DragonGems’ second scratch-built BJD ever. Because I found a crack in her torso, Megan is redoing her body, so I actually came home with just her head. I did, however, get some photos of her hanging around Submit, the other 1:6 scale doll of mine in attendance. Pictures are on the VTDL blog, as usual.
Vermont Doll Lovers Halloween meetup, 10/24/2015
Polly, Jujube, Thalia, and Sardonix had an early Halloween party along with the other dolls at the most recent VTDL meet. Pictures are over on the official blog.
Yup, I think he’s pretty much done.
Usually I’m not a fan of green in faceups, preferring pink, magenta, red, orange, yellow and black, but I must say that Flower is rockin’ the green here. Since the last picture earlier this evening, I progressed the freckles further down his torso and also onto the tops of his shoulders. I also started sealing his mouth with high-gloss varnish and added the style of eye makeup that’s been my signature since the very first faceup I ever did on Sardonix 1.0. Of the BJDs who bug me, Sardonix, Mellifer, Timonium, Yamarrah and now Flower have the upswept eyeliner and the down-slanting eyebrows.
Anyway, behold Flower the Unsubtle! What a change! I always knew he was fabulous…
Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 02/09/2014
Saturday’s Valentine’s meetup of Chittenden County Doll Club attracted a total of eight doll enthusiasts, as well as at least two hangers-on who did not come with dolls. In any event, the turnout represents the most populous meetup of CCDC ever, not only in terms of people, but in terms of dolls [somewhere north of 25]. Onto the pictures!
Continue reading Chittenden County Vermont Doll Club meetup: 02/09/2014
Chittenden County Doll Club, 05/18/13: everyone’s dolls!
Doll club time arrived again at last this afternoon, with me, vermont chick, goldi, Lyrajean and Megan attending. 5 whole people! Not to mention all the small populations…
Continue reading Chittenden County Doll Club, 05/18/13: everyone’s dolls!
Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix part II
The rest of the story, such as it is.
Continue reading Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix part II
Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix
Well, that was arduous. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I created custom panel layouts in Photoshop Elements and then figured out how to stick photos in the panels so that they wouldn’t overlap and/or block out other panels or photos.
I thoroughly frustrated myself in research about transparency, layer masks and clipping masks until I discovered that Elements has a Paste to Selection tool. I therefore just selected the interior of the desired panel with the Magic Wand tool, then copied my desired photo and Pasted to Selection.
After the photo is pasted, I can resize and reposition it, although this feature goes away as the panel and photo layers merge when I move to work on another panel. I’m sure there’s a way to Paste to Selection or its equivalent, while retaining the ability to resize and reposition the pasted photo, but this method suffices for now.
So here’s me experimenting with my new pages with the help of Jareth and Sardonix. I need to create custom shapes for speech bubbles with different orientations and also figure out how to make the bubbles default to white with black outlines and the text default to black, but, again, this suffices for now.Continue reading Testing my comic panels with Jareth and Sardonix
No hair up there
As an invdividual whose hair regularly flirts with non-existence [i.e., I buzz my hair with a #1 blade down to 3.175 mm every month], I appreciate baldness.
I especially like women with no hair on their heads or else only a few millimeters. Hair provides protection and conformity to societal expectations, especially for women, whose hair is seen as their "crowning glory" [adapted from 1 Cor 11:14-15]. A purposeful lack thereof on women, therefore, indicates a certain boldness in flouting cultural expectations. At the same time, since it lays bare one's facial features and the shape of one's head — containing lumps, dips, curves, moles and scars that are secret for most people — baldness also denotes in my mind an appealing frankness and vulnerability, a willingness to confront the world plainly, with unadorned honesty. I find women's intentional baldness a strong aesthetic statement, perhaps even a philosophical one.
My attraction to bare-headed women appears in my doll population. The aesthetic appeal remains the same, while the philosophical underpinnings are more along the line of being lazy and cheap and not wanting to spring for an expensive, high-maintenance wig. :p
Doll meetup, 01/14/12: Sardonix
Doll meetup, 01/14/12: all dolls
vermont chick and I met in the Koolvord Room of Brownell Library, Essex Junction, yesterday. She brought her new Iplehouse Barahan, and I brought Sardonix and Noodge. I took 200 pictures [primarily because my hands were shaking], mostly of her Barahan, since he is so handsome, with his serene smirk. Below, pictures of Barahan, Sardonix and Noodge.
First real shoot with new camera part II: Sardonix in a tree
Looking mischievous, as usual.Continue reading First real shoot with new camera part II: Sardonix in a tree
First real shoot with new camera part I: Sardonix praying [?]
She was supposed to be rubbing her hands together evilly, but she looks like she's praying for an afflatus of sarcasm…
Continue reading First real shoot with new camera part I: Sardonix praying [?]
Chittenden County, VT, meetup 8/13
I met vermont chick, Lorraine, at Tiny Thai in Essex Center to talk dolls and show ours off. The first Vermont meetup that I organized was a success. We enjoyed lunch and then took pictures of our dolls in a nearby gazebo and on a butterfly-shaped bench.
Continue reading Chittenden County, VT, meetup 8/13
Sarah and Sardonix think it’s boring around here.
SIGH. They’re never satisfied!
Sarah: "Well, it’s not too fun playing dolls any more when Elizabeth hasn’t brought all her Rement foods to the new apartment. There’s nothing to play WITH!"Continue reading Sarah and Sardonix think it’s boring around here.
Meta-narrative: My dolls play with their dolls.
Now that my BJDs all have their own BJDs, they can play dolls together. Given the differences in personalities, this can lead to conflict.Continue reading Meta-narrative: My dolls play with their dolls.
Approximately 1:3 scale laptops for BJDs: papercraft to the rescue
Last night I decided that Sarah, Sardonix, Junebug and Araminthe should be able to write stories and surf the Web if they want to. To that end, I searched this morning for a 1:3 scale laptop. I couldn’t find any except for an overpriced American Girl accessory set for last year’s Girl of the Year.
Then I decided that I didn’t really need a plastic laptop, only a convincing replica of one, material negotiable. Thus I searching under "papercraft laptop," and I found a PC World article about geeky papercraft.
Araminthe’s arrival! [Or, Bad-tempered vampire is bad-tempered.]
Araminthe arrived today! She’s the first representative of B&G Doll [Boy &Girl Doll] that I’ve encountered, and I really like her. She has smooth even resin without mold lines, well-hidden double joints and perfect stringing. She stands and holds a multitude of poses right out of the box. I’m not going to even have to wire her arms!
Araminthe’s headsculpt, the snarling Burrysa head, came with the bloody faceup, not the non-bloody one, so I guess she’s a messy eater. Her default smoldering red eyes go well with the red and black tones used in her faceup, and the drips of blood outside her lips seem more stylized than realistic. As for Araminthe’s head itself, it’s very small compared to other 60cm heads, with fine, pointy features and harsh, flat planes. I think her expression is hilarious.Continue reading Araminthe’s arrival! [Or, Bad-tempered vampire is bad-tempered.]
It’s a snow day!
What should Junebug, Sardonix and Sarah do?
Continue reading It’s a snow day!
The inmates are restless.
They’ve been hearing me pine for Araminthe.Continue reading The inmates are restless.
Toys’ toys’ toys
My toys’ toys have toys. Sardonix shows off Noodge, who shows off her teddy bear from a Rement set that I bought today at doll club. Continue reading Toys’ toys’ toys
Dolls stealing lollipops
Me: "Who posed Noodge running away with my lollipop?!"Continue reading Dolls stealing lollipops
Who got sugar all over my desk??
Me: "Who got sugar all over my desk?"Continue reading Who got sugar all over my desk??
Dolls playing with dolls!!
Sardonix: "Whatcha doing?"
Sarah: "Trying to make Precious Little do a headstand."Continue reading Dolls playing with dolls!!
Sarah likes to read.
After she got home from Christine’s, where she was getting a new faceup, Sarah immediately flopped down on my bed with a good book [Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland]. After she finished that, she saw that Junebug and Sardonix were reading Poe, so she told them about her favorite stories by him, "Ligeia" and "The Fall of the House of Usher." Junebug was deliciously creeped out; Sardonix was fascinated. Continue reading Sarah likes to read.
Noodge’s clothes
Noodge is getting a T-shirt and a pair of leggings made by Spampy’s Stuff. Each piece of material that makes up each item of clothing will have a different pattern on it, so that the whole effect looks like a purposely clashing patchwork…with a skull and crossbones on the chest, of course. Hee hee hee. Noodge, like Sardonix, will definitely be barefoot and quite possible bald as well.
Soso conceptconcept
My Fairyland Realpuki is going to be named Noodge, and she’s going to be Sardonix’ dolly minion [aka scapegoat for Sardonix’ mischief]. She was going to be a sweet little fairy doll, but the concept grew a life of its own. Sigh.
I can just see Sardonix now, waving her doll in front of Sarah. "Pay attention to my Noodge!"
"YOU’RE a noodge!"
Sardonix in Old Burying Ground, Harvard Square, Cambridge
I took about 40 shots this afternoon, but these three of Sardonix peeking out devilishly from the corner of a stone entranced me the most.Continue reading Sardonix in Old Burying Ground, Harvard Square, Cambridge
Fairyland RealPuki Soso coming…eventually.
Ever since I saw a RealPuki Soso at doll club earlier this year, I’ve really liked RealPukis, my favorite being Soso [shown in the link]. Soso nownow I’m getting my ownown, as a mischievous doll for Sardonix [like she needs more mischief in her life] and someone for Precious Little to play with [like dolls’ dolls need playmates]. I should have the unnamed Soso by the new year, since processing takes 8-10 weeks. Booooo hisssss.
More, more, more of Precious Little
Let this be a lesson: Pictures taken in natural light, such as the ones below, come out much better than those taken in artificial light, such as yesterday’s.
Junebug, Sardonix and the nail polish
Junebug: "Look, Sardonix! I got some nail polish!"Continue reading Junebug, Sardonix and the nail polish
My dolls like to read too.
Here’s a picture of Sardonix and Junebug enjoying Tales by Poe, one of the mini books that I purchased for my 1:3ers.Continue reading My dolls like to read too.
Sarah’s here!
Behold her now with incorrect faceup, eyes and wig. Soon her head will be off to Arianne02 for repainting; she’ll get some green eyes and brown hair [and pink hair!], and she’ll be set. For now, we get some pictures. Lovely, fashionable outfit is by an42 or DollsAhoy.
Note to self: Get some 12 gauge wire for Sarah’s arms. Continue reading Sarah’s here!
Sardonix behind bars
It’s been a while since I’ve done a photoshoot with any of my 1:3ers, so I took Sardonix to Powderhouse Park, Somerville, MA, today and snapped some pictures of her in a tower behind bars. Really!Continue reading Sardonix behind bars
The view from my living room chair
Junebug: "Isn’t it great up here? We can see everything!"
Sardonix: "Now we can lord it over the cats, mwah hah hah!"
Continue reading The view from my living room chair
Welcome home, Sarah!
I’m buying a Souldoll Shiva G from the DoA marketplace. Her name is Sarah, inspired by Sarah from Labyrinth [dreamy, bookish and shy, but not as whiny or as stupid with her mouth hanging open]. She’s coming with this outfit.
Right now I have conflicting ideas about how I want to set her up. [I usually paint and dress my dolls once, then keep them that way, unless they are Anneka, Will or Velvette.] Part of me wants to prepare her as Sarah from Labyrinth, with long straight brown hair, brown eyes, jeans, peasant blouse, vest and loafers. Another part of me wants to put her in green eyes, pink ponytails, my an42 pink and orange paisley dress, black and white stripey socks. Of course, the beauty of BJDs is that I can prepare her both ways, but I’m just trying to decide which look to invest in first.
Since I have the paisley dress and the stripey socks, I think I will go with the obnoxious pink look first!
As Sarah is coming with a wig, eyes and clothes [even though they are out of character], I don’t really need to prepare anything for her arrival except some footwear. I sold all my BJD shoes when I got rid of Jareth, Frank and Jennifer because my remaining BJD, Sardonix, goes barefoot [and wigless — very low maintenance!]. I hope to get Sarah some loafers from the DoA marketplace, barring that, some boring black boots. [At 8.3 cm long, Souldoll Zenith girls have big feet compared to other female dolls in the 70cm range, which makes shoe shopping hard.]
I’m also excited to report that I’ll be moving my big dolls [all 2 of them, Sardonix and Junebug] this evening. They currently sit on the very top shelf of my tallest doll bookshelf in my bedroom. Above eye level, they are isolated and rarely admired. I’m transferring them to the first shelf of my bookcase in the living room. They will then be directly across the room from my chair, where I sit to use my computer and read. I will then look up and see Sardonix with her arms folded and Junebug with her happy smile and, soon, Sarah with her wistful expression. All three of them should make good friends.
Doll club, 10/2/10
We had a small group today, but quite a few interesting dolls. I got some pictures.
Continue reading Doll club, 10/2/10
Junebug and Sardonix greet warm weather.
It was about 80 degrees F today and a little hazy, so we had a preview of summer out.Continue reading Junebug and Sardonix greet warm weather.
Junebug and Sardonix have sushi, part II
Junebug and Sardonix are eating sushi [soaps] that my sister gave me for my birthday.
Continue reading Junebug and Sardonix have sushi, part II
Junebug and Sardonix have sushi, part I
My sister gave me some fragrant soaps in the shape of sushi for my birthday in the hopes that my dolls could use them. Junebug and Sardonix obliged.Continue reading Junebug and Sardonix have sushi, part I
Photos from doll club, 1/9/10
Took a few pictures in Ann Laurie’s lightbox at doll club today. Continue reading Photos from doll club, 1/9/10
Well, SOMEONE’S excited that it’s snowing [not me].
J: "Oh wow! It’s snowing!" Continue reading Well, SOMEONE’S excited that it’s snowing [not me].
Latest big doll: Ling Karito Kid, renamed Junebug
Tuesday Morning, a discount store, recently got a shipment of KidsGive’s Karito Kids dolls in. Originally priced at $100.00 and worth every penny, the KKs were discounted to an unbelievable $30.00, so of course I had to get one, especially since I’d been lusting over them for more than a year.
Maria from doll club delivered my KK, Ling from China, to me tonight, so, forthwith, my pictorial review. Continue reading Latest big doll: Ling Karito Kid, renamed Junebug
Elfdoll Halloween Hana witch and wizard
GODDAMMIT! Just when I have no money, Elfdoll releases the little Hanas again, this time in pale white, with witch or wizard costumes and POINTY SHOES! Since they are limited editions, I will probably never get one.
These are extremely cute dolls, and they make me really [sniff] miss [sniff] Submit. I had such fun with her character, even though I didn’t have her for long. She was sacrificed to a good cause, though [moving expenses].
My wife says, “Well, Sardonix came back into your life, didn’t she? Maybe Submit will.” Assuming I get a RAISE at the end of this year…
Group shots: my desk layout and a group portrait
Here’s what my desk looks like in my new apartment. As you can see, everyone is very interested in whatever I do on the computer! [I have no idea why it’s so small. I must have resized it twice.]
And here’s a larger shot of my entire collection of BJDs. Frank and Jareth are not looking at the camera because they are too busy taking advantage of Frank’s new arms and groping each other. Will, as usual, is ennuye and melancholic, so he can’t be bothered to look at the camera. Only Jennifer and Sardonix are paying attention, probably because they figure that, the sooner they cooperate, the sooner they can return to stabbing annoying people with a unicorn [Sardonix] and writing in her memorandum book [Jennifer].
Sardonix’ weird accessory of the week
You’ve seen her Vengeance Unicorn, her string devil and her Tarot cards, but have you seen what the previous tenant left for her in our new apartment…?
Peanut gallery opens a box.
Jareth, Frank, Jennifer and Sardonix greet Will.
Fur wigs for all
I’ve been purchasing many fur wigs for Will’s flamboyant hair styles, but my other dolls keep stealing them. Since I finally got around to priming the wall behind my doll displays, I took pictures of their wig-nabbing actions.
Avatar generation, Simpsons-style
The Simpsons movie has a promotional game where you can format avatars in the style of the Simpsons art. See if you can guess which of my characters is which. No cheating.
Sardonix fanart
Commissioned a doll portrait from Neurocidic on DOA a few months ago, forgot about it, just got it in a PM today.
This is what I said to her:
“Sardonix Sanguinarius is a teenaged succubus. Though her name sounds very Gothy, she is not really angsty. Instead, she’s playful, crafty, mischievous and very clever. She’s very intelligent, with a mouthy edge. She combines the rambunctiousness and imagination of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. She is not a sexually active being yet, but neither is she an innocent child. She’s in a liminal state.”
I also linked to some close-ups and the photostory with the vengeance unicorn.
Here’s the result. I am quite pleased, especially with the smirk.
Why doesn’t Sardonix have any hair?
An answer is below. Note to self: The Photoshop Burn/Dodge tool really helps to lighten the shadows in and around her eyes!
in ur park, hangin on ur barz
Finally the weather turned seasonable, sunny and warm [75 degrees F!], so Sardonix hit the park for the first time. Then we went out to eat and she stole all my French fries…
Look at the camera, dammit! The camera! SARDONIX!
I realized that I have never taken a portrait of my latest crop of BJDs all together. So, since today was warm and sunny [after unending days of nor’easters and gloom], we repaired to the front porch for a photo session.
Sardonix: the epitome of fashion
Where “epitome” = “goofball.” Top and choker from DollHeart Kala outfit, bloomers from DollHeart Hell Queen and hat from… Where’s that hat from, Sardonix?
Submit, Sardonix and the mini Cadbury chocolate egg
Size is relative, as illustrated in this photostory about a sizeable piece of candy. Sardonix appears to have pissed off even the perpetually cheerful Submit. What will happen? Stay tuned.
Sardonix’ pink hat
Thwarted in my quest to refine the goggles because all the craft stores were closed today, I worked on my crocheting skills. Instead of using a small yarn that showed my mistakes more clearly, I chose a soft, fuzzy, pink yarn that camouflages skipped stitches and irregular gaps! It is called Caron Bliss, Article BL1000, Color 0002 Cotton Candy. I think I got it at Walmart. I liked how soft and violently bright it was. Sardonix, however, did not. See discussion and pictures below.
I worked this hat differently than Submit’s smaller hats. I used a 2-1-2-1-2 series of stitches in an unjoined spiral for the crown. I continued this pattern of stitches until the crown seemed the right size to fit over Sardonix’ head. Then I began to do circles of single crochets with each row joined. Thus I made the sides until I tried that hat on her and it covered her ears. As a result, I got a lopsided [as usual], irregular hat, but the frothiness of the yarn disguises most of my mistakes.
I’m more pleased than I expected with this hat. Having purchased the yarn for its obnoxious properties, I did not expect to produce a project that I was proud of. The messy, forgiving weave of the yarn worked to my advantage, though, creating a serviceable hat that looks much less atrocious than I feared. While I have not achieved the evenness and perfection of my fiancee’s crocheting [she’s the one who taught me], I am slowly mastering hats and becoming less self-conscious about my abilities. I won’t be selling any time soon [not unless anyone particularly wants a fuzzy pile of crocheted cotton candy vomit], but I slowly approach my goal: neatly done amigurumi animals.
Crochet practice: a hat [?]
Before moving on to animals, I will practice making hats first. My initial attempt at a hat turned out lopsided and pathetic. However, Submit was much more gracious about my crocheting than Sardonix was!
Frank and Submit go so well together. His character definitely has maternal inclinations.
Sardonix’ scarf goes to good use…
Last night I wired Submit’s arms with pipe cleaners so that she has a greater range of motion in her wrists and elbows. After the ordeal of disassembly, she quickly fell asleep in the most convenient area: Sardonix’ scarf.
Submit’s here!
Submit, my Elfdoll Hana, arrived today. When I inspected her, I clarified a few things. As much as I enjoy modding dolls, Submit is too attractive and well-made and generally endearing to change. Therefore she no longer has a conjoined sister. She is just a singular little demon with a different disposition than originally planned. Instead of peein in ur sodaz, she prefers to ride her bike and play Scrabble. She likes practical wear for outdoor games and does not like dresses, skirts and frills. She has an intellectual, introverted bent, probably because she is not evil at all, even though demons are expected to be at the very least mischievous. She is probably a mini dyke in the making. She will be an interesting counterpoint to the explosive, sarcastic, impulsive Sardonix. Pictures eventually…
Scarf 2, Sardonix 0
I made another scarf this weekend, blue, for Jennifer. Compared to rainbow scarf #1, blue scarf #2 features stupendously even gauge and small, accurate stitches. If Jennifer were a real person, it would keep her warm. Naturally, Sardonix coveted it… This story was supposed to document my improving crochet skills, but Jennifer and Sardonix are hogging the camera.
String dolls
i’m in ur fridge peein in ur sodaz
Choo cha!! I just won an Ebay auction for Elfdoll’s Devil Hana. I’m bringing home the single doll and turning it into the dicephalus conjoined twins that I mentioned previously. They are called Delenda and Submit.
Submit, the annoying, rambunctious, sadistic one, has brown bobbed hair. Her name comes from one of my ancestors. It’s clearly supposed to contrast with her character. Delenda, the reserved, thoughtful one, has dreadlocked pink hair. Her name comes from the gerundive of necessity in Latin, demonstrated in the sentence “Carthago delenda est,” which means “Carthage must be destroyed!” Delenda and Submit do not get along in terms of character, but they do love to ride their bike together. I think they are small demon-like creatures from the same realm as Sardonix [who is a succubus, in case you didn’t know].
This post gets its title from one of the Hana Devil’s faceplates, which is a big squinty smirk. It’s an “I just peed in your soda!” expression if I’ve ever seen one.
Sardonix to emo dollies: “Bitch, please!”
This photostory is Sardonix’ reaction to the infestation of unoriginal characters on DOA. Now that I’ve gotten this out of my system, we return to our regularly scheduled weirdness…
Sardonix lives up to her name.
She is not impressed with the scarf that I made. Neither am I, for that matter. You haven’t seen it yet, but my stitches have become much more even, my tension more consistent and the results much neater. I still favor the rainbow yarn, though. HAHAAAHAH.
Hell Queen + Kala = happy Sardonix!
Today I got DollHeart’s Kala outfit in the mail. I combined pieces from each set to make Sardonix an appropriately regal and slightly menacing emsemble. Choker, skirt and severely awesome shoes are from the Kala outfit, while the bodice and the peignoir are from the Hell Queen outfit. The Devil card is from my miniature Rider-Waite set, while the Death card is from the New Palladini Tarot by David Palladini. Pictures below.
Origami slippers!
After much swearing at incoherent directions, I have successfully completed a pair of slippers made from real, live origami paper. Sardonix models below. Note: If you ever want to do origami, I highly recommend drafting the patterns with scrap paper until you know what you’re doing. Only then should you start with the true origami paper…
Sardonix will upgrade.
The unofficial neck mod that Angel Toast did is not working out well. The added thickness of the neck reduces Sardonix’ mobility. Therefore, I am buying another Thaasa torso directly from the maker, who has also developed a neck adapter especially for new Cerebrus Project heads, of which Sardonix is one. Then I will restring Sardonix with her new torso and neck adapter, and she will be even more annoying poseable than she is now!
It will be kind of expensive [$100+] to upgrade Sardonix, but I will finance her changes with the successful sale of my 1:6 BJDs [an Elfdoll Tiny Jin dal Re and a Limwha For You, sold just this weekend] and my federal and state tax refunds!
Sardonix “helps” with the laundry.
In the ultimate test of character, last week, Jennifer proved herself hard-working and helpful when she did the laundry for me. In this week’s ultimate character test, Sardonix scored…uh, slightly deviant results. See below for details.
Sardonix’ nature documentary
As an introduction to Sardonix’ character, this episode just wrote itself when I saw the Vengeance Unicorn toys in a local comics shop. Warning for Calvin & Hobbes-like humor and cartoony, goreless violence.
Sardonix’ first shoot
Well, she didn’t like the big floofy outfit that I bought for her, and the Hell Queen one hasn’t arrived yet, so she settled down into the ubiquitous pink paisley nightmare that I think everyone has worn except Jennifer. As you can tell from the poses, she continued to cope ‘tude on top of the heater while I tried for some arty shots.
Sardonix arrives today!
Tracking says she arrived at the main post office this morning, so she is probably waiting impatiently on my door step RIGHT NOW.
Sardonix’ neck is done!
Now I just have to pay Angel Toast and wait for a few days until Sardonix returns to me. Check below for pictures. How can you resist her? She says, “Come to the dark side. We have cookies!” Note: There was no attempt made to match the resin colors of head and body because I don’t care that much about a small discrepancy.
Update on Sardonix: Almost done!
Angel Toast says:
>She will be done tonight, and I’ll send you new pics either tonight or tomorrow morning. Then she’ll be ready to go on her way >back home.
I’m very excited and full of eager enthusiasm!
Sardonix’ neck mods in progress
Angel Toast sent me progress pictures last night. As you can see, work is coming along swimmingly. The height and width of the neck extension look appropriate. All she needs to do is to sand and paint. See below for Sardonix looking around for mischief.

Sardonix has left the building.
Because her neck was too short, Sardonix shipped back out to Angel Toast mods this morning [Priority Mail, $19.65, 2-day arrival time, excluding day of shipment] to get her neck thickened and heightened. Fidget fidget fidget. I can’t wait to play with my doll! Oh well, I’m just going to have to learn patience [hah!].
Can your doll do yoga? Watch the Thaasa pose…
Well, Sardonix’ neck is too short for her head, so I need to have the Thaasa body modded. Before I send it away, though, check out the awesome poses that it can achieve!
Of all the dolls I have handled, I am most impressed by the Thaasa for its solidity, smooth movement, attractive articulation and ease of use. I achieved all the poses shown below within 5 minutes of deboxing [well, after some oohing and aahing]. Simple and straightforward, the Thaasa has no learning curve, the way that Volks’ KIPS system or Domuya’s dolls do. It also looks elegant and realistic while performing almost any pose. No joints dislocating or anything. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves now. Note: All photos show the doll standing unaided right out of the box. NO EXTRA SUPPORT, SUEDING OR WIRING!
Box porn: Sardonix’ body arrives.
I ordered my Thaasa body from BJDFantasy on Monday. It arrived today, Wednesday. See below the cut for fascinating box-opening photos and details of the stuff included with the body….Continue reading Box porn: Sardonix’ body arrives.
No good can come of this.
I finished painting Sardonix 2.0’s head tonight.
Blank Juri ’06:
Final product, awaiting her body and clearly plotting devious schemes:
Sardonix 1.0 for comparison:
2.0 looks happier, but also more hypnotic and evil. 1.0 just looks pissed.
Frank: center of attention, as usual.
Jareth and Jennifer [now in large, improved format] stage an intervention about Frank’s fashion choices. As usual, Frank is impervious to criticism. The glasses, they do nothing! My first photostory in a long time is primarily a showcase for…well, it was gonna be for Sardonix’ clothes, made by rattimoth on DOA, but Frank ended up putting the spotlight on himself, as usual.
Sardonix 1.0 reference pictures
Below the cut.
And here’s how she came out.
Yes, she was an evil little dolly. I enjoyed her greatly. I think she might be nicer in this inresination, but I’m not sure.
We can rebuild her; we have the technology…
Sardonix 2.0’s head arrived on 1/24. No pictures of her, but you can hear about her mods and her impending eyes and such below the cut.
I’m really liking the Juri ’06 as opposed to Sardonix 1.0, sleepy elfy Lishe. Ya see — sleepy elfy Lishe has a small Cupid’s bow for a mouth and a very narrow nose with a slight hook. I liked neither the small size of the mouth nor the narrowness of the nose. Juri ’06’s nose and mouth are much more in proportion to her face. Plus Juri ’06 has a built-in smirk. I cannot resist a built-in smirk.
I have Sardonix 2.0’s outfit coming from rattimoth on DOA. It’s a layered sort of chiffon thing that looks like old leaves. One of her eyes will be a clear marble, the other a pink cat’s eye [coming from Jolarocknrolla on DOA]. Undecided as to whether I will color in her lips a bit or leave her blank. Cyborgian decorations follow.
Sardonix 2.0!!!
Sardonix is reincarnating [or reinresinating, since she’s not a flesh-based character] as a Luts Juri 2006 head on a ShinyDoll Thaasa body. Here you can see the stability and posability of the Thaasa body. While scrawny, it has an elegantly engineered flow that Domuya’s Flexi body, which looks blatantly mechanical, does not. I’m looking for Thaasa measurements, since I hear that the body is smaller around the waist than the average 60 cm girl, maybe closer to Obitsu size? If so, Sardonix could share clothes with Jennifer. [Not that Sardonix wears too many clothes…] Anyway, I look forward with interest and excitement to Sardonix’ new head, currently en route. It’s much more mischievous and androgynous than her original sleepy elfy Lishe head. No needle nose or rosebud lips either, much to my pleasure.
Sardonix liquidated into the DEDF
Sardonix’ body went into the DEDF. I thought I wouldn’t give up her head, but then decided that, however devilishly charming she is, she is not the doll[s] that I want. I want my Jareth and Frank dolls. Bye, Sardonix. Nice knowin’ ya. I doubt that Sardonix will truly disappear. Zephque will probably hang around too. After falling back into the great melting pot of aborted characters, their traits shall surely resurface in future creations.
I still want a Uyoo. She’s so innocent and cheerful-looking, which would make her a good representation of Jennifer.
Head coming eventually!
I just wanted to share my news with people. Therese is getting an Elf Lishe. That’s a Cerebrus Project Delf doll, limited to an edition of 68. She has all the coolness of Lishe, as seen here, but with big pointy ears! Therese keeps the sleeping head, which we think has fangs, and I get the waking head [no fangs, blah]. Continue reading Head coming eventually!