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Maggie: not a pageant contestant

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So I really like my GOML Minuk, who I’ve turned into Maggie, but her overexaggerated lip paint makes her look like a child beauty pageant contestant. To improve Maggie, I erased her lip paint, and the deep indent for her lip line works great to great the impression of a mouth. See? She also has a slight, petulant smile, which was not visible in the original paint job. Continue reading Maggie: not a pageant contestant

Articulating American Girl’s Girls of Many Lands

Articulating American Girl’s Girls of Many Lands published on 1 Comment on Articulating American Girl’s Girls of Many Lands

When I first made Qingting, a Hun type vampire and associate of Chow Bang, she was an American Girl Girls of Many Lands doll on a cut-down Obitsu body, but I didn’t like that because it was too tall and the arm fastenings too frail. I now have a new body for her, closer to her original height of 9". See photo below for how I transferred her original torso, hands and feet onto a 23cm Obitsu framework.

The next photo shows another GOML I’ve worked on recently. She was original a Yupik Native Alaskan character, Minuk, but she has now been repurposed and rearticulated to be Maggie, Absinthe’s sort-of niece.Continue reading Articulating American Girl’s Girls of Many Lands

“I’ve got an itch to scratch — I need assistance!”

“I’ve got an itch to scratch — I need assistance!” published on No Comments on “I’ve got an itch to scratch — I need assistance!”

When Janet sings that line in Toucha Toucha Touch Me In Rocky Horror, she’s talking about an itch to scratch that she herself can’t reach. Did you know there’s a word for the part of your body where you cannot reach to scratch? It’s called “acnestis.” Just reading the word makes me itch.

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