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Granted, this series may be good, and admittedly the descriptions on the backs of videos and DVDs are terminally lame (I presume the ‘jacket text’ is where the description came from), but the way the description on the site for this starts sounds like a good fifty percent of pulp paperbacks and tv detective shows. Michael Colefield (Jack Davenport) is a police investigator in London suddenly thrown into events beyond his control. I’m going to ignore the poor grammar of that sentence and move on to the cliches.
Police detectives in pulps of one flavor or another are always thrown, and events are always beyond their control. Well, yes, if a police investigator controlled the criminals or other individuals he or she was investigating that story would be a very different one…

It would be amusing to see a tv series or film where that sort of flavor text was used begin with the investigator actually being thrown and falling into oh, the secret Mafia storeroom, or a fight among vampires; even better if there was a voiceover saying something about him (or her) being ‘thrown into events beyond his control.’

I just did a search for the phrase “thrown into events beyond his control” and was amused by the variety of results.

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