Araminthe and Fritillaria attended. Pics on official blargh.
Posts tagged araminthe
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 03/17/2018
Araminthe, Yamarrah, some Mattel Curvies, and Donna [a new-to-me 1950s American Character doll] attended yesterday. Blarghity blargh blog.
Otakuthon Dollathon, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 08/04/2017-08/06/2017
Lyrajean, Bittersweet Blue, and I drove up to the Palais de Congres in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for Otakuthon, 08/04/2017-08/06/2017. Well, we mostly attended for the small amount of BJD programming, otherwise known as Dollathon.
Continue reading Otakuthon Dollathon, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 08/04/2017-08/06/2017
Fritillaria finds a heart…
Heart from @natalunasans. Dialogue from, of course, my twisted imagination. Continue reading Fritillaria finds a heart…
Araminthe’s crude handmade camisole
Araminthe currently wears a dress made by @dollsahoy that I got about 10 or 11 years ago, around the time when I got my first 1:3 scale BJD. Because this dress not only encompasses my love for bright colors, obnoxious patterns, and short skirts, I have wedged a succession of my BJDs of various sizes into it, all with amazing results.
Unfortunately, however, the dress is sagging around the shoulders, making it real easy to take a look at Araminthe’s pointy grey cleavage. To obviate this, I constructed a crude camisole out of a stretchy wristlet from @natalunasans, with straps of ribbon in my favorite colors: magenta, slightly darker magenta, and more magenta. I then pinned Araminthe’s dress to the back straps of the cami.
I have now achieved a twofold result. 1) No more sagging dress. 2) Araminthe’s outfit is now even MORE meretricious!!
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/17/2016
Araminthe, Polly, and Timonium went to VTDL yesterday, where they joined in the small-scale feast.
Dolls survey 1:3 scale food in prep for next month’s feast.
Yamarrah and Never the Less discuss menu options, with special appearances from Submit and Araminthe. Continue reading Dolls survey 1:3 scale food in prep for next month’s feast.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 11/12/2016
Araminthe and Thalia accompanied me to last Saturday’s meetup, pictures of which are on the blog.
I distributed my 1:3 food amongst my dolls today.
This is what ensued. Continue reading I distributed my 1:3 food amongst my dolls today.
Vermont Doll Lovers December meetup, 12/12/2015
Araminthe, Honorine, Sardonix, and Submit went to VTDL today, along with a crapload of Christmas props. While there, I swapped a Lumedoll Arine for Touralyn, DragonGems’ second scratch-built BJD ever. Because I found a crack in her torso, Megan is redoing her body, so I actually came home with just her head. I did, however, get some photos of her hanging around Submit, the other 1:6 scale doll of mine in attendance. Pictures are on the VTDL blog, as usual.
Doll work and acquisitions this weekend: a little Honorine, mostly Christmas crap
Besides hosting the monthly VTDL meetup yesterday, I also worked a bit on dolls today. Honorine got wiring in her limbs, as well as a comfy outfit of pajamas and slippers.Continue reading Doll work and acquisitions this weekend: a little Honorine, mostly Christmas crap
Vermont Doll Lovers, 08/08/2015
Two of my three open-mouthed vampires, Araminthe and Yamarrah, accompanied me to yesterday’s meetup. Pictures are on the official blog.
Hair frustrations
Unfortunately, digital hair doesn’t really translate well into reality…which is a shame, as I’d like real-world versions of the following:
However…if I do want to make those hairstyles as wigs, I have some thoughts:
- Xandy’s pompadour seems like a prime candidate not for a fur wig, but for a paper construction over a wooden frame. Not sure exactly what to use for materials, though.
- Polly’s antigrav hair could probably be achieved with mohair supported with strategically placed wired ribbons emanating from the cap and twining around bunches of curls.
- I think I can modify my standard fur wig pattern to make TGK hair for Timonium. Basically it involves the inclusion of some pieces of fur at the crown of the wig in which the grain is pointing up to make the sticky-uppy section.
In related news, Araminthe could really use some new hair. I tergiversate between trying to turn her current dusty rose mohair into an updo or getting her a new updo wig. I think an updo would help, as her face is rather compressed vertically. Also I can’t see her ears!
EDIT: Wonder what she’d look like with my blue/pink bob or my blue/pink mohawk…
Vermont Doll Lovers, 04/11/2015
Araminthe, Jujube, Beth, and Death attended today’s VTDL meetup. Photos on the VTDL blog.
Dollism Plus, 09/20/2014, before lunch I: dealers and dioramas
Saturday, our only full day at the convention, I hit the registration booth shortly after 9:30 AM [and the opening of the dealer room for the day]. Who should I meet there but fellow Vermont Doll Lovers member Lyrajean [not pictured], who handed me my badge and swag bag?
Continue reading Dollism Plus, 09/20/2014, before lunch I: dealers and dioramas
Dollism Plus, Buffalo, NY, 09/19/2014: photos from room sales
Janna and I, with Araminthe and Timonium in tow, drove to Buffalo, NY, this past weekend for the BJD convention I’ve been anticipating for months: Dollism. With no expensive BJD projects in the offing, I attended the convention with very little spending money and the goal of taking as many photos as possible.
We arrived at the Hyatt Regency on Friday evening, exhausted, after a desperately tedious drive across the entire Empire State. We missed all the workshops and dealer booths for that day. However, room sales — individual attendees and dealers selling things out of their hotel rooms — were going on, so I grabbed my camera, my business cards and Timonium, then ventured forth to acquire photos. I always asked before snapping away, and everyone graciously consented to have photos of their dolls taken.
Continue reading Dollism Plus, Buffalo, NY, 09/19/2014: photos from room sales
Dollism attendees
I decided to bring Timonium and either Yamarrah or Araminthe to Dollism. First, they represent my major scales, 1:6 scale and 1:3 scale respectively. Second, they have no small movable parts to lose. Timonium’s wig fits snugly; his skirt’s rubber-banded around his waist with clear elastics, his choker is hot glued down, and he doesn’t have detachable ears [like Flower’s] to come loose.
I’m not sure about whether to bring Yamarrah or Araminthe. Yamarrah’s earrings, wig and glasses are all secured to her head with hot glue, so her hair won’t escape [the way that Araminthe’s occasionally does]. However, I really need to extend the orange of her hands up her wrists if I’m going to bring her, as her color mismatches really piss me off. Araminthe has a sturdier, less fiddly body than Yamarrah, but she doesn’t represent my fabulous [har!] skills in faceups and wigmaking the way that Yamarrah does. Araminthe’s faceup is completely default, and I haven’t yet worked up the courage to wipe and redo it.
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Araminthe tries on Jareth’s boots.
They’re actually thigh-high on her, while they reach only over his knees, much to my eternal disappointment. :'( Araminthe looks rather uncomfortable in footwear that doesn’t conform to her usual style.
Continue reading Araminthe tries on Jareth’s boots.
Dollmore Trinity Elysia redux
I’m still entertaining the idea of a 1:2 scale BJD in the form of Dollmore Trinity Elysia, previously mentioned in July. She appears occasionally on the secondary market, which is good, as I can’t patronize Dollmore’s primary market for moral reasons. Recently one just popped up on the DOA marketplace for ~$2.2K excluding s/h, which I find a damn sight more affordable than ~$3K. Janna says we don’t have the space for a BJD that big, but I’d make the space.
I wish that Elysia wasn’t solely available as various LE fullsets. Very few of my BJDs end up looking exactly as they came from the manufacturer, Araminthe, Janvier Jett and Submit being the notable exceptions in my current population. I derive most of my enjoyment from customizing the heck out of my BJDs and personalizing them as much as possible. In practice, this means that they end up with bright, scribbly faceups, wild faux fur hair and meretriciously mismatching outfits. Therefore, if I bought Elysia, I would, of course, remove the faceup, change the eyes and set aside wig and outfit, thus leaving me with hundreds of dollars of nontransferable doll stuff that I have no use for.
I’d love to get an Elysia kit — unstrung, unpainted. Blah blah blah!!
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Chittenden County Doll Club, 10/26/2013
Six people attended the first CCDC Halloween meetup yesterday: me, Lyrajean, vermont chick, goldi, Megan and a newcomer, purplekiss101. [Megan did not bring any dolls, though.] I brought my graveyard set; purplekiss101 and Megan brought pumpkins; purplekiss101, vermont chick and Lyrajean brought dolls in costume, and Lyrajean brought some doll-scale Halloween treats.
Great addition to Iplehouse’s Addiction line: Victor!!!
The latest to join the Addiction line of dolls by Iplehouse [whence Yamarrah] is Victor. Like Doria [Yamarrah], he comes with an open-mouthed vampire head revealing teeth and tongue. Victor’s expression looks more like B&G Dolls’ Burrysa snarling [Araminthe] than Doria’s, though.
Continue reading Great addition to Iplehouse’s Addiction line: Victor!!!
Araminthe and I investigate a little house in Winooski, VT.
Araminthe and I went to a small park in Winooski this morning.
Continue reading Araminthe and I investigate a little house in Winooski, VT.
Whoo hoo!
Just came across a picture of Timonium on the BJD Showcase Tumblr, a collection of messily done BJDs. That makes…hmmm, let’s see…how many BJDs of mine that have been mocked on various boards and blogs?
- Jareth 1.0 for looking deformed
- Frank for being a defacement of a Volks LE
- Sardonix 2.0 for having a schematic, indestructible faceup made of undiluted acrylic paint
- Timonium for being messy
In a special subcategory is Araminthe. When B&G Dolls put out their LE Burrysa with neutral and snarling heads, a thread started on Den of Demons mocking the crabby expression on her snarling head. I didn’t even know this doll existed until I saw the DoD thread, which inspired me to purchase Araminthe. No one has specifically mocked Araminthe, but her sculpt has been made fun of.
I’m quite sure that someone out there is heaving their guts out over photos of Jareth 2.0, but I haven’t found proof of that yet.
Man! Just wait till I puke all over my color-mismatching hybrid between a super-expensive LE Iplehouse head and a mechanically recalcitrant, cheapo body! [That’s Yamarrah, folks.] Maybe I can make the BJD Showcase again!
Actually, you know what annoys me the most about Timonium’s appearance on that Tumblr? My photo was used without attribution. I told the blogger to either put a source link or take down the photo. Otherwise, how are Showcase readers gonna know where to fling their poo, huh?!?!?!?!?
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
Dollism Plus US 2014 WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!
So it looks like Dollism Plus, a gargantuan BJD convention usually held in Hong Kong, will occur in 2014 in the US, specifically Niagara Falls, New York! That’s just a 7-hour drive away! I’ve already buzzed to Janna about this, and we look forward to taking a DOLL ROAD TRIP WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO there and back.
I’m really excited to have a BJD con somewhere close by. In the past, many interesting BJD events have occurred in the South and on the West Coast, but very, very few in the Northeast. While I have been to shows for all types of dolls, as well as large BJD meetups, I’ve never been to a con dedicated to BJDs, so I look forward to meeting people, taking lots of pictures, playing with unfamiliar dolls and buying some stuff. Of course, I have to save up quite a lot of money for travel, lodging and, uh, doll stuff.
I’m already thinking about who to bring. Members of the Me and My Muses or Zombieville universes are not eligible, so that reduces the pool of available attendees to those dolls who pester me in my universe:
- Araminthe
- Flower
- Ginevra
- Janvier Jett
- Jareth
- Jujube
- Mellifer
- Sardonix
- Submit
- Timonium
- Yamarrah
Jareth is out because I’ve decided that, while he may go out in public with me, he’s never going to any meets. I’m also leaning toward eliminating people with fragile or fiddly parts, like Flower with his hot-glued ears, Ginevra with her detachable wing and Janvier Jett with her articulated fingers. I won’t bring Jujube either because she is so small, likewise Submit.
That leaves me with Araminthe, Mellifer, Sardonix, Timonium and Yamarrah. [There may be some other options by next September, depending on who I acquire before then!] I’d like to bring a 1:6er, especially if people are selling sets and accessories in that scale; then I will have a basis for comparison. I’d also like to bring a "standard" 1:3 scale BJD because she could serve as a fit model for any clothing I’m interested in. Hmmm…
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Mysterious blood bag
This photostory started off as a simple showcase for my latest 1:6 scale accessory, a blood bag, but then changed into something longer and more pointless.
Continue reading Mysterious blood bag
Bunny bread from Great Harvest
Great Harvest makes big and little bunny breads the week before Easter. I picked one up Friday because it was so cute. It freaked out the local doll population.
Continue reading Bunny bread from Great Harvest
Waiting for Yamarrah with Jareth and Araminthe
An entirely pointless photostory in direct continuation of that posted earlier!
Continue reading Waiting for Yamarrah with Jareth and Araminthe
Iplehouse Doria’s special edition fantasy head amuses me to no end [as does the phrase "tonsil hockey"].
Head hunting
\o/ I will be purchasing some Lumedoll Lumelight heads: elf Koit in tan, Blaze in yellow and Arine in tan. I’m very excited about Koit and Arine, as I love those sculpts, while Blaze will be a challenge. He looks stupefied in all the owner pics I’ve seen of him, so I’d like to try to make him look…uh…less stupefied. Typically, I like dolls with open mouths [witness Araminthe, Janvier Jett, Lola Paprika], but somehow Blaze tends to look like his train of thought is still boarding at the station.
Woo hoo! An excuse to hit up Hujoo for some bodies, at least two chocolate ones. Are you listening, Andrea? That’s at least $40.00 of the way toward free s/h!
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, but I’d prefer it if you’d comment on my DW using OpenID.
Chittenden County Doll Club: 10/20/2012
It was the proud, the free and the few at doll club this Saturday [usual place, usual time]. I attended, of course, along with vermont chick and Lyrajean.
The Lura Project: parts on Araminthe’s body
I just acquired a pair of Soom Euclase dead hands [thanks, tygati!], so, this morning, I decided to see how my current assemblage of parts fits on Lura's proposed body, for which Araminthe is currently standing in.
Continue reading The Lura Project: parts on Araminthe’s body
The Lura Project: testing body, eyes, wig
Just for the heck of it, I stuck Lura's head on Araminthe's body. Araminthe is a Boy and Girl [B&G] Doll Burrysa snarling. She is a 60cm doll in grey resin. As far as resin matches go, B&G is on the paler side of grey, so it doesn't look that bad with Lura's rose grey head. She would definitely need a longer neck if she were to use this body, though!
Continue reading The Lura Project: testing body, eyes, wig
Return of the Eyes That Can See Forever: now with added vampire!
Lura's Eyes That Can See Forever have moved on to Araminthe, where they have become the Eyes That Freak You Out. Observe how they catch light!
Continue reading Return of the Eyes That Can See Forever: now with added vampire!
Aww, that’s kind of cute: a chibi Araminthe?
Araminthe, as my loyal readers [all 2 of them!], know, is a 60cm Boy and Girl [B&G] Doll Burrysa snarling in grey resin. I noticed recently that B&G Doll updated its Web site with a 25cm version of Burrysa. She most closely resembles the 60cm Burrysa with a closed mouth. Even their outfits are similar. It's like an extra-portable Araminthe! :p
B&G Dolls do not seem very popular on DOA. I only know of 2 other users with Burrysas, and I think they both use the closed-mouth head, which is a pity because it's not that exciting. I'm the only one who has posted pictures of my Burrysa snarling on the boards.
Tonight I'm going to work on Lura…and Araminthe as well. I want to try the 14mm eyes in Lura's head and get rid of those O_O eyes. Since they glow so nicely, I think I'll put the O_O eyes in Araminthe's sockets, substituting for her current murky red ones. I also want to put Lura's head on Araminthe's body to see resin matching and proportionality.
Petula is moving on.
Well, hopefully. Just listed her for sale on the DOA marketplace. I took a few shots for the sales thread below.
The August Project: testing eyes and wigs
The seller liked August's open-eyed head, but I am fonder of her winking head, which I'll be using. Here's August with a wine-colored fur wig and an acrylic eye [unknown size] of green with a brown center. She came with both the wig and the eye. For some reason I'm thinking that the eye is 16mm???
Continue reading The August Project: testing eyes and wigs
Lola Paprika will have new shoes!
I bought Lola Paprika some black loafers with white skulls on them especially for her relatively large feet. She can't stand in her high heels [except for that one time she magically stood somehow during my first photoshoot], and that's why I don't take her places. Soon she'll be able to go outside for photos!
Doll meetup, 12/10/11: Araminthe alone
Araminthe suffers the chilly weather in the Essex Shoppes gazebo in Essex Center, all for the sake of a few good backlit photos.
Continue reading Doll meetup, 12/10/11: Araminthe alone
Doll meetup, 12/10/11: TIny Thai, Essex Center
vermont chick, goldi, JustKate89 and I met this afternoon at Tiny Thai in Essex Center for some frigid pictures at the gazebo in the Essex Shoppes parking lot.
Attending were [L to R] vermont chick's Alchemic Lab Unoa Lusis, my Araminthe, JustKate89's Angel of Dream Mimi and goldi's Fairyland Minifee Chloe. They are all holding onto their hair because it was windy out!
Continue reading Doll meetup, 12/10/11: TIny Thai, Essex Center
All my 1:3 BJDs
From left to right: Araminthe, Janvier Jett, Lola Paprika, Sarah, Sardonix. None of their dolls are shown. Junebug and Precious Little are not shown because they have permanently moved to work to keep me company.Continue reading All my 1:3 BJDs
Janvier Jett sings the blues
Janvier Jett: "Meow-wow-wow, I got them flamin' hot pussy bluuuuuuuuuuuues!"
Beware the vampire with a camera!
Araminthe: "Sigh… Trees…Flowers…"Continue reading Beware the vampire with a camera!
EZ joints 4 u to use!
May be getting these Dikadoll jointed hands for 60cm fems. Not sure if I want to give them both to Janvier Jett so she can play the guitar, or if I should divide them up between 2 dolls. I imagine there would be a big fight for the extra jointing:
- Sardonix would want to be able to give people the finger.
- Sarah would want to hold a book.
- Lola Paprika would wish to hold her Tarot cards individually in her fingertips.
- Araminthe would not be able to benefit because there would be too much of a mismatch between her grey resin and the hands, which are light tan with a pinkish undertone [NOT "nude" or "flesh-colored!"].
Araminthe at night
A commanding presence on my desk. Her pointy face looks best in dramatic light. Continue reading Araminthe at night
Lola Paprika’s shoes
Here is Araminthe, or at least her feet, modeling Lola Paprika’s shoes. Continue reading Lola Paprika’s shoes
Araminthe hanging out in front of the sky
Good pictures just seem to fall out of my camera when I place Araminthe in front of it. I would say that she’s the most photogenic of my 1:3 dolls, with Sardonix and Junebug being equally second most photogenic and Sarah being the most difficult to capture on film.
I really like Araminthe as a doll. She’s wonderfully balanced; as you can see in these pictures, she’s leaning realistically, balancing on one foot and the wall. She’s also strung nice and tightly so that I can pose her limbs in almost any position without having them flop or fall. I also like her wonderfully pointy face. [See profile pic.] Continue reading Araminthe hanging out in front of the sky
Lola Paprika, my new Angelsdoll Hyang
So today I ordered my Angelsdoll Hyang, who came, avec faceup, to $309.00. Her name is Lola, inspired by the classic Kinks song, and her concept is that of a cool, somewhat mismatching, ‘80s style girl.
I met her in a club down in North SoHo
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like Coca Cola,
C-O-L-A, cola.
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance.
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said, “Lola.
L-O-L-A, Lola.”
I’ve been shopping for her since this morning. I chose her some 14mm Captured in Glass eyes that are colored like a muzzy pie chart in various light pastels. I hope that the light colors of her eyes will catch light, which apparently none of my dolls’ eyes really do.
Her faceup will be a custom job painted to look like this one, shown on Angelsdoll’s Cat Avatar Ieseul. Look at all that blue and yellow eyeshadow!!
Not sure what I’ll do for her wig, but I do have a nice light pink candy floss mohair wig that Divas by Design sent me along with Araminthe’s custom order. Or the hot magenta fur wig! Or she could wear the violent pink yarn one, assuming that custom order ever gets finished.
For her outfit, she’ll be wearing some of the default pieces that come with her, namely the black stockings, red snakeskin fur-trimmed jacket, black hot pants and black turtleneck sleeveless shirt. I hope to add hot pink leggings that go to the top of the calf, matching short armwarmers, as well as yellow stockings with white polka dots, worn slouched down, and black pleather platform pumps. I’d like to fit some neon green in there somehow too. She’ll look so obnoxious!
Araminthe enjoying the springlike weather
Araminthe was hanging out in the sunlight today; she’s not the kind of vampire who shrivels in the day. In fact, she revels in the coming spring! See?
Continue reading Araminthe enjoying the springlike weather
Junebug’s new hat and scarf!
Maria made Junebug a hat and a scarf, which she gave me at doll club yesterday, and Junebug is very proud of them…. Continue reading Junebug’s new hat and scarf!
Doll club, 03/05/11
Went to doll club today. Brought Araminthe and her doll Petula. Araminthe went over very well, especially the contrast between her frothy outfit and her snarling expression.Continue reading Doll club, 03/05/11
Araminthe and Petula looking moody in late-day light
Pictures taken at about 5:00 PM to take advantage of the rich acute-angle light.
Continue reading Araminthe and Petula looking moody in late-day light
My vision of a cutely dressed vampire is complete.
Araminthe received her default wig yesterday, a pale pink one done up with roses. Here she is in all her glory.
Continue reading My vision of a cutely dressed vampire is complete.
Meta-narrative: My dolls play with their dolls.
Now that my BJDs all have their own BJDs, they can play dolls together. Given the differences in personalities, this can lead to conflict.Continue reading Meta-narrative: My dolls play with their dolls.
“Have you seen my hair gel?”
Araminthe lounges on my bed in a fabulous new fright wig.Continue reading “Have you seen my hair gel?”
Papercraft laptop for BJDs
I made a papercraft laptop for my dolls tonight. I’m sure it would have looked better if I had printed it out on cardstock [which I didn’t have] and used some adhesive other than clear tape, but it’s close enough for my purposes. Modeled by a chronically unimpressed Araminthe.Continue reading Papercraft laptop for BJDs
Approximately 1:3 scale laptops for BJDs: papercraft to the rescue
Last night I decided that Sarah, Sardonix, Junebug and Araminthe should be able to write stories and surf the Web if they want to. To that end, I searched this morning for a 1:3 scale laptop. I couldn’t find any except for an overpriced American Girl accessory set for last year’s Girl of the Year.
Then I decided that I didn’t really need a plastic laptop, only a convincing replica of one, material negotiable. Thus I searching under "papercraft laptop," and I found a PC World article about geeky papercraft.
Araminthe is not amused.
"Why must you torture me with such hideous wigs???"Continue reading Araminthe is not amused.
Araminthe in blond
Here’s Araminthe in a long blond wig. Look at the blending of her red and black eyeshadow. Pretty nice.Continue reading Araminthe in blond
Araminthe reads over Sarah’s shoulder.
Araminthe: "What are you reading?"Continue reading Araminthe reads over Sarah’s shoulder.
Araminthe, Junebug and the camera
I got a little Hello Kitty camera yesterday. When you look in the viewfinder, you see scenes of Hello Kitty that change when you click the shutter. Araminthe apparently has other plans for the camera.
Continue reading Araminthe, Junebug and the camera
Araminthe’s arrival! [Or, Bad-tempered vampire is bad-tempered.]
Araminthe arrived today! She’s the first representative of B&G Doll [Boy &Girl Doll] that I’ve encountered, and I really like her. She has smooth even resin without mold lines, well-hidden double joints and perfect stringing. She stands and holds a multitude of poses right out of the box. I’m not going to even have to wire her arms!
Araminthe’s headsculpt, the snarling Burrysa head, came with the bloody faceup, not the non-bloody one, so I guess she’s a messy eater. Her default smoldering red eyes go well with the red and black tones used in her faceup, and the drips of blood outside her lips seem more stylized than realistic. As for Araminthe’s head itself, it’s very small compared to other 60cm heads, with fine, pointy features and harsh, flat planes. I think her expression is hilarious.Continue reading Araminthe’s arrival! [Or, Bad-tempered vampire is bad-tempered.]
Araminthe’s outfit of awesomeness!
I got Araminthe a frilly and obnoxiously colored dress set, Watermelon Idol, from Tenshi on DoA. Isn’t it fabulous? Also please note that Noodge apparently likes Araminthe’s shoes too.Continue reading Araminthe’s outfit of awesomeness!
Araminthe’s shoes of awesomeness!
Araminthe has yet to arrive — her putative date is the middle or end of February — but I have been collecting her clothes, wig and shoes, everything but the red eyes, which she comes with. Behold now her shoes of awesomeness, which are the highest of femme in all details. They even have butterflies and flowers on the soles. Can you imagine a bad-tempered vampire wearing these? You will soon see one in the person of Araminthe.
Continue reading Araminthe’s shoes of awesomeness!
The inmates are restless.
They’ve been hearing me pine for Araminthe.Continue reading The inmates are restless.
Araminthe impending!
The newest large doll in my group of large dolls will be Araminthe, a previously mentioned B&G Burrysa with snarling head. Ordered from Denver Doll Emporium. Should be here in 6 to 10 weeks. Yay! She will be my cutesy bad-ass vampire!
I kind of want this doll.
B&G Dolls [Boy and Girl Dolls] has a several-months-old line out called the Old World. These dolls represent the most popular dollified supernaturals, viz., vampires, elves and elfy vampires.
I currently have a crush on Burrysa, an elfy vampire. One of her full sets
Another full set for Burrysa
I can just see her now with poofy pink ponytails or cyber dreads and a decora outfit as elaborate as Zinnia Pascale’s. Her name would be something soft and plushy, like Trisha or Priscilla, and her outfit would be bright and cheery, while her personality would be curmudgeonly and semi-evil, but actually not that bad. She’d be the bigger vampire version of Zinnia Pascale, and she’d sure be a lot of fun to piece together…