I’ve been waiting for so long to make this pun…Continue reading Ten pictures concerning absolutely nothing!
Posts tagged the master
The Doctor 2.0 and the Master’s new clothes
When I think of the Doctor from Doctor Who, I think of the Doctor from Scream of the Shalka. Played by Richard E. Grant and written by Paul Cornell to be a snarky, smug, petulant, dry, sarcastic, emotionally walled-off person with depression, they’re understandable, but not particularly approachable. Because I like happy characters, I decided to treat much of the Doctor’s attitude in SotS as manifestations of depressive symptoms.
I write all my fanfic from the perspective of the Doctor having recovered from much of their misery. They are now playful, witty, elliptical, and silly. They love plants and music; they frequently express themself in poetry and puns, and they do not match at all. Continue reading The Doctor 2.0 and the Master’s new clothes
A slightly racier set of mini pulps, as read by Alison and her extended Dork Fam
The mini pulps I made today and yesterday are racier than earlier sets. See details as Alison and her extended Dork Fam gather in the Spymaster’s lab for some reading time. The first set took pictures from late 19th and early 20th century ads for circuses, plays, magicians, and Navy recruitment. The next three, all featuring Terra Nova and her spacesuits of dubious functionality, combine renders that I made in Daz Studio on the fronts and 20th century vibrator ads on the backs. Continue reading A slightly racier set of mini pulps, as read by Alison and her extended Dork Fam
How to entertain a bunch of nerds: snacks and pulps
More shots of my recently created pulps and Rocket Fuel Foods in action, courtesy of Alison and her extended Dork Fam. Continue reading How to entertain a bunch of nerds: snacks and pulps
Sheep Happens!: A pointless photostory!
Wow, twelve panels in which to say nothing at all… My sister gave me a felted sheep for use in a photostory, so here’s its starring role. Continue reading Sheep Happens!: A pointless photostory!
Recent projects II: Another hand-sewn apron!
I have always envisioned the Doctor as a person with about five types of eyewear on their head and a work apron filled with all sorts of stuff. Part of my vision came true last week when I made them a work apron full of pockets. It was initially going to be a single layer of that goldenrod felt, but then I decided to reinforce it. Then I decided to be artsy-fartsy. Then I decided to add more pockets…and more…and more. It came out extremely loud, extremely pocket-laden, and therefore perfect for the Doctor!
Continue reading Recent projects II: Another hand-sewn apron!
An apron for the Master!
This evening I drafted a pattern and made an apron for the Master so he can cook without getting his clothes messy. Of course, he wouldn’t usually wear something so colorful, but my story is that the Doctor made it for him. They were so proud of themself, so he couldn’t disappoint them by not wearing it, now could he? One of these days I’ll do a photostory with the Master cooking for the Dork fam!
I based this pattern on a Mattel Barbie apron, reverse-engineering it, adding length and width where I thought appropriate. For a first try, it came out reasonably attractive and functional, though the bib is too long and the waist ties too low. The apron also lacks bilateral symmetry, but that’s less a fault of the pattern and more a fault of me, the sloppy sewer. I’m very satisfied with the initial results.
The [extended] Dork fam in THE THINGIE!!!!!!
I just saw this digital model, a steampunk time machine, and needed to shoot a photostory about it. Naturally all my Doctor Who dolls got in on the action…Continue reading The [extended] Dork fam in THE THINGIE!!!!!!
New and improved newspaper machine with custom graphics
When I first got my newspaper machine, a cast iron bank from Liberty Collectibles, it was emblazoned with logos of Shell Oil. It looked like this:
Continue reading New and improved newspaper machine with custom graphics
Alison’s awesome attire — wordless photostory with Alison and the Master
I recently got a Playtoy Female Monster Hunter doll, i.e., Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious from Van Helsing, solely because of the cool outfit. Once she arrived, I gave Alison the corset and the bolero jacket. She also wears a Triad black leotard, some gold leggings from Aliexpress, shoes from Ebay, and a choker that I made. She felt very self-conscious because she’s not used to wearing such things, so the Master tried to cheer her up! He, of course, thinks she looks amazing. Then again, he thinks she looks amazing in anything.
Continue reading Alison’s awesome attire — wordless photostory with Alison and the Master
Alison and the Master — the snuggle is real!
Alison and the Master… THE SNUGGLE IS REAL!!Continue reading Alison and the Master — the snuggle is real!
New 1:6 scale stuff — record player, mini vending machines, etc.
Got some 1:6 scale stuff recently. Clearing out my phone, I found these photos. Continue reading New 1:6 scale stuff — record player, mini vending machines, etc.
Acme magnets
Acme, a company that made lots of kitchen magnets in the 1990s and early 2000s, produced many pieces that can be repurposed for dolls. Here are my Acme magnets below. The first two photos show those that can be used for 1:6 scale. The third shows those that are too large for 1:6 scale, more like 1:4 scale. Continue reading Acme magnets
Alison’s Loud Shirt
I made a collared shirt for Alison from @dollsahoy‘s pattern @ 115% and proved two things. 1) My sewing skills have improved immeasurably since the last time I made a collared shirt a few years ago. 2) My characters, like me, have, at best, dubious taste in clothing.
This was going to be a showcase for Alison’s painfully bright shirt, but it digressed into a commentary on gold eyeliner…Continue reading Alison’s Loud Shirt
Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Alison, Bill, the Master, and the Doctor have New Year’s sentiments to impart. Continue reading Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Relax, Master! — further resculpting of a 1:6 scale resin Roger Delgado head
I’ve been working ever since I got this 1:6 scale resin head of Roger Delgado as the Master to make it into my mental image of him. Today I started on my third iteration of mods. Continue reading Relax, Master! — further resculpting of a 1:6 scale resin Roger Delgado head
Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Acme Magnets, now sadly defunct, issued a wide variety of kitchen magnets in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. A lot of them were household items, including furniture, appliances, and food. Some of them even had sound features. Anyway, Acme magnets, while popular on Ebay, can be had for decent prices [$5.00-$10.00 apiece shipped], and they combine sturdy construction with realistic detailing and, in some cases, obnoxious noises. :p Today we’re looking at a boom box magnet!
Continue reading Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
I am now the proud owner of a 1:6 scale newspaper vending machine. It’s actually a diecast metal bank by Liberty Classics, a company mostly known for their scale models of vehicles. They also produce newspaper machine banks so that companies can commemorate various occasions with souvenirs. When I searched on Ebay for this one, which was commissioned by Shell Oil, I also saw ones commissioned by the Kiwanis Club, St. Petersburg Times, and Chevron/Texaco. I chose this one because its bright color scheme reminded me most of the attention-getting machines I have seen in my travels.
Made entirely of diecast metal except for plastic bottom and back, this bank is a sturdy, solid piece. It measures 13.4 cm high without the coin machine and 18cm with the coin machine. It is 7.5cm wide x 6.5cm deep. It’s beautifully detailed down to the diecast rivet heads, the branded graphics on the side, and the customized text, including the name and price of the paper, a preview window to the Petroleum Post, and a framed advertisement window below that. This piece is so well-made that I will not be able to remove the Petroleum Post and Shell copy, since they’re on pieces of metal. I’m just going to paste my own graphics over them.
The front of the bank even opens just like a real newspaper machine! Of course, there’s no place to store papers in there, as that would interfere with the bank reservoir. But it’s still fuckin’ cool. With some customization, this machine will show up in a future photostory as a convenient way of setting the stage.
Continue reading Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
My latest round of 3″ Titans — the Master x3, the Stylist, and an extra — arrived today. HELP HELP! They are too adorable for words. Continue reading Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
The Titans 3″ Delgado Master debuted [fucking finally] on November 19th, so I immediately purchased three — one for regular Master, one for Catster [with cat ears and whiskers], and one for extra. To that end, I’ve been busily working on 1:7.33333333 scale persons this weekend. Below is the current state of the Master’s body.
I’ve decided to keep my 1:7.3333333333 Master in his iconic black Nehru suit, with black shoes and black leather gloves. As a result, I don’t give a flying fuck what color his body is, since it will all be covered up, and I can paint the neck to match the head. As a result, I’ve pursued articulation over aesthetics for his body. Bust is from a 2018 Mattel Harry Potter kid doll. Arms are from an Obitsu slender male doll. Abdomen and lower body are from some solid plastic Willy Wonka 1:6 scale action figure from @natalunasans, heavily hacked down to size. A good sharp craft knife blade goes right through that dense solid plastic. Of course it also goes through flesh too… >_>
Below, the Master with another Master. Continue reading The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
Crescent cast iron stove has been spiffed up
A while back, I got a Crescent cast iron stove for my dolls. Continue reading Crescent cast iron stove has been spiffed up
The Master looking magisterial in purple and gold
The Master commandeered the robe from a Mattel 2018 Dumbledore. Despite looking unutterably cheap, it nevertheless captures the swooshing regal dramatic clothes that he wears these days. Continue reading The Master looking magisterial in purple and gold
1:7.3 scale kitchen — Crescent cast iron stove and Rement kitchen
1:7.3 scale Bill and 1:7.3 scale Missy pose with two recent acquisitions, a Crescent cast iron toy stove and a Rement kitchen, to show scale. Half in the frame of the first pic is another project in progress: a small-scale produce section for when I want my characters to go to a grocery store.Continue reading 1:7.3 scale kitchen — Crescent cast iron stove and Rement kitchen
Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Wow, I totally forgot that I had done this photostory with Alison and the Master almost 5 months ago! Here it is, another experiment in wordless storytelling. Continue reading Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
I worked today on my 1:9 scale Doctor Who gang… Continue reading Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Pictures of the latest adventures in 1:9 scale — i.e., hybrids with 3″ Titan vinyl heads and action figure bodies — below. Continue reading 1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Recent 1:6 scale activities part I: BC Mini cake and candy house keyrings
Do your small populations need some totally blinged out desserts of questionable aesthetic value? Look no further. BC Mini, purveyor of Japanese novelty erasers, keychains, squishy food replicas, and other necessary things, sells overdecorated circular cakes and candy houses, perfect for all your small-scale baking competitions. Continue reading Recent 1:6 scale activities part I: BC Mini cake and candy house keyrings
New 1:6 scale spaces in my bedroom
I’ve been moving my furniture around the apartment. I used to have my compooper out in the main room, but I moved it into my bedroom onto the desk that I had been using for dolls and photos. Now my former doll desk is my compooper desk. The table that once held compooper now holds creative projects. I also ejected a large brown bookcase that stood on the bedroom floor in favor of shelves in the deep windowsill. And there are some new 1:6 scale sets for my dolls to enjoy! Continue reading New 1:6 scale spaces in my bedroom
Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
We hit Target before I flew out this morning. I was looking for the Fresh Doll with boingy hair, but didn’t find her. I found some other stuff, though… Continue reading Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
We took some dolls and went to South Mountain State Park, NC for pictures. Continue reading Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Yesterday we headed off to Table Rock State Park. Small-scale drama ensued in the form of a multipart photostory called The Master Disaster. Continue reading Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Day 2 with natalunasans — limb swaps, pulp fiction, and narcotics
Today we stayed indoors with the air conditioning on as we worked industriously on 1:6 scale props. Continue reading Day 2 with natalunasans — limb swaps, pulp fiction, and narcotics
Day 1 with natalunasans — new duds for small populations
I’m currently visiting natalunasans in South Carolina for about 6 days for almost an entire week of doll-related fun. Yesterday my dolls got some new duds. I also got some new dolls. I swear that they multiply when I’m not looking… >_>
Continue reading Day 1 with natalunasans — new duds for small populations
Small sets in my bedroom and bonus Shalka dorks
I used to have just my dolls hanging out on shelves, talking to each other so that they wouldn’t get bored. Back in February of this year, though, I realized that I also had lots of nifty furniture, props, accessories, etc., that languished in storage. I could arrange them into vignettes for my dolls so they could do activities besides talking! Below are overviews of each scene, then detail shots. Continue reading Small sets in my bedroom and bonus Shalka dorks
Smile, Master! — resculpting a more cheerful expression
My doll of the Master has gone through a few iterations already. He came with a constipated-looking scowl, as shown here: Continue reading Smile, Master! — resculpting a more cheerful expression
Resculpting the Master
The Master is currently not smiling. I’d really like him to smile. Rather than print an entirely new head for him, I have decided to modify the existing head. Continue reading Resculpting the Master
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse I
The Little Shalka Dorks get busy with a new project: an old toy horse of my mom’s that we rescued from my parents’ attic around last Xmas. Little Alison is the one playing with dolls. Little Bill is the one reading pulp fiction. The Little Witch, in the cape and top hat, is my version of the Master when he was a little girl. The Little Fixit, with alien T-shirt and tool box, is my version of the Doctor as a kid. None of this information is really necessary to understand and enjoy the story.
Part I: The Dorks Gather.
“I am the Little Witch, and you will obey me!”
Another 1:6 scale kid is done chez Modern Wizard. It’s the Little Witch! Continue reading “I am the Little Witch, and you will obey me!”
Making a digital version of the Master
Over the last few days I’ve been working on a digital likeness of Roger Delgado as the Master. I finally got it pretty good, excepting the white blazes in the hair. This is another project done entirely within Daz Studio, with commercial morphs, custom D-Forms, and other tools available within that program. It was a challenge because there are few good stills of him to work from. Here are my progress screencaps that I was sharing with fellow dorks. Continue reading Making a digital version of the Master
Shalka Dorks and their tools [with bonus tortoise]
The Master apparently got a pipe wrench and a ball peen hammer for Christmas, while Alison got a drill and some pliers. All items are from ZC World’s latest 1:6 scale tool kit, shown on the floor in front of them. Jill’s tortoise, Sunny, is not 1:6 scale. Continue reading Shalka Dorks and their tools [with bonus tortoise]
The Dork fam and sock sweaters
Been making a lot of sock sweaters recently, including a bunch that I cut out last year and only now have gotten around to sewing. Three quarters of the Dork fam shows a few of the results. As for the other quarter, why yes, Alison does steal the Master’s clothes. :p Continue reading The Dork fam and sock sweaters
Shalka Dorks in a cosplay contest: Alison wins
She’s got the appearance and the mannerisms down, don’t you think?
Continue reading Shalka Dorks in a cosplay contest: Alison wins
The Master looking dramatic in Amidala gear
The wizard in his own mind wedges himself into a Hasbro Amidala Traveling Gown outfit out of which I hacked the undersleeves. Yes I understand that it strains over his shoulders, but the overall effect surprises me with its suitability. I imagine him as preferring heavy fabrics, extra drapeyness, black, gold, sumptuous displays. Therefore he doesn’t look to me as if he’s crossdressing, but as if he’s himself, wearing what he wants. Continue reading The Master looking dramatic in Amidala gear
Shalka Dorks experiencing unexpected hotness
So apparently the Master’s style borrows liberally from the silhouettes, colors, and layers of the characters in that dull middle Star Wars trilogy. I picked up two Hasbro Princess Amidala dolls, one of which was the Hidden Majesty version and the other of which was the Traveling Gown edition. I hacked out the red undersleeves of the Hidden Majesty robe and yoinked it onto him, then covered up any gaps with two layers of robes from the Hasbro Darth Maul. The black net sleeves are from somewhere else, as well as the black stretchy leggings, not shown. I knew that this was the sort of gear I imagined him in, and I also knew that he looked pretty good thus dressed in my head, but I did not expect the doll to look equally hot. He looks very cool, in the intensely geeky way of someone who wears big fwoopy red robes with his name all over then in mystic runes when he’s summoning Daemons. >_>
He has yet to learn that “cute” is Alison’s default adjective of gleeful approval. Continue reading Shalka Dorks experiencing unexpected hotness
Shalka Dorks in feline-related conflict
The Master drops in on Alison. :p Continue reading Shalka Dorks in feline-related conflict
Shalka Dorks and modern witchcraft
The Master got a better body in the mail today. It’s a knockoff of the Hot Toys narrow male body, with smaller and slighter proportions than their standard male body. I prefer the narrow body, as it is closer to the proportions that I see more regularly on everyday people. He reduced about the equivalent of six inches in height [!], but I’ll take the reduction because the body corresponds to the physique I imagine for him. It looks a little scrawny when naked, but it wears clothes much better than the bulkier bodies.Continue reading Shalka Dorks and modern witchcraft
Shalka Dorks encounter mini Dalek
Redid the Master’s cat ears and tail over the weekend. I was going to show them off a bit more, but the story went on a tangent about my mini Dalek, a gift from Lyrajean. Alison doesn’t know what a Dalek is! Continue reading Shalka Dorks encounter mini Dalek
The Master remastered — or, Modifying the scowl off a custom 1:6 scale resin action figure head
I love my doll of the Master, mostly because I love Roger Delgado. The likeness, however, came with a built-in scowl. I wanted a more neutral expression so I could suggest a wider variety of moods. It was time for a change! Continue reading The Master remastered — or, Modifying the scowl off a custom 1:6 scale resin action figure head
Shalka Dorks and the demanding TARDIS cats
Alison masters [?] Cat Master. Continue reading Shalka Dorks and the demanding TARDIS cats
Alice Costume: Two Shalka Dorks and a new kid
I was just going to take some photos of the kid I recently spliced together, but then it turned into a photostory. The kid in question is an MGA Moxie Kids head on an articulated Mattel Stacy body with hacked off hands and extended neck post [with Aves Apoxie Sculpt]. Hands are from a Noix de Rome Ninie body, mounted on pins and painted to match head. Extensive outfit coverage obviates need to match more of the body for skintone. :p Alison’s in the Alice in Wonderland gear, and the Master is wearing some Sith stuff. Making him the butt of jokes will NEVER get old. NEVER.
Continue reading Alice Costume: Two Shalka Dorks and a new kid
Shalka Dorks encounter a KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inspired by this xkcd cartoon. The Shalka Dorks meet a cat. Hand felted by Nitwit Oddments on Etsy, this was originally a brooch, a little large for 1:6 scale, but so damn cute that I couldn’t resist. Alison [in dress] is a human. The Master [left] and the Doctor [right] are Time Lords Dorks. Continue reading Shalka Dorks encounter a KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More stuff from @natalunasans’ house: clothes, props, kids, and a freaked out Master
Some more pics of stuff that I got when I went to see @natalunasans this past weekend. Continue reading More stuff from @natalunasans’ house: clothes, props, kids, and a freaked out Master
Master meets Master: my Shalka Master and @natalunasans’ Simm Master cosplaying Razor
While I was at @natalunasans’ house over the past weekend, my Shalka Master met her Simm Master. They’ve talked before and gotten on pretty well, but this is the first time they met in…person? Since @natalunasans had just taken pictures of her Simm as Razor, I decided that, for some reason, he was cosplaying Razor. The two proceeded to give each other shit about their outfits. Ah, friendship. Continue reading Master meets Master: my Shalka Master and @natalunasans’ Simm Master cosplaying Razor
Holding Fast: Alison and the Master
Hanging out in each other’s laps. Alison goes zzzzzzzzzzzz. Body language is fun!!! Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props.Continue reading Holding Fast: Alison and the Master
When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
My Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master met @natalunasans’ Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master when I went to @natalunasans’ house recently. My Doctor is a custom Richard E. Grant sculpt that I modded the eyebrows on and repainted, putting on a Triad body. My Master is a custom Roger Delgado sculpt that I painted and put on a Hot Toys body. @natalunasans’ Doctor and Master are both custom sculpts by @thegoodwhovian on Hot Toys bodies. Cape in question by me. Background by @natalunasans. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props.
Continue reading When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
“But he’s a GOOD kitty!”: the Doctor paints a T-shirt for the Master
The Doctor is very proud of themselves. The Master is…less so. Alison thinks the whole thing is damn cute. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Continue reading “But he’s a GOOD kitty!”: the Doctor paints a T-shirt for the Master
The Master: a wizard in his own mind
The Master, being a wizard in his own mind, took advantage of a visit to @natalunasans’ house to don a truly impressive pointy hat. Alison is either going, “EeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee so cute!!!!!” or laughing at him, probably both. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Continue reading The Master: a wizard in his own mind
Small populations from @natalunasans’ house!
I went to @natalunasans’ house for a long weekend, coming back today. My DW dolls met her DW dolls and had several photostories. I also helped her sort some of her massive amounts of 1:6 scale stuff and chose those items that I wanted for myself. Continue reading Small populations from @natalunasans’ house!
Thee quarters of the Dork Quadrangle: Alison and her partners
Alison is in the center. Bill is on the left. The Master is on the right. Still having fun with body language!Continue reading Thee quarters of the Dork Quadrangle: Alison and her partners
Gerry Cole, 1:6 scale porcelain kid and project long in the making
About four years ago, I bought a 1:6 scale kid doll from local figural sculptor Georgia Landau, along with some mohair [or maybe wool] wig fibers. She has a porcelain head/neck, lower arms/hands, and lower legs/feet, all attached to a cloth body with wire armature. Though she has limited poseability, she is extremely adorable, with a gawky, earnest, curious personality. However, she has been sitting on my shelf, garishly dressed and bald, thus unfinished, for most of her life.
Continue reading Gerry Cole, 1:6 scale porcelain kid and project long in the making
Shalka Dorks read more pulp fiction
Making mini vintage sci-fi pulps is too much fun, so I made another four. Here are the Shalka Dorks engrossed again.
Shalka Dorks read pulp fiction
The Internet Archive has a beautiful trove of pulp magazines ranging from the late 1800s through the 1990s, all free, all scanned in high-quality color, available for you to read or to admire the pretty pictures.
Being a sci-fi and fantasy fan, as well as a connoisseur of the Technicolor cover art of 20th century pulps of that genre, I picked out some of most iconic and amusing covers for my own use. I modified the covers to add silly titles and author names. Then I reduced covers and backs to a size at which people could still admire the covers, but at which my 1:6 scale populations could also read them.
Here are my Shalka Dorks getting meta-fictional: sci-fi characters reading Atomic Age pulps!
Shalka dorks presenting interior decoration
Alison and the Master talk interior design. Scintilla, the Master’s TARDIS, butts in. Set is from the Mattel She-Ra doll box. Continue reading Shalka dorks presenting interior decoration
Shalka dorks in a demonstration of bike safety
The Master argues with Alison. As usual, he loses. You think he’d know better by now.
Continue reading Shalka dorks in a demonstration of bike safety
Scream of the Shalka fanfic manifesto, or, Alison the Amazing
If you’re going to write Scream of the Shalka fanfic, Alison Cheney is where it’s at, folks, and here’s why:
Alison is important. Though the SotS canon writes her as a walking, talking plot device for the Doctor Learning To Care Again, Alison is central to all SotS stories because SotS is her story; it’s her story about finding equals in curiosity, partners in adventure, and a life that’s finally as thrilling as she always wanted it to be. Alison must appear in all SotS stories because they’re all her story.
Nobody fucks with Alison. Sure, the canon turns her first into a Shalka loudspeaker and then a victim of a psychic vampire, but enough is enough. It’s not that nothing bad happens to Alison; it’s just that she never gets gratuitously victimized, objectified, or turned into a MacGuffin just to move the plot forward. She’s already traumatized enough from her canonical mind-fucks; she doesn’t need any more. [Special corollary: I don’t care how far the Master gets in trying to mind-fuck her in the animation; he never uses his psychic powers on her unless she knows what she’s getting into and consents.]
Alison doesn’t have to do anything alone. As a corollary to the above statement, Alison has staunch allies watching out for her who will do everything they can to ensure her happiness and safety. In my version, that’s primarily the Master and Brad, secondarily the Doctor. They can err on the side of overprotectiveness, and they’re not always right in what they think she needs help with, but they do well overall. They keep her from harm as best they can. And, when she’s in need of care, they help her and take care of her. She knows that she can count on them, and she’s happy to have them.
Alison is badass, tender, vulnerable, and flawed, all at the same time. In fact, her greatest power is something like irresistible love, acceptance, and sense of wonder. Add to that a pointed, analytical mind and a zero tolerance for bullshit, and you’ve got someone who has no problem calling out Time Dorks on their crap. At the same time, she doesn’t just go around Shouldering The Weight Of The Universe And Taking Care Of Everyone. As someone who has lived with racism and mental invasion, she struggles to embody the image of the Strong Black Woman, even as she realizes that it’s impossible. She doubts her confidence, has trouble recognizing her own power, and has a secret wish for someone to hold her fast while she cries. Fortunately her friends/partners/allies/chosen family love her and support her, whether she’s feeling capable or overwhelmed. And yes, there is always, always, always someone to hold her fast and let her cry.
Alison is a Black British woman. Why yes, the canon completely ignores this, but her race and gender affect almost all aspects of Alison’s backstory, character, personality, even the conflicts and adventures she encounters. Her race and gender do not predetermine all these things, but must be considered as part of all these things. And even though she doesn’t appear to think about or talk about her race and gender in canon, she definitely does in fanfic because, realistically, that’s what people do when they are navigating a society where they are discriminated against and/or a minority.
Alison is awesome. The canon does everything it can to objectify the shit out of her and make her a prop in The Doctor vs. the Master: Married Edition. But there’s enough there for a wonderful character foundation, including, but not limited to, the following: having dropped out of a history degree and become a barmaid, being the only woman of color in a town apparently populated by white dudes, yelling at the Doctor, “How emotionally needy are you?!”, looking the Master in the face and taking none of his blandishments, dressing in a very casual style without makeup or pierced ears, and, unfortunately, getting mind-fucked twice canonically despite proclaiming, “I’m not your zombie!” And this is why I write SotS fanfic: to give her the stories and development she deserves.
“I am tired; I am weary / I could sleep for a thousand years / A thousand dream that would awaken me / Different colors made of tears…”
Seeing how much of a wilted posture I could put the Master in. Continue reading “I am tired; I am weary / I could sleep for a thousand years / A thousand dream that would awaken me / Different colors made of tears…”
Shalka dork photos: there’s one in every picture…
From left to right: the Doctor, the Master, Alison, Brad, the Stylist. There’s always someone a) not looking at the camera [the Doctor], b) wondering if this is beneath his dignity [the Master], c) totally chill as the center of attention [Alison], d) hamming it up [Brad], or e) not at all thrilled with any of the proceedings [the Stylist].Continue reading Shalka dork photos: there’s one in every picture…
Shalka dorks have Halorvic buttons; Farrier has identity crisis
@natalunasans surprised me recently by sending me some Doctor Who and Doctor Who extended universe buttons by @halorvic of Coffee and Tea Dragon fame. I got probably my five favorite DW characters in halorvic’s inimitably cute style: Alison Cheney [Shalkaverse], the Master [Shalkaverse], the Ninth Doctor [Shalkaverse], Delgado Master, and the canonical Tenth Doctor. The three main Shalka dorks posed proudly with pictures of themselves, although my iteration of the Master was confused, as he’s robotic, a la Shalkaverse Master, but Delgadesco in every other way. He decided to hold up both. For those who are interested, you can buy your own fab Halorvic stuff here.
Everything went well until a Zombieville denizen, Farrier, discovered that one of the buttons looked strangely like him. [No surprise there, as he’s a BCS Tenth Doctor.] He puzzled for some time over whether it could indeed be a cartoon of him before deciding that it couldn’t possibly because it looked way too happy.
Continue reading Shalka dorks have Halorvic buttons; Farrier has identity crisis
Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Climbing the Lilac Tree
Alison and the aliens went out in the front lawn and climbed a lilac bush tree. [Just pretend that the Master found a way out of the TARDIS, okay?] Alison literally hung around, which made the Master nervous. Then the Doctor sang a lot and nearly flattened the Master, which made him annoyed. Alison, very worried, wanted to know if the Master was okay, an inquiry which he found rather confusing. They all went home because he needed some fixing up. Alison insisted on accompanying the Master during his surgery, which caused him yet another moment of confusion. After that, Alison hugged him, which was also very puzzling. In short, it was a very confusing day — well, for the evil alien super-powered robot at least.
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Shalkaverse dorks and their default postures
Experimenting with body language — here’s the Shalka dorks and their default postures upon encountering something new.
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Ziggy Marshall, magician!
I had a Mattel Fashionista Zigzag Curvy hanging around, the cool WOC with half cornrows and half rooted blond curls. I also recently acquired a Wolf King Female Joker, mostly for her cool clothes, a reinterpretation of the Joker’s from Batman Begins. The two-tone hair on the accompanying sculpt put me in mind of Zigzag, whose head I liked more. I decided to make a person cosplaying the Joker.
Of course, that’s where my idea started, but Ziggy took it in her own direction. At first I thought I could pop her head on the Wolf King body and just paint the neck to match, then hide the rest with clothes. Well, it turns out that paint don’t stick to those #%&%@$ squishy bust bodies, so I hacked off the Curvy’s bust. I removed the arms and reamed out the inside of the bust with my Dremel, then glued it over the Wolf King framework. Then I had only to cover everything else up with clothes, which I did. Ziggy’s pink socks prompted me to keep her BRIGHT PINK lips and then add some more pink in the form of the hair covering her original rooting area.
Anyway, folks, here’s Ziggy Marshall, the Maestra of Mystery, the Magical Master…Maestro of Mistress… Fuck it. The title is still a work in progress, apparently. Anyway, she’s a stage magician. She can juggle pretty well, but her specialty is scrying, which is cold reading with an acrylic juggling ball as a prop.
Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Get Me to the Doctor!
The Master is prevailed upon to compromise his dignity [?], which appears to be a regular occurrence. Continue reading Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Get Me to the Doctor!
At long last, Alison Cheney!
Finally I have finished a doll that I have been working on for about three months. It’s my version of Alison Cheney, protagonist of alternative Doctor Who adventure Scream of the Shalka, for which I’ve been writing entirely too much fanfic. This is the version from the Alison Wonderland ‘verse, which means that she and everyone else are significantly happier than they were in the Reverberations of the Shalka ‘verse. In my ‘verses, she ends up much closer friends with the Master [the Magister to her because it means teacher in Latin, and don’t tell her any different :p ] than the Doctor, which is why she’s hanging around with him in these pictures. Once I finish the Doctor, I’ll have all four major characters of the Alison Wonderland series. [The other is Brad, Alison’s significant other. Hmmmm, I should take pics of the two of them, though Brad has not officially entered the storyline yet…]Continue reading At long last, Alison Cheney!
It’s quiet in the Master’s library… TOO quiet…
I’ve spent the last few weeks making miniature books, both openable and dummy. The openable ones have page blocks made from a notepad that I cut down with a paper cutter, gluing pages with hot glue. Some of the covers are patterned notecards, while most are made of origami paper. Dummy books are made of craft foam for page blocks, more origami paper for covers. I love making books of different sizes, thicknesses, and covers, then arranging them messily on the shelves.
Continue reading It’s quiet in the Master’s library… TOO quiet…
The Master and the Stylist in “Handcuffs vs. Hoodies”
So @halorvic drew one of their super cool cartoons of the Third Doctor swapping clothes with Ten, as well as Delgado Master swapping with Simm Master. @natalunasans and I were recently cracking up over Delgado Master’s “NO.” Recently I discovered why he’s objecting so hard. See photostory. Handcuffs are standing in for a 1:6 scale straitjacket and collar, which I [surprisingly] do not have.
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The Master and the Stylist’s snark-off continues.
The Master got some new shoes yesterday, DAM Gangster Kingdom Marshall’s shoefeet, and holy flaming shitballs — they are the bomb diggety! Well, I think so, and so does he. The Stylist, however, begs to differ. Also starring the nifty molded plastic chair that came along with my Pop Toys British Detective dude, as well as one of the many blank books I’ve been working on.Continue reading The Master and the Stylist’s snark-off continues.
The Stylist gets into the Master’s kitchen: a.k.a., True Friends Poison Each Other
@natalunasans sent me several sets of 1:6 scale accessories made by Battat for their 8″ Lori dolls. As you can see, they all work great for 1:6 scale people. While not on the level of Rement, all pieces show very good molding, sparing but realistic paint apps, realistic color schemes, and overall charming design. Better than Mattel playline.
Also starring a plastic overstuffed chair that came along with my Pop Toys British Detective [unlicensed Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock from the Abandoned Bride ep of the eponymous show set in 1895 or something]. And finally you can get a good look at the Stylist, who is a 2016 AA Holiday Barbie headsculpt on a Made To Move Body. I removed her eye makeup, brows, and lips, adding new brows, new mouth, and, of course, shading around eyes and nose. I also added a scar on her forehead because she was going to be Alison, but she doesn’t look like her.
Anyway, here’s the Stylist plowing her way through a selection, with eventual interception from the Master, whose pantry all that stuff was in. :p
No, apparently my Time Lords don’t have adventures; they just hang around and annoy the shit out of each other. Continue reading The Stylist gets into the Master’s kitchen: a.k.a., True Friends Poison Each Other
I made Barrett’s cape! Then the wizard in his own mind stole it…
Over the past two days, I successfully sewed a 1:6 scale semi-circular cape, lined and hooded, without a pattern. Black velvet forms the outer layer and the long, dangling, tapering hood, while small white skulls on black field form the lining. There’s a hook and eye for front clasp. I’m surprised at how well it came out! I originally made it for Barrett, a Zombieville denizen, but the Master got to it first. Here he is talking about it with the Stylist:
Continue reading I made Barrett’s cape! Then the wizard in his own mind stole it…
Body upgrade and clothing frustration for the Master
So I got my first Hot Toys body today for the Master. Aside from some squeakily tight joints, it far surpasses all other male action figure bodies that I have ever encountered. It can even do a decent fetal position!
I also got my second “Chinese suit,” as the first one’s plastic snaps broke off. I replaced the snaps on the first with some metal snaps, only to discover that the snap position interfered with all that cool HT neck range of motion. Ugh. Fine. I guess he’ll be wearing something less restrictive. Hey, at least the pants are nice. Continue reading Body upgrade and clothing frustration for the Master
The Master, the Stylist, some Fiendish Devices, and some books
My first iteration of the Master is finished! Custom sculpted Roger Delgado head painted by meeeeeeee [note to self: skin color is a mixture of Plaid/Apple Barrel Colors/20556 “Medium Flesh” and Anita’s All Purpose Acrylic Craft Paint 11007 “Chocolate Brown”], Dragon action figure body, “Chinese suit” for clothing, gloves from some other action figure, shoes from Character Options Dalek Sec [the only ones that fit]. The Stylist, a fellow Time Dork, is a 2016 Holiday Barbie repainted by meeeeeeeee, Made to Move Barbie body, most of the MTM yoga outfit, and MC2 shoefeet. Bookcases are from @natalunasans. I made the books a few weekends ago with a perfect bound notepad for signatures and note cards or origami paper for covers.
Now that I have him all together, the Master definitely needs some improvement. 1) A better body with more poseability. 2) Gloved hands in molded plastic. These bendy ones are shit. 3) Decent shoes. 4) A decent suit. 5) Most importantly, his Domina carissima, Alison!
P.S. Hey, Master, you do know that’s Julian’s Device, right?
Continue reading The Master, the Stylist, some Fiendish Devices, and some books