@dollsahoy, @natalunasans, and I met last weekend for doll geekery! Tagged “natalunasans house” for easy finding, even though I did not go to her house this time.Continue reading A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: general photos
Posts tagged doctor who dolls
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final hair, final neck, done except for boots!
Today I gave my Mattel Thirteen some Obitsu24 hands on Obitsu24 pegs because they’re slightly larger and more proportional than the default Mattel ones. I removed the neck spike thing from the cut-off top of neck, reamed out inside of shortened neck, and wedged loop end of neck spike thing into opened-up neck. It will hold the head on fine as long as I don’t pop head on and off, which I won’t. Sealed faceup, glossed eyes, trimmed one bang on left side. I used dark brown paint on the hair to simulate the brown roots along the part and around hairline around face. Once I get some brown boots from @natalunasans, I can call this custom complete. Till then, have some pics of a mostly complete, very smirky Thirteen.
I’m so pleased with the results of this custom. It should be noted that I am no longer a fan of modern DW, and I refuse to watch any more of it since its racism, sexism, classism, and ableism have broken my heart too many times. I will never see any episodes with Thirteen in them. Nevertheless, I love the character of the Thirteenth Doctor, in part because they are QUEER AS FUCK. Hence my affection.
Anyway, though not a fan of Thirteen’s era, I still become very excited when Thirteen dolls come out. The 10″ Character Options one thrilled me, as did the Mattel version. I wouldn’t have gone out and bought the Mattel one, since it is not at all worth $50.00. But I welcomed the gift of it from @natalunasans because, as soon as I saw it, I had a hunch that I could make it so much better.
Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final hair, final neck, done except for boots!
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final lips, draft shading, new sock tops
Today I finalized the doll’s lips and gave the face more definition with some shading around eyes and nasal bridge, including trademark eye bags [TM]. I also made some better sock tops out of actual 1:1 scale sock tops. They fill in the space between the doll’s ankles and the comparatively large [temporary] Ken hiking boots, adding stability.Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final lips, draft shading, new sock tops
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — neck reduction, draft lips
I considered whether to move the Thirteen head to a modded WWE Fashion Superstar body. Then I ultimately tried removing a bit from the top of the default body’s neck. The shortened neck reduces the impression of a scrawny bobblehead, obviating the need for a new body with a thicker neck. I also painted a draft of the lips, mostly darkening the existing lips and making them slightly bigger. Added some golden tan highlights in the eyes to make them appear more hazel than muddy green. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — neck reduction, draft lips
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — alternative bodies
The narrow neck on my Mattel Thirteenth Doctor is bothering me, especially since Jodie Whittaker has a rather short, wide neck. Below, I stuck the Thirteen head on a WWE Fashion Superstar first, then a Takara Cy Girl body second. [Don’t blame me for the nipples. I had nothing to do with them.] Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — alternative bodies
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final eyebrows, shortened legs, added feet
Today I finalized my Thirteen’s eyebrows, shortened the legs, and added FLAT [!!] feet from a Made to Move doll. The doll is now 11″ or just a bit under, which scales out to Jodie Whittaker’s actual height. The shortened legs also make the cuffed culottes a bit longer and thus more realistic. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final eyebrows, shortened legs, added feet
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — finished eyes, draft eyebrows
I worked a little more on my Mattel Thirteen tonight. Eyebrows are in draft form, but looking good. Also worked on taking a little height out of the legs, as Jodie Whittaker is 5′ 6″ [=11″ in 1:6 scale], so the default doll is a little on the tall side, especially with those damn molded heel feet. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — finished eyes, draft eyebrows
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — overpainting the eyes
I’m working from pictures like the one below of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor: Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — overpainting the eyes
Angel of Grief/Weeping angel in 1:6 scale
Before the Weeping Angel monsters from Doctor Who existed, there was The Angel of Grief, carved by William Wetmore Story for his wife’s tomb. Some time ago, I got a small-scale replica of this statue, shown below with a 1:6 scale figure for comparison. Continue reading Angel of Grief/Weeping angel in 1:6 scale
Minor changes to Mattel Thirteenth Doctor, major improvements
Tonight I trimmed the right front of my Mattel Thirteenth Doctor’s hair. I also took the shirt off my Character Options 10″ Thirteen and put it on the Mattel one. Still looking too pale and washed out, but there’s a marked improvement. This gives me hope that a minor repaint will work additional wonders… Continue reading Minor changes to Mattel Thirteenth Doctor, major improvements
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor Barbie compared to Character Options Thirteenth Doctor 10″ doll
Basically the CO 10″ doll is a surprisingly well-made, screen-accurate, and affordable translation of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, while the Mattel 12″ doll is more of a product inspired by the portrayal, filtered through the distinctive Barbie sensibility. Once I figured this out, I disliked the Mattel one a lot less, but she still really can’t compare to the cheaper CO. Pics and commentary below. Thanks to @natalunasans, who gave me the Mattel one [although she kept the screwdriver :p ]. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor Barbie compared to Character Options Thirteenth Doctor 10″ doll
Recent doll work: smallerverse Bill is finally finished!
After several bodies and uncountable mods, smallerverse Bill is complete! Continue reading Recent doll work: smallerverse Bill is finally finished!
Smallerverse update: Missy and Bill
It’s been a while since I worked on my smallerverse DW dolls, mostly because I can’t find a decent, highly articulated base body. I finally put Missy on an Obitsu24, which works pretty good for her. Even the comparative heights between her and Thirteen are accurate, as she’s slightly shorter than Thirteen.
As for Bill, she’s currently on a Hasbro Descendants Jordan [daughter of the genie] body. It matches her light golden brown skintone very well. Unfortunately, it’s single-jointed all around, and the knees can’t even do a right angle. The legs are also way too long, making her more like 11″ rather than 10″. I’ll deal with that later. For now, she has shoes [a challenge to find for those large heeled feet], and she can hang out with the other smallerverse persons until I have the energy to cut her down.
No, I don’t know when I’ll get around to the rest of the smallerverse Dork fam. SIGH.Continue reading Smallerverse update: Missy and Bill
New and improved newspaper machine with custom graphics
When I first got my newspaper machine, a cast iron bank from Liberty Collectibles, it was emblazoned with logos of Shell Oil. It looked like this:
Continue reading New and improved newspaper machine with custom graphics
Alison’s awesome attire — wordless photostory with Alison and the Master
I recently got a Playtoy Female Monster Hunter doll, i.e., Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious from Van Helsing, solely because of the cool outfit. Once she arrived, I gave Alison the corset and the bolero jacket. She also wears a Triad black leotard, some gold leggings from Aliexpress, shoes from Ebay, and a choker that I made. She felt very self-conscious because she’s not used to wearing such things, so the Master tried to cheer her up! He, of course, thinks she looks amazing. Then again, he thinks she looks amazing in anything.
Continue reading Alison’s awesome attire — wordless photostory with Alison and the Master
Vermont Doll Lovers February meetup, 02/09/2019
Clara, Thirteen, Missy, and a Barbie attended. Pics on official blargh.
Alison and the Master — the snuggle is real!
Alison and the Master… THE SNUGGLE IS REAL!!Continue reading Alison and the Master — the snuggle is real!
New 1:6 scale stuff — record player, mini vending machines, etc.
Got some 1:6 scale stuff recently. Clearing out my phone, I found these photos. Continue reading New 1:6 scale stuff — record player, mini vending machines, etc.
Thirteen’s new companion, Frankie
My 10″ Thirteenth Doctor has been lonely since I acquired them. Inspired this weekend, I made them a companion from a 3″ Titans vinyl head from Janine Melnitz, a character from Ghostbusters, spliced onto a body from a Disney Elite 10″ Princess Leia. Continue reading Thirteen’s new companion, Frankie
Acme magnets
Acme, a company that made lots of kitchen magnets in the 1990s and early 2000s, produced many pieces that can be repurposed for dolls. Here are my Acme magnets below. The first two photos show those that can be used for 1:6 scale. The third shows those that are too large for 1:6 scale, more like 1:4 scale. Continue reading Acme magnets
Alison’s Loud Shirt
I made a collared shirt for Alison from @dollsahoy‘s pattern @ 115% and proved two things. 1) My sewing skills have improved immeasurably since the last time I made a collared shirt a few years ago. 2) My characters, like me, have, at best, dubious taste in clothing.
This was going to be a showcase for Alison’s painfully bright shirt, but it digressed into a commentary on gold eyeliner…Continue reading Alison’s Loud Shirt
Mattel Minerva McGonagall repaint/restyle as Michelle Gomez as Missy
Behold my third iteration of Michelle Gomez as the latest incarnation of the Master, a.k.a. Missy. Mattel recently came out with a bunch of Harry Potter dolls toward the end of last year. The Mattel McGonagall doll, which is supposed to represent Maggie Smile, an actor in her 80s, looks about 50 at absolute max. With the softening of the features, the doll now bears about as much resemblance to Maggie Smith as it does to Michelle Gomez. I decided to try a repaint/restyle to see if I could increase the likeness to Michelle Gomez as Missy. Efforts below.Continue reading Mattel Minerva McGonagall repaint/restyle as Michelle Gomez as Missy
Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Alison, Bill, the Master, and the Doctor have New Year’s sentiments to impart. Continue reading Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Relax, Master! — further resculpting of a 1:6 scale resin Roger Delgado head
I’ve been working ever since I got this 1:6 scale resin head of Roger Delgado as the Master to make it into my mental image of him. Today I started on my third iteration of mods. Continue reading Relax, Master! — further resculpting of a 1:6 scale resin Roger Delgado head
The Goblin Market has little jars of…uh…stuff.
Twenty-five little resin jars of…uh…stuff…arrived today for the Goblin Market. The labels claim that they contain jam. However, given the fluorescent colors, I think they’re probably extraterrestrial. I put them over with the off-world food.
Continue reading The Goblin Market has little jars of…uh…stuff.
Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Acme Magnets, now sadly defunct, issued a wide variety of kitchen magnets in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. A lot of them were household items, including furniture, appliances, and food. Some of them even had sound features. Anyway, Acme magnets, while popular on Ebay, can be had for decent prices [$5.00-$10.00 apiece shipped], and they combine sturdy construction with realistic detailing and, in some cases, obnoxious noises. :p Today we’re looking at a boom box magnet!
Continue reading Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
I am now the proud owner of a 1:6 scale newspaper vending machine. It’s actually a diecast metal bank by Liberty Classics, a company mostly known for their scale models of vehicles. They also produce newspaper machine banks so that companies can commemorate various occasions with souvenirs. When I searched on Ebay for this one, which was commissioned by Shell Oil, I also saw ones commissioned by the Kiwanis Club, St. Petersburg Times, and Chevron/Texaco. I chose this one because its bright color scheme reminded me most of the attention-getting machines I have seen in my travels.
Made entirely of diecast metal except for plastic bottom and back, this bank is a sturdy, solid piece. It measures 13.4 cm high without the coin machine and 18cm with the coin machine. It is 7.5cm wide x 6.5cm deep. It’s beautifully detailed down to the diecast rivet heads, the branded graphics on the side, and the customized text, including the name and price of the paper, a preview window to the Petroleum Post, and a framed advertisement window below that. This piece is so well-made that I will not be able to remove the Petroleum Post and Shell copy, since they’re on pieces of metal. I’m just going to paste my own graphics over them.
The front of the bank even opens just like a real newspaper machine! Of course, there’s no place to store papers in there, as that would interfere with the bank reservoir. But it’s still fuckin’ cool. With some customization, this machine will show up in a future photostory as a convenient way of setting the stage.
Continue reading Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
Shopkins packages for 1:6 scale food packages
Shopkins, in case you have been living under a rock for the past few years, are kawaii anthropomorphic foods and household items made by Aussie toy company Moose. I have shunned them because I find their faces disturbing. Recently, however, Moose came out with Shopkins in small replicas of food packaging. The items range between 1:4 scale and 1:6 scale, and they’re sufficiently realistic in their details to serve as 1:6 scale food. Pics forthwith.
Continue reading Shopkins packages for 1:6 scale food packages
The Goblin Market got durian and tomatoes!!!!
Photos with 1:6ers Alison and Bill below. Both durian and tomatoes are resin pieces purchased from Aliexpress. Tomatoes were billed as “1:12 scale,” which seems not to actually mean “1 inch scale,” but “suitable for dolls; take your chances on size.” Durians all have an area of skin cut off to show pulp, but I have put that area facing the table so no one notices. Voila! Continue reading The Goblin Market got durian and tomatoes!!!!
Yellow peppers and bok choy for the Goblin Market — this time with 1:6 scale comparisons!
Yellow peppers and bok choy! This time, 1:6ers Alison and Bill show scale.
This set is the most detailed I’ve ever made. Even my forest and cemetery sets, while they contain many parts and customized pieces, don’t have the sheer number and variety of things as this produce section does.
I also think that this is the most expensive set that I’ve created. Most people who follow my work know that I tend to use simple, cheap, multipurpose objects in my sets. While I used this principle with the counters [made of a table, a miniature crate, cut-down box lids + dowels] and some of the produce holders [mini box lids and screw-top lids], the majority of the pieces, being food, are very specific. That means a lot of money sunk into single-purpose props, insofar as pieces of food are counted as single-purpose things. Someday I’ll add up how many objects are in this set and how much they set me back, but today is not that day.
Still to come: Rocket Fuel Foods snacks, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots. Ugh, I need more counter space…
The Goblin Market now stocks pineapples!!!!!
Progress on the Goblin Market
I have decided that my produce section is part of a local market called the Goblin Market. Its eldritch name derives from the off-world foods it sells. The addition of fictional foods makes the Goblin Market a much more interesting set, as well as a perfect place for my DW dolls to hang out. Recent additions below. Continue reading Progress on the Goblin Market
Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
My latest round of 3″ Titans — the Master x3, the Stylist, and an extra — arrived today. HELP HELP! They are too adorable for words. Continue reading Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
The Titans 3″ Delgado Master debuted [fucking finally] on November 19th, so I immediately purchased three — one for regular Master, one for Catster [with cat ears and whiskers], and one for extra. To that end, I’ve been busily working on 1:7.33333333 scale persons this weekend. Below is the current state of the Master’s body.
I’ve decided to keep my 1:7.3333333333 Master in his iconic black Nehru suit, with black shoes and black leather gloves. As a result, I don’t give a flying fuck what color his body is, since it will all be covered up, and I can paint the neck to match the head. As a result, I’ve pursued articulation over aesthetics for his body. Bust is from a 2018 Mattel Harry Potter kid doll. Arms are from an Obitsu slender male doll. Abdomen and lower body are from some solid plastic Willy Wonka 1:6 scale action figure from @natalunasans, heavily hacked down to size. A good sharp craft knife blade goes right through that dense solid plastic. Of course it also goes through flesh too… >_>
Below, the Master with another Master. Continue reading The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
Crescent cast iron stove has been spiffed up
A while back, I got a Crescent cast iron stove for my dolls. Continue reading Crescent cast iron stove has been spiffed up
The produce section has a shopping cart — will it work?!
I got a shopping cart off AliExpress in the mail today. Will it work for my produce section??? Continue reading The produce section has a shopping cart — will it work?!
Alison and Bill and the produce section in progress
Here’s an update on the produce section… Continue reading Alison and Bill and the produce section in progress
Working on Lakis: body mods and matching
When we last saw Lakis, she was on a Hasbro Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl body. She needed shorter calves, color matching, and a better fitting outfit. I achieved all three today, and now she just needs hands! Continue reading Working on Lakis: body mods and matching
Lakis on a new body — Hasbro Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl
Lakis got a shorter and plumper body, the Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl. I popped her head on, then her clothes, for a test fit, to see what work needed to be done.
Continue reading Lakis on a new body — Hasbro Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl
1:6 scale or 1:7.3333333333333 scale grocery store
I’ve always wanted a small-scale grocery store. However, the sheer volume of food available that I would have to make has always daunted me. Recently I decided to use my time-honored method of using a part to suggest the whole, but with the principle applied to a grocery store. I chose a produce section to make because variety of shapes and colors would be aesthetically pleasing. Plus fruit is much easier to make than endless permutations of, say, cereal boxes. Results below. Continue reading 1:6 scale or 1:7.3333333333333 scale grocery store
The Master looking magisterial in purple and gold
The Master commandeered the robe from a Mattel 2018 Dumbledore. Despite looking unutterably cheap, it nevertheless captures the swooshing regal dramatic clothes that he wears these days. Continue reading The Master looking magisterial in purple and gold
Thirteen and the TARDIS
Character Options came out with a 10″ Thirteenth Doctor. After seeing how gay and dorky @natalunasans’ looked, I decided to get my own. I knew that, if I hesitated, the Doctor would probably increase in price on the secondary market, as the 1:6 scale Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones dolls have, and I’d be shit out of luck.
The Thirteen doll bears a very recognizable likeness to the actor Jodie Whittaker. The expression is neutral, tending slightly to the befuddled and definitely dweeby. I like it! Molded hair, tucked behind one ear on one side and partly obscuring the face on the other, is simply, but effectively sculpted. Body is sculpted more for function than form, but it’s all generally in scale. Right hand is sculpted to hold included sonic screwdriver, while left is in an open, neutral position.
The fabric outfit replicates the character’s dress with a few concessions to ease of use. Thirteen wears a long-sleeve white undershirt and a black T-shirt with rainbow stripes over that. These two pieces have been combined by Character Options into one piece, over which is a partly lined blue-grey trench with rainbow lapel trim, functional lined hood, and nonfunctional pockets. The high-waisted blue culottes Velcro in the front and have separate thin yellow ribbons for suspenders. There are molded brown boots with molded socks.
Paint is very simple on the face, with long dark eyebrows, unadorned eyes, and lips in a neutral orangey shade. I haven’t been paying attention to promo pics, but I’m pretty sure the character wears at least some more eyeliner. The character’s hairstyle with brown roots showing is approximated with a pale yellow layer over a brown plastic base. The yellow is too striking; I’ll have to work on this.
In terms of articulation, the doll has a single sculpt for both head and neck, with a ball joint at the base of the neck. Swiveling is good, though the neck socket on mine doesn’t quite accommodate the neck on sideways turns, so the front and back bust pieces separate slightly. There’s a bit of nodding movement, but not much. There are ball-jointed hips and shoulders, double-jointed elbows and knees, swivel waist, and wrists with both hinge and swivel joints. Doll can touch head and face [for extra puzzled/dweeby poses! :D], sit competently, and stand unsupported. However, because the feet are somewhat small, with only ankle swivels, balance is compromised.
Unfortunately, the Thirteen doll is not 1:6 scale. At 10″, it’s 4′ in 1:6 scale. If the doll were going to be truly in scale, it would be slightly more than 11.5″, as the actor Jodie Whittaker is slightly over 5.5′.
This doll will run people in the U.S. between $30.00 and $40.00, depending on where you pick it up. It’s built for play, but the price is kinda steep for kids. Older fans of Doctor Who, however, won’t blink at the price and will take a highly articulated, realistic, well tailored Thirteen that actually looks like the character and go wild. I enthusiastically endorse this doll, with the caveat that it will not play nicely scale-wise with anyone else.
Would it have killed you to make Thirteen in 1:6 scale, Character Options?
Here the Doctor steps out of the TARDIS and detects something odd about relative sizes… TARDIS played by a truly 1:6 scale BCS Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS. Thirteen played by aforementioned NOT-1:6-SCALE Character Options Thirteen doll. Continue reading Thirteen and the TARDIS
Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Wow, I totally forgot that I had done this photostory with Alison and the Master almost 5 months ago! Here it is, another experiment in wordless storytelling. Continue reading Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
I worked today on my 1:9 scale Doctor Who gang… Continue reading Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VIII
Part VIII: Friends Make Everything Better. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VIII
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VII
Part VII: Where’d She Go? Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VII
Fattening the Little Witch
I moved the Little Witch’s head to a more articulated body of better weight, but I needed to do one final thing before she was complete. I needed to bulk up her torso to make her little fats. Continue reading Fattening the Little Witch
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VI
Part VI: Playtime. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VI
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part V
Part V: Open House. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part V
Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
I got a Barbie skirt in the mail recently for Missy, shortened it an inch, and it fit perfectly. I made a raggedy bow out of some gauzy purplish stretch net, and I was done. Then she posed against a selection of Halloween/Gothic art papers I got from Michaels recently.
I just finished 1:9 scale versions of Bill and Missy today. Both of them are hybrids, combining heads from the 3″ Titan mini figures with bodies from ToyBiz’s Famous Covers series of Marvel action figures. They’re 9″ high.
For Bill, I painted her body to match her head, filled in her irises, dry-brushed her hair to show up the detail, glossed lips and eyes, ground the neck off the head, and modded the crotch and tops of forearms for greater flexion. She wears a dress from a Mattel Skipper Babysitters Inc. doll, a bolero from a Fresh Dolls Mia, leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie, a Rement sunflower, and bracelets made from a bubble tea straw.
For Missy, I removed her original hair and replaced it with a combination of a hand-sculpted scalp [with Aves Apoxie Sculpt] and a ponytail of Mattel Barbie hair, which I curled with a boil perm. I swapped out the default ToyBiz Famous Covers hands for those from a 10″ Disney Elite Princess Leia figure. I filled in her irises, repainted eyebrows, gave a very light brown wash to the nasolabial creases, and repainted eyebrows. I also carved out top of forearms and inner sides of crotch to increase poseability. Missy wears a shirt from an unknown female action figure, a Mattel Barbie skirt [shortened by 1″], leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie [not shown], and a cravat that I made. Her umbrella is a large cocktail umbrella painted black with acrylic paints and sealed.
Coming eventually in the 1:9 scale world: Alison Cheney [Scream of the Shalka], Shalka Doctor, Delgado Master [=Shalka Master in my mind], and the Third Doctor!
Continue reading Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
Improving the Little Witch’s body and likeness
After I upgraded the Little Fixit to a 21cm Obitsu body, I felt the need to work on the Little Witch too. I’ve been playing with these dolls more than I expected, and their limited poseability was bothering me. Continue reading Improving the Little Witch’s body and likeness
Making Jo
My extended Dork fam of Doctor Who characters grows rapidly these days. I recently started a doll of Jo Grant, companion to Three and underrecognized badass. Continue reading Making Jo
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part IV
Part IV: Reading the Story. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part IV
Missy’s sonic umbrella
…Is a large cocktail umbrella painted black and sealed with matte varnish. She’s still disgruntled because I have yet to procure proper clothes… Continue reading Missy’s sonic umbrella
1:9 scale Missy done except for clothes!
I finalized 1:9 scale Missy’s hair and faceup over the past few days. More detailed pics later, including shots with 1:9 scale Bill, when it’s not so late.Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy done except for clothes!
1:9 scale Missy hair sculpting, neck mods, body mods
1:9 scale Missy takes shape… Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy hair sculpting, neck mods, body mods
1:9 scale Missy gets improved hair
I originally planned to make Shalka Doctor next in 1:9 scale, but I just felt so sorry for Missy with her shitty hair that I turned my attention to her next. Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy gets improved hair
1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Pictures of the latest adventures in 1:9 scale — i.e., hybrids with 3″ Titan vinyl heads and action figure bodies — below. Continue reading 1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part III
Part III: A Heavy Load. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part III
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi II
Part II: Here’s Alison!
Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi II
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi: Part I
Part I: Playing Peacefully.Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi: Part I
Giving fking Charlie a more accurate fking body
When we last saw Charlie, I was about to give her the clunky robot body from a 12″ Cyber person figure. I did that this weekend. Continue reading Giving fking Charlie a more accurate fking body
Other projects II: Weeping Angel and 1:9 scale Alison
My interest in cemeteries, funerary statues, and Doctor Who converges in the Weeping Angels. Since I stare at Carnelian’s cemetery/magic set every time I’m at my computer, I started thinking that it needed more 1:6 scale statues. Sure, I have an Angel of Grief, but she’s more like 1:9 scale. I also have a meditating skeleton, but I was thinking of something that could actually work as a realistic cemetery denizen [assuming that you don’t look at its FANGS]. Therefore I thought that I should make a Weeping Angel.
BCS made 1:6 scale Weeping Angels, but they stink for a few reasons. 1) They’re not articulated figures. They’re big resin door stops with swappable heads and arms. 2) They’re expensive. I wanted an affordable interpretation with more poseability. For mine, I decided to mount the upper half of an action figure on a solid base [i.e., the floor-length skirt]. The solid base would provide enough of a statuesque look, but she could still menace people with her upper body articulation.
For maximum effectiveness, I wanted a yelling or snarling headsculpt for my Angel. I had very little luck, as most open-mouthed sculpts for female action figures look relaxed or seductive at best and blank at worst. TB League made a 1:6 scale version of comic book hero Shi, however, with an angry expression. With her crinkled nose, lowered brow, and individually sculpted teeth, she’ll serve quite nicely, even if she is fangless. You can see her below at left. I’m going to remove her hair and current paint, then sculpt her chignon, make her chiton out of some sort of semi-stiffened fabric, then paint the whole thing with spray paint that has a stone effect. Continue reading Other projects II: Weeping Angel and 1:9 scale Alison
Other projects I: fkin Charlie and her appropriate fkin body!!
Charlie is a Cyber person that the Dork fam encounter on Newland, the Mondasian colony ship from which they rescue Bill. She experiences the Doctor’s first experimental refacement procedure, in which they created a 3D printed flexible face from her memories of what she used to look like, then hitched it up to her brain [the only organic part of her remaining besides spinal cord] so she could make faces. Anyway, though she has her face back, her body remains obviously Cyberized, so I’ve long wanted a sort of clunky armored robot body for her. Now I have one!!! Continue reading Other projects I: fkin Charlie and her appropriate fkin body!!
Adventures in 1:9 scale, or, I blame Bill Potts!
The three best companions ever in the history of Doctor Who are tied for first place: Alison Cheney, Bill Potts, and the Master. Alison and Bill suffered truly shitty adventures, so I paired them off, and now they are living happily.
Anyway, I’m always looking for little 3D representations of Bill, so I was checked online to see if Character Options had made her yet. No, of course not. But I did discover a Titan vinyl figure of her with a wonderful caricature that captures the essence of her lively, curious, upbeat personality. It also looks amazingly like Pearl Mackie, so of course I had to get it.
Further research into the DW offerings from Titan revealed more of my favorite characters, including the Third Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, and [coming in September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Delgado Master. I began to consider the possibility of dolls in this scale, especially since there were headsculpts for two of my core fanfic characters, Bill and the Master.
But what about Alison and the Doctor? I decided I could get a decent Shalka Doctor out of the First Doctor Titan. Then I discovered Toy Biz Famous Cover 9″ action figures of superheroes. One of them, Storm, looked in the pictures like she might approximate Alison’s sharp features, so I ordered her.
Well, Storm’s head turned out to be small, asymmetrical, and un-charming, so that was a bust. However, Titan Bill’s head looks great, accounting, of course, for eventual skintone matching.
This was not enough to console me, however, because I was still pissed off my by lack of Alison. Then I realized that I’m a digital sculptor with access to a 3D printer, and I have also made a digital Alison. I can just print her out at the correct size. With 1:9 scale versions of all four members of the Dork fam in the offing, I was finally pleased. Pics below. Continue reading Adventures in 1:9 scale, or, I blame Bill Potts!
Outfits for Jo and Carol — inspired by 1970s paper dolls
I’m making 1:6 scale versions of two of my favorite Doctor Who characters, Jo Grant and Carol Bell. In my universe, they’re a couple who end up flying around time and space, notable for embodying the groovy spirit of the Seventies, whatever that is. They play to people’s expectations by rotating through endless closets of flamboyant period clothes. This is all hilarious because neither of them are fashionable…or they weren’t when they lived in the 1970s. But now they’re totally groovy!!
I went through the paper dolls that I saw at the last VTDL meetup and selected outfits that I thought would work for Jo and Carol.
Continue reading Outfits for Jo and Carol — inspired by 1970s paper dolls
Today’s 1:6 scale work: new hands and Tarot deco
I decorated some of my 1:6 scale scenes with cards from my Tarot of the Sweet Twilight by Christina Benintende. I like the twisty, humorous, phantasmagorical designs on almost all cards, so I selected cards for each set based primarily on pictures.
I also gave 75% of the Little Dorks, Alison, the Little Witch, and the Little Fixit, new hands with which they could hold things. Little Bill will get new hands when I have the time. By drilling the holes bit by bit on a low Dremel setting and testing the new wrist pegs frequently, I achieved securely fitting pegs. That’s more than I could ever do when turning the Dremel up to highest speed. No melting plastic either!
Continue reading Today’s 1:6 scale work: new hands and Tarot deco
New 1:6 scale spaces in the living room
I walled off a corner of the living room with two bookcases to create a place where I can hang out in my new recliner and have [the illusion of] privacy. Here are the new scenes on these shelves:
Recent 1:6 scale activities part II: Harry’s body upgrade
When he was at @natalunasans’ house, Harry experienced leg problems. I had originally shortened the legs on the DML body and stuck the feet back on, sacrificing ankle swivel articulation. The feet did not adhere well to the reduced calves, and they broke apart.
This weekend, I finally found a solution for this problem that would keep Harry on the same matching body and also maintain his comparatively short stature. I jammed some long Takara Cy Girl ankle cups up into the holes at the ends of his calves and stuck them there with a lot of hot glue. Then I stuck the pegs in some Hot Toys Willy Wonka bootfeet. Now he has ankle swivels, but no flexion. I don’t care, though, because he stands stably. Also the slim black heeled boots with red details fit his preferred colors.
As much as the default DML hands hold things well, I dislike them. They’re unnaturally posed, and the fingers look like hot dogs. So I picked up a Living Toyz 10″ N*Sync Justin Timberlake marionette from Goodwill for $6.00. I removed the hands, cut off the soft, swivel-only pegs, then drilled holes into the base of the hands and popped them on Takara Cy Girl wrist pegs. The hands, while slightly paler than Harry’s body, are close enough so that I’m not painting them. And they’re so much more detailed and expressive!
Continue reading Recent 1:6 scale activities part II: Harry’s body upgrade
Recent 1:6 scale activities part I: BC Mini cake and candy house keyrings
Do your small populations need some totally blinged out desserts of questionable aesthetic value? Look no further. BC Mini, purveyor of Japanese novelty erasers, keychains, squishy food replicas, and other necessary things, sells overdecorated circular cakes and candy houses, perfect for all your small-scale baking competitions. Continue reading Recent 1:6 scale activities part I: BC Mini cake and candy house keyrings
Dolls old and new in their natural habitat — my room
A few shots of how the stuff from my vacation with natalunasans now appears… Continue reading Dolls old and new in their natural habitat — my room
Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
We hit Target before I flew out this morning. I was looking for the Fresh Doll with boingy hair, but didn’t find her. I found some other stuff, though… Continue reading Day 7 with natalunasans — stretchy clothes, bits and bobs
Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
We took some dolls and went to South Mountain State Park, NC for pictures. Continue reading Day 6 with natalunasans — South Mountain State Park, NC
Day 5 with natalunasans — even more tiny books and a meeting of the catwitches
Today I made more 1:6 scale reading material while natalunasans went out and did errands. Continue reading Day 5 with natalunasans — even more tiny books and a meeting of the catwitches
Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Yesterday we headed off to Table Rock State Park. Small-scale drama ensued in the form of a multipart photostory called The Master Disaster. Continue reading Day 4 with natalunasans — the Masters at Table Rock State Park
Small sets in my bedroom and bonus Shalka dorks
I used to have just my dolls hanging out on shelves, talking to each other so that they wouldn’t get bored. Back in February of this year, though, I realized that I also had lots of nifty furniture, props, accessories, etc., that languished in storage. I could arrange them into vignettes for my dolls so they could do activities besides talking! Below are overviews of each scene, then detail shots. Continue reading Small sets in my bedroom and bonus Shalka dorks
Smile, Master! — resculpting a more cheerful expression
My doll of the Master has gone through a few iterations already. He came with a constipated-looking scowl, as shown here: Continue reading Smile, Master! — resculpting a more cheerful expression
Making Harry
I bought a Dragon Mike Walker with the goal of making him look like my interpretation of John Simm’s Master as he appears in Season 10 of Doctor Who.
Continue reading Making Harry
Resculpting the Master
The Master is currently not smiling. I’d really like him to smile. Rather than print an entirely new head for him, I have decided to modify the existing head. Continue reading Resculpting the Master
Little Alison + Little Bill = WUVS junior
These two are adorable together! I added stylized reflections to their eyes. Frankly they probably should have been heart-shaped. Continue reading Little Alison + Little Bill = WUVS junior
Making Carol
Carol is another character in my loosely related universe of Doctor Who dolls. In canon, she’s the Brig’s assistant during the Third Doctor’s tenure. In my mind, she’s Jo’s partner, and I took her appearance in a different direction from the person who played her. Body mods below. Continue reading Making Carol
Lakis pokes around a strange blue box…
Lakis Atlantean, latest addition to my universe of reinterpreted Doctor Who characters, is done. She’s a Mattel Hawaiian Fun Kira head on a Mattel Curvy Made to Move Fashionista [Dancer] body. I customized her by stitching her bangs against her scalp, giving her the headband from a Mattel/Hello Kitty Chococat outfit and bootz from an MGA Bratz, hand-sewing her outfit [!!], and of course repainting her. It’s a very simple faceup, but I didn’t want to give her too much detail, as she’s supposed to be just 17 years old and very cute.
Credits: Inspiration for this body/head combo comes from @dollsahoy’s recent custom. Dress made by modifying a T-shirt pattern by @cosmomoore. TARDIS from @natalunasans.
Lakis repainted, waiting for hair and shoe improvements
I finished repainting Lakis Atlantean tonight. Since she’s a relatively young character, about 17, I did a simple faceup, with no characteristic eye bags. She just needs her bangs subdued and some footwear to make her feet look more proportional, and she’s done! Continue reading Lakis repainted, waiting for hair and shoe improvements
Handmade shirt dress and leggings for Lakis
Here’s Lakis, a Mattel Hawaiian Fun Kira head on a Curvy dancer body, before repaint. I made the T-shirt dress from a pattern by @cosmomoore, but I added sleeve and hem extensions. Lakis’ leggings are from my own reverse-engineered pattern. Continue reading Handmade shirt dress and leggings for Lakis
Ten rocks their socks [sock sweater + sock leggings]!
Here’s Ten in what, for them, is the epitome of fashion: one of my standard sock sweaters [albeit with sleeves and cuffs from jersey knit] and some sock leggings, based on a pattern that I reverse-engineered. Swapping out 4 of 9 sweater pieces for jersey makes it easier and more visually interesting to make, since I can have contrasting sleeves or something. Continue reading Ten rocks their socks [sock sweater + sock leggings]!
Mental Travel Chapter 1
Fresh Dolls Mia as Bill Potts is FABULOUS!!
I finished my repaint/restyle of Fresh Dolls Mia as Pearl Mackie’s character Bill Potts from the most recent season of Doctor Who. I completely repainted her face and cut her hair. I also moved her to a Takara/BBI Cy Girl 1.5 action figure body. The head is lighter and yellower than the body, so I painted the neck and bust with acrylics to match. As a nod to her loud and awesome clothing style, she’s wearing an OJI magenta leotard under a Mattel Chococat dress, with Hasbro Shoezies modified to fit Takara/BBI Cy Girl bootfeet. I made the horrible/fascinating felt sunflower fascinator. In the last picture, Alison and Bill are having WUVS!!
Continue reading Fresh Dolls Mia as Bill Potts is FABULOUS!!
3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls/action figures I
As long as I’ve been interested in making dolls, I’ve been interested in making likenesses. My interest in likenesses led me to digital art using Daz Studio, a program where you can customize 3D models, arrange them into scenes, and render the results. In other words, Daz Studio is like playing with digital dolls. Continue reading 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls/action figures I
1:6 scale power wheelchair upgrades: steampunk style!!!
I’ve been improving my 1:6 scale power wheelchairs in recent months, and I finally finished my steampunkish power chair. Pics below. Continue reading 1:6 scale power wheelchair upgrades: steampunk style!!!
Last week’s photos — Alison, Bill, and Anima have an adventure
Members of the Dork fam Alison and Bill have a little adventure with Anima [the Doctor’s TARDIS]. Continue reading Last week’s photos — Alison, Bill, and Anima have an adventure
Fresh Dolls Mia as Bill Potts — further work
More work on my Bill doll. It’s a constant balancing act between the features of the headsculpt and the features of the character I’m trying to depict. For example, Fresh Dolls Mia has big eyes. Pearl Mackie does not have big eyes. She does, however, have an amazing set of dramatic, expressive eyebrows, kind of a long nose, and a wonderful round mouth. I tried to evoke these features as much as I could within the confines of the existing sculpt.
I think she’s mostly done in terms of paint. I want to make a sunflower hair clip for her and, of course, move her to a more poseable body.Continue reading Fresh Dolls Mia as Bill Potts — further work
Fresh Dolls Mia as Bill Potts, take 2
Deciding recently that my current Fresh Dolls Mia repaint did not adequately resemble Bill, I tried again. Continue reading Fresh Dolls Mia as Bill Potts, take 2
A Field Guide to Some TARDIS Cats
I got two more felted sleeping kitties from Nitwit Oddments recently. They are Loaf and Pretzel below, and they are adorable. They fit right in with the others. ^_^ Continue reading A Field Guide to Some TARDIS Cats
MW’s biggest prop — and introducing Robo Ten!
I got a TARDIS in the mail from @natalunasans recently! Also a smiling Ten head! Here’s my largest prop and my interpretation of the Tenth Doctor.
Robo Ten is my fanfic universe’s version of the Tenth Doctor, a robotic replica created by Harry [Simm Master]. Robo Ten is a slightly enhanced BCS smiling Ten head on a BCS body with Triad Alpha hands and Hot Toys shoefeet. Sweatshirt is from TTYA.com, and jeggings were commandeered from a Mattel articulated Curvy.
Since Robo Ten is even messier than regular Ten, I took off their bangs, dunked in hot water, reshaped, then froze for a while. Antennae are wired that I coiled around a bamboo skewer, then hot glued behind the ears, adding beads to the top. Yes, I added eyeliner and lipstick to my version of Robo Ten. I love this headsculpt. The expression is playful, geeky, and slightly sheepish.
As for the TARDIS, this thing is so frickin’ cool [besides being frickin’ heavy and frickin’ large]. I’m pretty sure it’s the BCS Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS. It has a little phone, an openable door to go in, a little door to reach in and get the phone, and battery-operated lights. I particularly like the herringbone pattern of the flagstones inside. Anyway, you’ll be seeing more of it just because it’s really cool. I hope to do some on-location shoots….Continue reading MW’s biggest prop — and introducing Robo Ten!
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse IV
Part IV: A Happy Ending!
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse III
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse II
Part II: A False Start. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse II
Little Shalka Dorks in Fixing the Horse I
The Little Shalka Dorks get busy with a new project: an old toy horse of my mom’s that we rescued from my parents’ attic around last Xmas. Little Alison is the one playing with dolls. Little Bill is the one reading pulp fiction. The Little Witch, in the cape and top hat, is my version of the Master when he was a little girl. The Little Fixit, with alien T-shirt and tool box, is my version of the Doctor as a kid. None of this information is really necessary to understand and enjoy the story.
Part I: The Dorks Gather.
Alison, Bill, and some TARDIS cats
The TARDIS cats have very demanding lives, okay?! An excuse to showcase some felted sleeping kitties by Awa of Nitwit Oddments, my preferred source for TARDIS cats. Order yours today!Continue reading Alison, Bill, and some TARDIS cats
Hacking a kid doll out of a Mattel Made to Move Barbie — arduous process, cute result
Whenever possible, I like to work with doll supplies on hand, rather than buying new. Therefore, since I wanted to make a Little Bill with the recently released adorable Mattel Skipper Babysitter Inc. AA doll, I used an articulated body that I already had from Mattel Made to Move Gabby Douglas. I yoinked the Babysitter head off the original body and spent several days hacking the MTM body to the appropriate size.
I am never modding an MTM again. Unlike a Spin Master Liv body, which has partly [but not fully] solid limbs and a hollow torso, the MTM body has solid limbs and nearly solid torso pieces. That’s a lot of plastic to cut through.
Furthermore, the proportions of the MTM don’t lend themselves to creating kid bodies. While the Liv’s limbs are largely tubular, thus shortening without much deformation, the MTM’s limbs are just weirdly shaped throughout. The MTM’s elongated ankles are the worst. I cut down the core and limbs until the proportions looked good, then gave up on the ankles. I took out the feet and jammed the stumps into shoes that I filled with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Covered by clothes, the reduced MTM looks convincingly like a chubby kid.
Shalka Dorks Camping IX — Beach III
Shalka Dorks Camping VIII — Beach II
Shalka Dorks Camping VII — Stargazing
Shalka Dorks Camping VI — Scintilla Biking
Shalka Dorks Camping V — Beach I
Shalka Dorks Camping IV — Pancakes
Shalka Dorks Camping III — Setting Up
Shalka Dorks Camping II — Packing
Shalka Dorks: Camping I — Invitation
“I am the Little Witch, and you will obey me!”
Another 1:6 scale kid is done chez Modern Wizard. It’s the Little Witch! Continue reading “I am the Little Witch, and you will obey me!”
Making a digital version of the Master
Over the last few days I’ve been working on a digital likeness of Roger Delgado as the Master. I finally got it pretty good, excepting the white blazes in the hair. This is another project done entirely within Daz Studio, with commercial morphs, custom D-Forms, and other tools available within that program. It was a challenge because there are few good stills of him to work from. Here are my progress screencaps that I was sharing with fellow dorks. Continue reading Making a digital version of the Master
Two more for the Shalkaverse: [fuckin’] Charlie and Reeve
The 1:6 scale Shalkaverse crew expands with two new members of the extended Dork family. One of them is [fuckin’] Charlie Foxtrot, a repersoned, refaced Cyber person that the Dork fam rescued from Newland, a Mondasian colony ship. The other is Reeve, humanoid robotic form of the Stylist’s TARDIS. Continue reading Two more for the Shalkaverse: [fuckin’] Charlie and Reeve
Shalka Dorks and their tools [with bonus tortoise]
The Master apparently got a pipe wrench and a ball peen hammer for Christmas, while Alison got a drill and some pliers. All items are from ZC World’s latest 1:6 scale tool kit, shown on the floor in front of them. Jill’s tortoise, Sunny, is not 1:6 scale. Continue reading Shalka Dorks and their tools [with bonus tortoise]
My sister and I always rearrange the NOEL decorations at my parents’ house. I deputized the dolls to do it this year. Continue reading NOEL –> LEON
Behold Little Alison!
Little Alison is complete! She’s a representation of my interpretation of Doctor Who extended universe companion Alison Cheney, who appears in The Scream of the Shalka. She is a Jakks Pacific Juku Couture Kana head, repainted and rehaired, on a modified Noix de Rome Ninie body. I would have kept her on her original Juku Couture body, but it was all single-jointed, with an inability to sit realistically with thighs together, so I spent much time and labor splicing her onto a Ninie body for the double-ganged arms and knees, plus the realistic thigh position.
For head mods, I removed all original hair and paint, except for eyelashes. Removed a patch of skull to make hair removal easier. Carved out neck hole to fit Ninie neck. Repainted face. Made hair by gluing to scalp in spiral pattern. Made hair band from waistband of Bratz pantz.
For body mods, I wedged part of a fake plastic grape around neck prong to fit larger head opening. Painted neck and breast to roughly match head. Added upper arm swivel joints made of pins sunk into shoulders and held with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Hot glue provided tight friction fit. Spliced original Juku Couture forearms onto Ninie forearms with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Ripped off original squidgy feet and sank ankle stumps into plastic Barbie sneakers filled with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Glued sneakers on ankle posts.
Also of note is that Little Alison is wearing a pair of pants that I handmade all by myself from a pattern that I reverse-engineered correctly on the first try. She was originally wearing some Bratz pantz that were the right length, but did not cover her butt. I ripped apart the pantz and reverse-engineered a pattern from them, being sure to add enough room to cover the butt, even when Little Alison was sitting down. These pants, sewn from stretchy knit, were the result.
I now know how to make two types of shirts, a collared one and a raglan sleeve one, and one type of pants. With this knowledge, I can make serviceable clothes for any of my dolls, no matter what the size. MUAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
In other words, all my dolls are going to wear novelty sock sweaters, loud printed cotton shirts, and leggings of questionable taste from now on. Continue reading Behold Little Alison!
Two Dorks and their relationship
This photo says so much about their relationship…
NB: Alison got a better collar for her key. This one is more in scale.
NB II: Alison stole that black over-robe from him, as well as the ombre skirt [not shown].Continue reading Two Dorks and their relationship
Galleia of Atlantis faceup in progress
@firespirited was nice enough to give me an original Malibu Barbie head for the price of postage so that I could make a doll of Queen Galleia of Atlantis, a minor character from the Third Doctor Delgado Master DW adventure The Time Monster. While not truly accurate to the likeness of Ingrid Pitt, who played Galleia, the Malibu sculpt nevertheless captures something essential about her delicate features, not to mention the whole 1970s feel.Continue reading Galleia of Atlantis faceup in progress
The Dork fam and sock sweaters
Been making a lot of sock sweaters recently, including a bunch that I cut out last year and only now have gotten around to sewing. Three quarters of the Dork fam shows a few of the results. As for the other quarter, why yes, Alison does steal the Master’s clothes. :p Continue reading The Dork fam and sock sweaters
Shalka Dorks in a cosplay contest: Alison wins
She’s got the appearance and the mannerisms down, don’t you think?
Continue reading Shalka Dorks in a cosplay contest: Alison wins
The Master looking dramatic in Amidala gear
The wizard in his own mind wedges himself into a Hasbro Amidala Traveling Gown outfit out of which I hacked the undersleeves. Yes I understand that it strains over his shoulders, but the overall effect surprises me with its suitability. I imagine him as preferring heavy fabrics, extra drapeyness, black, gold, sumptuous displays. Therefore he doesn’t look to me as if he’s crossdressing, but as if he’s himself, wearing what he wants. Continue reading The Master looking dramatic in Amidala gear
Shalka Dorks experiencing unexpected hotness
So apparently the Master’s style borrows liberally from the silhouettes, colors, and layers of the characters in that dull middle Star Wars trilogy. I picked up two Hasbro Princess Amidala dolls, one of which was the Hidden Majesty version and the other of which was the Traveling Gown edition. I hacked out the red undersleeves of the Hidden Majesty robe and yoinked it onto him, then covered up any gaps with two layers of robes from the Hasbro Darth Maul. The black net sleeves are from somewhere else, as well as the black stretchy leggings, not shown. I knew that this was the sort of gear I imagined him in, and I also knew that he looked pretty good thus dressed in my head, but I did not expect the doll to look equally hot. He looks very cool, in the intensely geeky way of someone who wears big fwoopy red robes with his name all over then in mystic runes when he’s summoning Daemons. >_>
He has yet to learn that “cute” is Alison’s default adjective of gleeful approval. Continue reading Shalka Dorks experiencing unexpected hotness
Shalka Dorks in feline-related conflict
The Master drops in on Alison. :p Continue reading Shalka Dorks in feline-related conflict
Shalka Dorks showing off a broom
I made a broom. The handle is a wooden chopstick painted red and sealed with Mod Podge. Bristles are made of string, of which I cut many individual lengths, attached with micro rubber bands and Mod Podge, then trimmed to be even. I glued some stiff folded manila folder at the core of the bristles to make them stand up. Then I wrapped some more string near the head and near the base of the broom and unleashed my creation into the wild. Pointless photostory resulted. Note: Scintilla, who’s all in blue, is the humanoid robot form of the Master’s TARDIS.
The Domina and her Magister
I Photoshopped Alison’s eyes partly closed, but that’s it. This is an outtake from the story about modern witchcraft.
Shalka Dorks and modern witchcraft
The Master got a better body in the mail today. It’s a knockoff of the Hot Toys narrow male body, with smaller and slighter proportions than their standard male body. I prefer the narrow body, as it is closer to the proportions that I see more regularly on everyday people. He reduced about the equivalent of six inches in height [!], but I’ll take the reduction because the body corresponds to the physique I imagine for him. It looks a little scrawny when naked, but it wears clothes much better than the bulkier bodies.Continue reading Shalka Dorks and modern witchcraft
Shalka Dorks encounter mini Dalek
Redid the Master’s cat ears and tail over the weekend. I was going to show them off a bit more, but the story went on a tangent about my mini Dalek, a gift from Lyrajean. Alison doesn’t know what a Dalek is! Continue reading Shalka Dorks encounter mini Dalek
Shalka Dorks in hat competition
There was a point to this photostory, but I forgot it in the midst of Alison and Bill being darn cute. Oh yeah…I found some felt witch hats as earrings. They are 1:12 scale, but they work well as “accent hats” for people like Alison, who have floofy hair!Continue reading Shalka Dorks in hat competition
The Master remastered — or, Modifying the scowl off a custom 1:6 scale resin action figure head
I love my doll of the Master, mostly because I love Roger Delgado. The likeness, however, came with a built-in scowl. I wanted a more neutral expression so I could suggest a wider variety of moods. It was time for a change! Continue reading The Master remastered — or, Modifying the scowl off a custom 1:6 scale resin action figure head
Shalka Dorks and the demanding TARDIS cats
Alison masters [?] Cat Master. Continue reading Shalka Dorks and the demanding TARDIS cats
Shalka Dorks discuss cattitude
The cat saga takes a more psychological turn. And Bill shows up!
She and Alison are in so many WUVS.
Shalka Dorks attack T.P. and find mice
This cat thing is still hilarious. Made tail and pants today out of black velvet.Continue reading Shalka Dorks attack T.P. and find mice
Shalka Dorks showing off window seat and incidental Cheshire Cat
I was just going to see if I could make a window seat set out of my recent bookcase efforts. I thought I’d just get some shots of Alison being cute as Alison Wonderland, but then the Cheshire Cat came in… Continue reading Shalka Dorks showing off window seat and incidental Cheshire Cat
Alice Costume: Two Shalka Dorks and a new kid
I was just going to take some photos of the kid I recently spliced together, but then it turned into a photostory. The kid in question is an MGA Moxie Kids head on an articulated Mattel Stacy body with hacked off hands and extended neck post [with Aves Apoxie Sculpt]. Hands are from a Noix de Rome Ninie body, mounted on pins and painted to match head. Extensive outfit coverage obviates need to match more of the body for skintone. :p Alison’s in the Alice in Wonderland gear, and the Master is wearing some Sith stuff. Making him the butt of jokes will NEVER get old. NEVER.
Continue reading Alice Costume: Two Shalka Dorks and a new kid
Shalka Dorks encounter a KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inspired by this xkcd cartoon. The Shalka Dorks meet a cat. Hand felted by Nitwit Oddments on Etsy, this was originally a brooch, a little large for 1:6 scale, but so damn cute that I couldn’t resist. Alison [in dress] is a human. The Master [left] and the Doctor [right] are Time Lords Dorks. Continue reading Shalka Dorks encounter a KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alison Wonderland — commission for Triad Alpha by Peppermint Circus
A few months ago I approached Peppermint Circus on Etsy. She has a store full of BJD dresses with puffy sleeves, aprons, and A-line skirts. I wanted an Alice in Wonderland costume for Alison, a bitchin/Eric Barclay resin head on a Triad Alpha medium bust body, and Morgana’s work looked stylistically appropriate. She was also one of the few tailors I found who worked in 1:6 scale. I asked her if she took commissions and if she would be willing to sew for the Triad Alpha; she said yes to both, though she did not have an Alpha. I sent her one for modeling purposes, and we embarked on a collaboration of several months that culminated in the outfit that you see below.Continue reading Alison Wonderland — commission for Triad Alpha by Peppermint Circus
More stuff from @natalunasans’ house: clothes, props, kids, and a freaked out Master
Some more pics of stuff that I got when I went to see @natalunasans this past weekend. Continue reading More stuff from @natalunasans’ house: clothes, props, kids, and a freaked out Master
“Me, me, and…me have been busy”: Missies give Simm Master shit
When I went to @natalunasans’ house, I brought my Missy, a Barbie Fashionistas head repainted on a Takara Cy Girl body. @natalunasans also made a Missy out of a Spice Girls head with some repainting on a Spin Master Liv body. They proceeded to harass her Simm Master, despite intervention from her Ten. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Instructional book by me. Continue reading “Me, me, and…me have been busy”: Missies give Simm Master shit
Shalkaverses collide part II: @natalunasans’ and my Alisons and their girlfriends
I visited @natalunasans over last weekend. After our Shalka Doctors and Masters met each other, our Shalka Alisons met and had a picnic with their girlfriends. @natalunasans’ dolls are on the left, mine on the right. @natalunasans’ Hot Toys Rocket tries to get the damn kids off his lawn. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Food made by Rose!
Continue reading Shalkaverses collide part II: @natalunasans’ and my Alisons and their girlfriends
Master meets Master: my Shalka Master and @natalunasans’ Simm Master cosplaying Razor
While I was at @natalunasans’ house over the past weekend, my Shalka Master met her Simm Master. They’ve talked before and gotten on pretty well, but this is the first time they met in…person? Since @natalunasans had just taken pictures of her Simm as Razor, I decided that, for some reason, he was cosplaying Razor. The two proceeded to give each other shit about their outfits. Ah, friendship. Continue reading Master meets Master: my Shalka Master and @natalunasans’ Simm Master cosplaying Razor
Holding Fast: Alison and the Master
Hanging out in each other’s laps. Alison goes zzzzzzzzzzzz. Body language is fun!!! Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props.Continue reading Holding Fast: Alison and the Master
When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
My Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master met @natalunasans’ Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master when I went to @natalunasans’ house recently. My Doctor is a custom Richard E. Grant sculpt that I modded the eyebrows on and repainted, putting on a Triad body. My Master is a custom Roger Delgado sculpt that I painted and put on a Hot Toys body. @natalunasans’ Doctor and Master are both custom sculpts by @thegoodwhovian on Hot Toys bodies. Cape in question by me. Background by @natalunasans. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props.
Continue reading When Shalkaverses collide: mine and @natalunasans’
“But he’s a GOOD kitty!”: the Doctor paints a T-shirt for the Master
The Doctor is very proud of themselves. The Master is…less so. Alison thinks the whole thing is damn cute. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Continue reading “But he’s a GOOD kitty!”: the Doctor paints a T-shirt for the Master
The Master: a wizard in his own mind
The Master, being a wizard in his own mind, took advantage of a visit to @natalunasans’ house to don a truly impressive pointy hat. Alison is either going, “EeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee so cute!!!!!” or laughing at him, probably both. Shot at @natalunasans’ house with her props. Continue reading The Master: a wizard in his own mind
Thee quarters of the Dork Quadrangle: Alison and her partners
Alison is in the center. Bill is on the left. The Master is on the right. Still having fun with body language!Continue reading Thee quarters of the Dork Quadrangle: Alison and her partners
1:6 scale version of Missy — repaint done, body and clothes added!
My 1:6 scale version of Michelle Gomez as Missy is a partially repainted Spring Into Style Curvy Fashionista head on a Takara Cy Girl 1.0 body. Dress/coat thing is by @dollsahoy [remember that one? ]. Leggings are from a Made To Move Barbie. Top hat is from Pop Toys’ British Detective. Motorcycle boots are from Pop Toys’ Robot With Coffin outfit. I may match the bust piece with the head better or maybe not…depends on how lazy I am.
The Master is wearing the jacket and pants from the Robot With Coffin set. Thanks, @natalunasans! Continue reading 1:6 scale version of Missy — repaint done, body and clothes added!
1:6 scale version of Michelle Gomez as Missy in progress
I started this project because @natalunasans gave me the Curvy Barbie [Spring into Style Fashionista] in question, who had the perfect cheeks and jaw for Michelle Gomez. This repaint is done with spit, Prismacolor pencils, and acrylic paint, sealed with matte varnish.
Michelle Gomez has a very distinctive face, with weaponized cheekbones and a lower lip that’s significantly more visible than her upper, so even an approximate likeness is recognizable, I think. Appropriate hair and clothes will increase the likeness. In translation, I may weather her face more, but the likeness is about 75-80% there, which is good enough for me. Continue reading 1:6 scale version of Michelle Gomez as Missy in progress
1:6 scale version of Pearl Mackie as BIll Potts really done this time — updated eyebrows!
I had the eyebrows too thick and >:[ on my Bill doll, so I repainted them tonight thinner and more uplifted. I wanted to capture her friendly, wondering expression. She kicks ass too, but I think of her more as an open-hearted character. New version below.
Gerry Cole, 1:6 scale porcelain kid and project long in the making
About four years ago, I bought a 1:6 scale kid doll from local figural sculptor Georgia Landau, along with some mohair [or maybe wool] wig fibers. She has a porcelain head/neck, lower arms/hands, and lower legs/feet, all attached to a cloth body with wire armature. Though she has limited poseability, she is extremely adorable, with a gawky, earnest, curious personality. However, she has been sitting on my shelf, garishly dressed and bald, thus unfinished, for most of her life.
Continue reading Gerry Cole, 1:6 scale porcelain kid and project long in the making
Shalka Dorks read more pulp fiction
Making mini vintage sci-fi pulps is too much fun, so I made another four. Here are the Shalka Dorks engrossed again.
Fresh Dolls Mia repaint as 1:6 scale custom Bill Potts done
Here’s Bill! I finished the repaint this morning. She’s a Fresh Dolls Mia head on a temporary body: a tan Cy Girl 1.0. I customized her by giving her a full repaint, a haircut, and a pin-back of some of her hair. She’s wearing an action figure fem shirt, a vest by Dolls Ahoy, pants from Fashionista Ken Color Block, and shoefeet made from Hasbro Shoezies.
While only single-jointed right now, she can still cuddle with her girlfriend Alison. Awwwww, lookit the WUVS! <3 <3
Alison is a custom cast resin action figure fem by Eric Barclay on a Triad Toys “Hispanic” skintone. I customized her with a full faceup and addition of a [shittily styled] wig. I also modified all major joints for greater flexion. She wears a Triad Toys leotard, arm sleeves and skirt from Mezco Fashion Victims, and her favoritest yellow sneakers, even though they do not match. I made her choker.
For context, Alison Cheney is the companion of an alternative Ninth Doctor in a [crappily animated] web series done for the 40th anniversary of Doctor Who called Scream of the Shalka. Bill Potts was the companion of the canonical Twelfth Doctor in the latest season of Doctor Who, otherwise known as A Tragic Waste of a Wonderful, Compassionate, Curious, Level-Headed, and Overall Adorable Black British Lesbian Character Played by the Talented Pearl Mackie. I disapproved and fixed things in my head by moving Alison forward to the present day, having her rescue Bill, and then having them get together. See? They’re so happy together! And, when Bill gets a body with better articulation, they’ll really be able to snuggle!Continue reading Fresh Dolls Mia repaint as 1:6 scale custom Bill Potts done
1:6 scale Bill Potts WIP #2
1:6 scale Bill Potts WIP
This morning I erased the Fresh Doll Mia’s eyebrows, most of eyelashes and eye makeup, and lips. Current status of repaint below. At least needs better eye bags, as well as gloss to eyes and mouth. Hanging out with Alison below.
1:6 scale version of Bill Potts take 2
Well, the Integrity Toys Janay head, which I previously thought would be a good base for my 1:6 scale Bill Potts, ended up having an irredeemably sharp jaw, so I gave up on it. Thanks to @natalunasans, I am now in possession of a Fresh Doll Mia, who has a much better face shape. Below is a picture of Pearl Mackie at the DW season 10 photocall in London in April. Below that is a photo of Fresh Doll Mia after I braided some of the top left of her hair and then clipped back some of the top right. Looking good… Still needs redone eyes and lips. Also more eyeliner. Unsure about body, as this light brown/golden skintone is nowhere available in action figures.Continue reading 1:6 scale version of Bill Potts take 2
1:6 scale version of Bill Potts forthcoming
I just got an Integrity Toys Janay head to make a 1:6 scale version of Bill Potts as played by Pearl Mackie the amazing.Continue reading 1:6 scale version of Bill Potts forthcoming
Shalka Dorks read pulp fiction
The Internet Archive has a beautiful trove of pulp magazines ranging from the late 1800s through the 1990s, all free, all scanned in high-quality color, available for you to read or to admire the pretty pictures.
Being a sci-fi and fantasy fan, as well as a connoisseur of the Technicolor cover art of 20th century pulps of that genre, I picked out some of most iconic and amusing covers for my own use. I modified the covers to add silly titles and author names. Then I reduced covers and backs to a size at which people could still admire the covers, but at which my 1:6 scale populations could also read them.
Here are my Shalka Dorks getting meta-fictional: sci-fi characters reading Atomic Age pulps!
Yeah, we should take DW seriously! aka, My fixit fics are political!
DW creators think that it’s an inspiring show about a fixit hero who can be watched by all ages. The script has the Doctor claiming that he is motivated primarily by kindness, justice, and mercy. In the wake of the TRULY CRAPPY S10 finale, there are fans who take the viewpoint that DW is indeed an inspiring show, suitable for children, about a hero who fixes problems with kindness and mercy. Some of these fans say that others shouldn’t take the show seriously because the show doesn’t take itself seriously. I believe that we should take it seriously, and here’s why…
If you think that DW is an inspiring kids’ show and hope and kindness because that’s what the creators say and that’s what the Doctor says on occasion, that’s not really looking at the whole picture. There’s a lot more going on in that show than the authorial intent and the script. There are characters’ actions, cinematography, lighting, costuming, etc. There are also of course outside pressures, such as characters leaving, actors getting older, ROGER DELGADO DYING… D: All of these have effects on the stories. A comprehensive interpretation of the show must take authorial intent, script text, AND all those other factors into account.
A huge thing that we also have to consider that DW is part of a larger culture. Even if the creators don’t think it does, DW reproduces the racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism of the society in which it was created. It also sends that racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism to a wide audience. It affects the thoughts and feelings of a huge amount of people. In other words, DW has a serious effect on people, as does any piece of media. We absolutely should take it seriously by contextualizing it, analyzing it, and criticizing it.
In fact, that’s how I get my hope and belief. I get my hope, inspiration, and belief not from the Doctor’s speeches, but by criticizing pop culture phenomena such as DW. It’s through this contextualization, analysis, and criticism [translation: fixit fics] that I sustain my hope and belief and sense of helping people.
I deconstruct DW because I’m enraged and unhappy over its racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism. In taking the show seriously, I figure out how I wish it would have gone. I envision a world in which racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism exist, but don’t fuck people up so much. I envision a setting in which people can work against their oppressions and achieve some measure of happiness for themselves, even as they make the world a better place.
I see in my mind’s eye my version of a better world, and I share it with people. I hope that people who feel similarly might feel gratified by what I read. Maybe they’ll go away feeling less disappointed with the original. Maybe they’ll get an idea for their own fanworks. Maybe, if they’re exhausted from their own activism, my stories will cheer them up.
In other words, I take DW seriously because it’s an influential piece of culture. I also take it seriously because it fails me. When it fails me, I have the chance to imagine a better world. When I imagine a better world, I believe in it more strongly. My belief leads to passion, which leads to action. I write fixits as part of that action. I also act creatively and politically for social justice in other ways.
I derive hope and inspiration from DW, but not because I believe the show’s superficial claims that it’s about that. I derive the hope and inspiration from what I make of the show: a chance to seize something better from a disappointment, a chance to use my passion to change the world.
DW meme: @natalunasans, I did this because I love you.
Doctor you started with: Ten.
Favourite Doctor: I don’t like the Doctor.
Favourite Companion: Neck-and-neck competition between Alison Cheney and Shalka Master.
Favourite Episode: Roger Delgado. Uh, wait a minute. I mean any episode that Roger Delgado is in.
DW OTP: Shalka Doctor and Shalka Master.
Favourite line/quote: Too many amuse me, but currently at the top of my head is a line from a novel [don’t know which]: “Characteristically, the Master explained everything.”
Favourite Character that isn’t the Doctor or a companion: Roger Delgado’s MAGISTERIAL eyebrows. Queen Galleia of Atlantis [The Time Monster]. Shreela Govindia [Survival].
BrOTP: Donna/Ten [right up until nonconsensual mind-fucking].
Favorite relationship that I made up and which is neither an OTP or a BrOTP: Alison/Shalka Master.
Favourite DW fic (if you have one): Frankly, whatever I’m writing at the moment. After that, anything by @natalunasans
Favourite DW fanart/blog (if you have one): @halorvic for fanart.
If you could pick anyone to be the next Doctor, who would it be? (Why, if you feel like explaining): Any awesome actor but another straight cis white dude.
If you could pick anyone to be the next companion who would it be? (Why?): I’d like to see Pearl Mackie as Bill continue with some decent storylines that did some decent addressing of her gender, color, and sexuality. While I’m dreaming, I’d also like the current President to be impeached and forced to resign.
Favourite fan theory: The Doctor is NB. The Doctor is ND. The Doctor and/or the Master are some variety of ace. The Doctor and the Master are polar complements. [See what I did there?] Gallifreyans are so obsessed with Earth because they’re descended from Earthlings, which makes them basically humans with magnified faults. @charamei’s whole conjecture on the Gallifreyan class system.
Other fandoms: ????
Shalka dorks the Domina and the Magister in an intimate moment
Yessssss, two of my most poseable 1:6 scale figures can actually frickin’ touch each other. I sure wish that the Triad Alpha had as much range of motion as the Pop Toys/HT/whatever body. My characters apparently need to look down a lot.
Continue reading Shalka dorks the Domina and the Magister in an intimate moment
Shalka dorks presenting interior decoration
Alison and the Master talk interior design. Scintilla, the Master’s TARDIS, butts in. Set is from the Mattel She-Ra doll box. Continue reading Shalka dorks presenting interior decoration
Shalka dorks in a demonstration of bike safety
The Master argues with Alison. As usual, he loses. You think he’d know better by now.
Continue reading Shalka dorks in a demonstration of bike safety
Scream of the Shalka fanfic manifesto, or, Alison the Amazing
If you’re going to write Scream of the Shalka fanfic, Alison Cheney is where it’s at, folks, and here’s why:
Alison is important. Though the SotS canon writes her as a walking, talking plot device for the Doctor Learning To Care Again, Alison is central to all SotS stories because SotS is her story; it’s her story about finding equals in curiosity, partners in adventure, and a life that’s finally as thrilling as she always wanted it to be. Alison must appear in all SotS stories because they’re all her story.
Nobody fucks with Alison. Sure, the canon turns her first into a Shalka loudspeaker and then a victim of a psychic vampire, but enough is enough. It’s not that nothing bad happens to Alison; it’s just that she never gets gratuitously victimized, objectified, or turned into a MacGuffin just to move the plot forward. She’s already traumatized enough from her canonical mind-fucks; she doesn’t need any more. [Special corollary: I don’t care how far the Master gets in trying to mind-fuck her in the animation; he never uses his psychic powers on her unless she knows what she’s getting into and consents.]
Alison doesn’t have to do anything alone. As a corollary to the above statement, Alison has staunch allies watching out for her who will do everything they can to ensure her happiness and safety. In my version, that’s primarily the Master and Brad, secondarily the Doctor. They can err on the side of overprotectiveness, and they’re not always right in what they think she needs help with, but they do well overall. They keep her from harm as best they can. And, when she’s in need of care, they help her and take care of her. She knows that she can count on them, and she’s happy to have them.
Alison is badass, tender, vulnerable, and flawed, all at the same time. In fact, her greatest power is something like irresistible love, acceptance, and sense of wonder. Add to that a pointed, analytical mind and a zero tolerance for bullshit, and you’ve got someone who has no problem calling out Time Dorks on their crap. At the same time, she doesn’t just go around Shouldering The Weight Of The Universe And Taking Care Of Everyone. As someone who has lived with racism and mental invasion, she struggles to embody the image of the Strong Black Woman, even as she realizes that it’s impossible. She doubts her confidence, has trouble recognizing her own power, and has a secret wish for someone to hold her fast while she cries. Fortunately her friends/partners/allies/chosen family love her and support her, whether she’s feeling capable or overwhelmed. And yes, there is always, always, always someone to hold her fast and let her cry.
Alison is a Black British woman. Why yes, the canon completely ignores this, but her race and gender affect almost all aspects of Alison’s backstory, character, personality, even the conflicts and adventures she encounters. Her race and gender do not predetermine all these things, but must be considered as part of all these things. And even though she doesn’t appear to think about or talk about her race and gender in canon, she definitely does in fanfic because, realistically, that’s what people do when they are navigating a society where they are discriminated against and/or a minority.
Alison is awesome. The canon does everything it can to objectify the shit out of her and make her a prop in The Doctor vs. the Master: Married Edition. But there’s enough there for a wonderful character foundation, including, but not limited to, the following: having dropped out of a history degree and become a barmaid, being the only woman of color in a town apparently populated by white dudes, yelling at the Doctor, “How emotionally needy are you?!”, looking the Master in the face and taking none of his blandishments, dressing in a very casual style without makeup or pierced ears, and, unfortunately, getting mind-fucked twice canonically despite proclaiming, “I’m not your zombie!” And this is why I write SotS fanfic: to give her the stories and development she deserves.
“I am tired; I am weary / I could sleep for a thousand years / A thousand dream that would awaken me / Different colors made of tears…”
Seeing how much of a wilted posture I could put the Master in. Continue reading “I am tired; I am weary / I could sleep for a thousand years / A thousand dream that would awaken me / Different colors made of tears…”
Intimate moments
These were the kind of photos I wanted to make almost 20 years ago: super closeups of expressive moments between two people, full of strong emotion. At long last, I have begun to achieve what I always wanted.
Shalka dork photos: there’s one in every picture…
From left to right: the Doctor, the Master, Alison, Brad, the Stylist. There’s always someone a) not looking at the camera [the Doctor], b) wondering if this is beneath his dignity [the Master], c) totally chill as the center of attention [Alison], d) hamming it up [Brad], or e) not at all thrilled with any of the proceedings [the Stylist].Continue reading Shalka dork photos: there’s one in every picture…
Shalka dorks have Halorvic buttons; Farrier has identity crisis
@natalunasans surprised me recently by sending me some Doctor Who and Doctor Who extended universe buttons by @halorvic of Coffee and Tea Dragon fame. I got probably my five favorite DW characters in halorvic’s inimitably cute style: Alison Cheney [Shalkaverse], the Master [Shalkaverse], the Ninth Doctor [Shalkaverse], Delgado Master, and the canonical Tenth Doctor. The three main Shalka dorks posed proudly with pictures of themselves, although my iteration of the Master was confused, as he’s robotic, a la Shalkaverse Master, but Delgadesco in every other way. He decided to hold up both. For those who are interested, you can buy your own fab Halorvic stuff here.
Everything went well until a Zombieville denizen, Farrier, discovered that one of the buttons looked strangely like him. [No surprise there, as he’s a BCS Tenth Doctor.] He puzzled for some time over whether it could indeed be a cartoon of him before deciding that it couldn’t possibly because it looked way too happy.
Continue reading Shalka dorks have Halorvic buttons; Farrier has identity crisis
Shalkaverse dorks and photostory problems: when you’re hampered by lack of accessories
Don’t you hate in when that happens? Continue reading Shalkaverse dorks and photostory problems: when you’re hampered by lack of accessories
Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Climbing the Lilac Tree
Alison and the aliens went out in the front lawn and climbed a lilac bush tree. [Just pretend that the Master found a way out of the TARDIS, okay?] Alison literally hung around, which made the Master nervous. Then the Doctor sang a lot and nearly flattened the Master, which made him annoyed. Alison, very worried, wanted to know if the Master was okay, an inquiry which he found rather confusing. They all went home because he needed some fixing up. Alison insisted on accompanying the Master during his surgery, which caused him yet another moment of confusion. After that, Alison hugged him, which was also very puzzling. In short, it was a very confusing day — well, for the evil alien super-powered robot at least.
Continue reading Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Climbing the Lilac Tree
Shalkaverse dorks and their default postures
Experimenting with body language — here’s the Shalka dorks and their default postures upon encountering something new.
Continue reading Shalkaverse dorks and their default postures
Ziggy Marshall, magician!
I had a Mattel Fashionista Zigzag Curvy hanging around, the cool WOC with half cornrows and half rooted blond curls. I also recently acquired a Wolf King Female Joker, mostly for her cool clothes, a reinterpretation of the Joker’s from Batman Begins. The two-tone hair on the accompanying sculpt put me in mind of Zigzag, whose head I liked more. I decided to make a person cosplaying the Joker.
Of course, that’s where my idea started, but Ziggy took it in her own direction. At first I thought I could pop her head on the Wolf King body and just paint the neck to match, then hide the rest with clothes. Well, it turns out that paint don’t stick to those #%&%@$ squishy bust bodies, so I hacked off the Curvy’s bust. I removed the arms and reamed out the inside of the bust with my Dremel, then glued it over the Wolf King framework. Then I had only to cover everything else up with clothes, which I did. Ziggy’s pink socks prompted me to keep her BRIGHT PINK lips and then add some more pink in the form of the hair covering her original rooting area.
Anyway, folks, here’s Ziggy Marshall, the Maestra of Mystery, the Magical Master…Maestro of Mistress… Fuck it. The title is still a work in progress, apparently. Anyway, she’s a stage magician. She can juggle pretty well, but her specialty is scrying, which is cold reading with an acrylic juggling ball as a prop.
Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Get Me to the Doctor!
The Master is prevailed upon to compromise his dignity [?], which appears to be a regular occurrence. Continue reading Shalkaverse Shenanigans: Get Me to the Doctor!
“Welcome to the cabaret!”: Here’s the Shalka Doctor!
The final Shalkaverse cast member is done. Here’s the Doctor! Headsculpt is a custom sculpt of Richard E. Grant as Withnail, which works surprisingly well as a base for the Doctor. I modded it by removing the original eyebrows and sculpting them higher on the forehead. I painted the head and stuck it on a Triad Omega body. Hands are from an unknown figure. Vest, pants, shoes, and coat are from Pop Toys’ British Detective figure. Cape is by dollsahoy. Shirt is from unknown figure.
Despite being conceived of as “aristocratic and aloof” by screenwriter Paul Cornell, my Shalka Doctor wouldn’t know “aristocratic and aloof” if it smacked them upside the head. They’re rather a mess, which is why their shirt is untucked and vest unbuttoned. They’re an extremely enthusiastic and hammy person, any aloofness being a misinterpretation of the fact that they often get distracted in their attempt to experience all of life in all its wonder all at once. While they certainly have various wells of guilt, melancholy, and sadness inside them, I wanted to emphasize their scenery-chewing aspects — hence the boingy eyebrows and blue eye makeup. Hey…it works!
Continue reading “Welcome to the cabaret!”: Here’s the Shalka Doctor!
Body language!
Articulation and I have a vexed relationship in 1:6 scale. I have long been interested in body mods at the expense of articulation, which leaves me with an awesome diversity of body types, but with compromised articulation. With my Shalkaverse people, though, I decided to maximize likenesses and articulation. Thus, while I can’t have the dolls do everything that the characters do in my head, I can get ’em pretty damn close, as shown below.
I’m still impressed by the effectiveness of the advanced articulation here in transmitting the emotions. The illusion of eye contact also helps. I guess it was a really good idea to paint all the eyes looking slightly up…
NB: Yes, she trusts him. No, they’re not in a romantic relationship with each other. Gag me. No, there’s no mind-fucking involved either.
Alison and Brad
Hey everyone! It’s Alison from the Shalkaverse and Brad, her partner that I made up. Alison is a custom cast resin head from Eric Barclay/bitchin on Men With Dolls, painted by me, on a Triad Alpha body in Hispanic skintone. Brad is some Volks Neo Goh [?] dude head painted by Jon/pickles/etc. on an Obitsu slender male body. Alison is a woman who uses feminine pronouns. When she first meets Brad, Brad is an NB person who uses feminine pronouns, but they soon switch to third-person plural. Continue reading Alison and Brad
Alison got a haircut
Now she looks more realistic and more like how I picture her in my head. Continue reading Alison got a haircut
At long last, Alison Cheney!
Finally I have finished a doll that I have been working on for about three months. It’s my version of Alison Cheney, protagonist of alternative Doctor Who adventure Scream of the Shalka, for which I’ve been writing entirely too much fanfic. This is the version from the Alison Wonderland ‘verse, which means that she and everyone else are significantly happier than they were in the Reverberations of the Shalka ‘verse. In my ‘verses, she ends up much closer friends with the Master [the Magister to her because it means teacher in Latin, and don’t tell her any different :p ] than the Doctor, which is why she’s hanging around with him in these pictures. Once I finish the Doctor, I’ll have all four major characters of the Alison Wonderland series. [The other is Brad, Alison’s significant other. Hmmmm, I should take pics of the two of them, though Brad has not officially entered the storyline yet…]Continue reading At long last, Alison Cheney!
It’s quiet in the Master’s library… TOO quiet…
I’ve spent the last few weeks making miniature books, both openable and dummy. The openable ones have page blocks made from a notepad that I cut down with a paper cutter, gluing pages with hot glue. Some of the covers are patterned notecards, while most are made of origami paper. Dummy books are made of craft foam for page blocks, more origami paper for covers. I love making books of different sizes, thicknesses, and covers, then arranging them messily on the shelves.
Continue reading It’s quiet in the Master’s library… TOO quiet…
The Master and the Stylist in “Handcuffs vs. Hoodies”
So @halorvic drew one of their super cool cartoons of the Third Doctor swapping clothes with Ten, as well as Delgado Master swapping with Simm Master. @natalunasans and I were recently cracking up over Delgado Master’s “NO.” Recently I discovered why he’s objecting so hard. See photostory. Handcuffs are standing in for a 1:6 scale straitjacket and collar, which I [surprisingly] do not have.
Continue reading The Master and the Stylist in “Handcuffs vs. Hoodies”
The Master and the Stylist’s snark-off continues.
The Master got some new shoes yesterday, DAM Gangster Kingdom Marshall’s shoefeet, and holy flaming shitballs — they are the bomb diggety! Well, I think so, and so does he. The Stylist, however, begs to differ. Also starring the nifty molded plastic chair that came along with my Pop Toys British Detective dude, as well as one of the many blank books I’ve been working on.Continue reading The Master and the Stylist’s snark-off continues.
The Stylist gets into the Master’s kitchen: a.k.a., True Friends Poison Each Other
@natalunasans sent me several sets of 1:6 scale accessories made by Battat for their 8″ Lori dolls. As you can see, they all work great for 1:6 scale people. While not on the level of Rement, all pieces show very good molding, sparing but realistic paint apps, realistic color schemes, and overall charming design. Better than Mattel playline.
Also starring a plastic overstuffed chair that came along with my Pop Toys British Detective [unlicensed Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock from the Abandoned Bride ep of the eponymous show set in 1895 or something]. And finally you can get a good look at the Stylist, who is a 2016 AA Holiday Barbie headsculpt on a Made To Move Body. I removed her eye makeup, brows, and lips, adding new brows, new mouth, and, of course, shading around eyes and nose. I also added a scar on her forehead because she was going to be Alison, but she doesn’t look like her.
Anyway, here’s the Stylist plowing her way through a selection, with eventual interception from the Master, whose pantry all that stuff was in. :p
No, apparently my Time Lords don’t have adventures; they just hang around and annoy the shit out of each other. Continue reading The Stylist gets into the Master’s kitchen: a.k.a., True Friends Poison Each Other
I made Barrett’s cape! Then the wizard in his own mind stole it…
Over the past two days, I successfully sewed a 1:6 scale semi-circular cape, lined and hooded, without a pattern. Black velvet forms the outer layer and the long, dangling, tapering hood, while small white skulls on black field form the lining. There’s a hook and eye for front clasp. I’m surprised at how well it came out! I originally made it for Barrett, a Zombieville denizen, but the Master got to it first. Here he is talking about it with the Stylist:
Continue reading I made Barrett’s cape! Then the wizard in his own mind stole it…
Body upgrade and clothing frustration for the Master
So I got my first Hot Toys body today for the Master. Aside from some squeakily tight joints, it far surpasses all other male action figure bodies that I have ever encountered. It can even do a decent fetal position!
I also got my second “Chinese suit,” as the first one’s plastic snaps broke off. I replaced the snaps on the first with some metal snaps, only to discover that the snap position interfered with all that cool HT neck range of motion. Ugh. Fine. I guess he’ll be wearing something less restrictive. Hey, at least the pants are nice. Continue reading Body upgrade and clothing frustration for the Master
The Master, the Stylist, some Fiendish Devices, and some books
My first iteration of the Master is finished! Custom sculpted Roger Delgado head painted by meeeeeeee [note to self: skin color is a mixture of Plaid/Apple Barrel Colors/20556 “Medium Flesh” and Anita’s All Purpose Acrylic Craft Paint 11007 “Chocolate Brown”], Dragon action figure body, “Chinese suit” for clothing, gloves from some other action figure, shoes from Character Options Dalek Sec [the only ones that fit]. The Stylist, a fellow Time Dork, is a 2016 Holiday Barbie repainted by meeeeeeeee, Made to Move Barbie body, most of the MTM yoga outfit, and MC2 shoefeet. Bookcases are from @natalunasans. I made the books a few weekends ago with a perfect bound notepad for signatures and note cards or origami paper for covers.
Now that I have him all together, the Master definitely needs some improvement. 1) A better body with more poseability. 2) Gloved hands in molded plastic. These bendy ones are shit. 3) Decent shoes. 4) A decent suit. 5) Most importantly, his Domina carissima, Alison!
P.S. Hey, Master, you do know that’s Julian’s Device, right?
Continue reading The Master, the Stylist, some Fiendish Devices, and some books