For decades, I’ve had an imaginary band called Flaming Hot Pussy. Their latest iteration recently all got their instruments, so allow me to introduce the hottest band around: FHP! Continue reading Flaming Hot Pussy is kitted out!
The dorklets in…The Halloween Store Part I!
The dorklets have been enthusiastically running around in the Halloween store set for about a month now. Finally I have some pictures! Continue reading The dorklets in…The Halloween Store Part I!
MGA Rainbow High stuff for 1:6 scale dolls!
MGA has a newish line of big-headed, single-jointed dolls with really high-quality, detailed outfits. The line is Rainbow High, and, while I’m not a fan of the big heads, I like the bodies, clothes, shoes, and some accessories. Recently I repurposed some of the stuff for my 1:6ers. Continue reading MGA Rainbow High stuff for 1:6 scale dolls!
Carnelian got a new body and a new hairstyle!
I like Carnelian’s toothy, unhinged grin, but her original body covered all useful joints in squidgy skin, so she couldn’t hold a pose well. Inspired by my work on Twerpcat, I thought of the human headsculpt that Carnelian uses, and I decided to work on her.
Tonight I gave her an updo of a ponytail not pulled all the way through the holder. I also plopped her on a Takara Cy Girl 1.0 body which doesn’t technically match, but looks close enough. Though it’s single-jointed, shiny, and slightly tanner than her head, it’s also tight, solid, and capable of standing alone and holding poses. Because the body had a cracked ankle cup, I removed the ankle cup, sank screws into the ankles, and put MGA Bratz feetz on the heads of the screws. Continue reading Carnelian got a new body and a new hairstyle!
Twerpcat in progress
Carnelian, my catwitch, came with an eerily grinning anthropomorphic cat head. When I visited @natalunasans in 2018, I saw that she gave the cat headsculpt its own body. I kept my cat head, but didn’t do anything with it.
Then last week I got the idea of sticking the head on a Lakor Joker Baby body. The body came a few days ago, but without any of the extra hands for some reason. Nevertheless, the cat head looks wonderful on the body, making a small goblinoid creature whose expression is one of pure glee over how much of a little shit it is. Continue reading Twerpcat in progress
Three’s better tie
In my ongoing quest to increase the tackiness of my Third Doctor, I made a louder tie out of blue velvet ribbon. Continue reading Three’s better tie
Beryl the fashionable witch is done!
I moved her onto a Mattel Made to Move, painted exposed parts to match her head, added gold fishnets, and called her done. I decided not to fight the frizzy hair, clipped it up in the back, and combed it forward and out in a corona, and decided that was enough of a style for her.
How to improve a GOML part II — Qingting gets a makeunder
I recently articulated an American Girl Girls of Many Lands doll. Then I recently improved her by removing her overdone lipstick. They made her look like she was pursing her lips. Now she looks more relaxed.Continue reading How to improve a GOML part II — Qingting gets a makeunder
Working on Beryl the fashionable witch
Beryl is a Mattel 2006 Pink Label Wicked Witch of the West [Wizard of Oz] doll who, I decided, needed bright clothes to compliment her green skin. I acquired a used [but original] Silken Flame velvet coat locally and a vintage clone Silken Flame dress from Ebay. Obitsu wrist joints, Takara BBI Cy girl gloved hands, BBI arm sleeves, MGA Hi Glamm boots. Eventually gonna put her on a green-painted Mattel Made To Move body so that she can ride her vehicle of choice: a flying Vespa! Need to do something about her crappy hair too. Continue reading Working on Beryl the fashionable witch
The dorklets in the costume shop!
These are draft pictures of the dorklets overrunning a Hardship costume shop, just in time for Halloween. Continue reading The dorklets in the costume shop!
Oh no! Dorklets in the kitchen!!
Over my break, I finally finally FINALLY got some corner walls painted. One of them even has functioning windows and functioning French doors. Both corners are beautifully done in spray painted primer. I am not done setting up the room, but the dorklets have already overtaken it.
Improving my BCS Third Doctor
At long last, my BCS Third Doctor arrived on August 24th! I dithered about getting one, but I am getting the Delgado Master from BCS, and @natalunasans and I have commissioned custom sculpts of Jo, so I thought that I should really add the Doctor to complete the trio. It’ll be a long while before all my Three-era dolls [the Third Doctor, Delgado Master, Jo, and Galleia] are together, given that Delgado’s release is quite delayed. However, I’m pulling together what I can. Continue reading Improving my BCS Third Doctor
More dorklets reading mini books I made!
Detail shots of kids, books, and book interiors. Um, is that really a comfortable way to sit, Little Allison?!Continue reading More dorklets reading mini books I made!
Big Allison 3.0!
After changing Big Allison’s expression slightly and repainting her AGAIN, I’ve finally captured her. Now for some better hair. The stuff I made for her out of curly fabric looks too square and weighted at the bottom. So I ordered a puff wig from a store on Etsy. Continue reading Big Allison 3.0!
Qingting is back!
Once upon a time, I articulated a Pleasant Company/American Girl Girls of Many Lands 9″ doll by splicing it with Obitsu parts. Here’s my first attempt
at articulating Qingting, a tertiary character from LHF. I used some parts of an Obitsu 27cm doll and didn’t like the results.
Continue reading Qingting is back!
I made a lot of miniature books recently.
I made some 1:6 scale books sculpted in open positions so that my dolls could hold them and easily appear to be reading.
Real Littles Shoes news — Amazon exclusive set for my dolls!
@natalunasans ordered me the Amazon exclusive Real Littles package that included two Real Littles bags, some exclusive Real Littles shoes, and some accessories. They came today! I really like the more saturated palette of the exclusive Real Littles shoes. Dorklets modeling below. Continue reading Real Littles Shoes news — Amazon exclusive set for my dolls!
Little Meghna got a new body!
It’s a slightly modified 10″ Disney Elite Rey body. I popped off the original head/neck assembly, cut off the neck from the Spin Master Liv body that Little Meghna was on, glued it down into the Disney Elite neck socket, and decided to ignore large gaps in socket/mismatched skintone. I filled some Real Littles running shoes with heat plastic to make sockets for the ankle balls. Now her parts match enough in color that she can wear shorts and short sleeves!
Big Night is done!
Big Night is done! She is a repainted Takara BBI Cy Girl Blaze head on a Hot Toys Cuban female action figure body. Her outfit takes inspiration from her Goth leanings, but also her idolatry of the Magister, so she wears a jacket very similar to his.
Real Littles Shoes repaints
I repainted these Real Littles Shoes at @natalunasans house because the originals were SO FUCKING BORING. Continue reading Real Littles Shoes repaints
Kitty is here! Oh yes oh yes oh yes, it is!!!!
Kitty, Harry’s sentient service robot, is in the house! It’s a highly sociable, friendly, anxiety-ridden, autistic, sentient scorpion robot with the personality of a golden retriever and the mannerisms of a cat. Here it is, helpfully carrying a basket of new friends! The Kitty doll is actually a Schleich scorpion that came with an armored rider.Continue reading Kitty is here! Oh yes oh yes oh yes, it is!!!!
Memory and Solace Saxon!!
Hardship, Vermont is full of notable locals, but two of the most notable are Memory [on our right] and Solace [on our left] Saxon, Harry’s younger sisters. They’re dicephalus conjoined twins, inspired by actual dicephalus conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel, each with their own head [obvs], spine, arm, leg, and heart. Solace is taller and stronger. She is an outgoing performer who likes practical jokes and [badly executed] sleight-of-hand. Memory is quieter. She likes etymology, poisons, and privacy. Continue reading Memory and Solace Saxon!!
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 2 with @natalunasans — Working with the Villa!
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 2 with @natalunasans — Ruth Doctor, Missy, and the Spymaster
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 2 with @natalunasans
At @natalunasans house, July 5-7th: Day 1 with @cosmomoore
The Little Dorks in…The Playroom VI!
Night has an idea and leads Allison, Theo, and Meghna out of the room. But Silence, Ethan, and Day remain. What are they doing? Continue reading The Little Dorks in…The Playroom VI!
The Stylist 2.0 facial improvements!
In my efforts to make the Stylist look as old as her fellow Elder Witches the Magister and the Hippie, I changed her headsculpt from a Mattel Barbie to one from a collectible doll from some racist piece of shit. Continue reading The Stylist 2.0 facial improvements!
Missy went in another direction than expected…
In prep for my upcoming visit to @natalunasans house, I embarked on an enthusiastic stint of customizing. This included Missy, a doll who has been picked up and put down in various forms for several years. She, like many of my fan interpretations of DW characters, transferred over Hardship, but I never thought to finish my doll of her because frankly I like Harry better. But, if I want to do any photostories involving the Saxon family, Silence’s parents will likely appear, so I should really have a Missy doll. Continue reading Missy went in another direction than expected…
The Little Dorks in…The Playroom V!
More dorklets playing with toys… Continue reading The Little Dorks in…The Playroom V!
Ebru finds a scooter like hers, but larger!
Billie Jean on Battery Street in Burlington occasionally has a cream scooter with sidecar parked in front. It’s not a Vespa, but it’s similar enough to my 1:6 scale Vespa scooter with sidecar that I asked the owner if I could photo Ebru hanging around the full-size one. She said yes, so Ebru bravely surmounted the huge machine and posed for some photos!
Continue reading Ebru finds a scooter like hers, but larger!
The Little Dorks in…The Playroom IV!
The dorklets are actually playing with their toys… Continue reading The Little Dorks in…The Playroom IV!
The Little Dorks in…The Playroom III!
After receiving gifts from Harry, the dorklets move to another room to play. This entry includes a lot of my 1:6 scale toys and accessories I’ve recently acquired. The new stuff is identified in the photos below. Continue reading The Little Dorks in…The Playroom III!
The Little Dorks in…The Playroom II!
Harry, inventor, tinkerer, and childless lover of kids, made a playroom for the dorklets with art supplies, tools, toys, and all sorts of goodies. In this installment, he picks out things for Allison [teddy bears], Ethan [knitting], Theo [camera], and Meghna [camcorder].
The Little Dorks in…The Playroom I!
Harry, inventor, tinkerer, and childless lover of kids, made a playroom for the dorklets with art supplies, tools, toys, and all sorts of goodies. Here he is introducing the dorklets to it. In this installment, he picks out things for Silence [the typewriter] and Day [the tools].
The playroom represents over two decades of creating, customizing, and amassing 1:6 scale tools, toys, art supplies, and such. A lot of it is gachapon, which are miniatures that come from Japanese vending machines. Japanese vending machine miniatures are extremely detailed, of much better quality than stuff from U.S. vending machines, and often suitable for 1:6 scale use!
Harry’s wheelchair is courtesy of Lyra! Thanks, Lyra!
All my dolls, 05/20/2021
All those out and about, excluding people in progress.
People may belong to the following universes:
Big’uns: 1:3 scale dolls
DW: Characters from Doctor Who
Hardship: Hardship VT stories
House Rainbow Barf: 1:12 scale dolls
LHF: Love Has Fangs
Zville: Zombieville
Silencitx and Ethancitx dressing up!
On a whim I stuck one of my many 1:6 scale tophats on Silencitx, who looked so dashing that I gave her something approximating fancy dress. Ethancitx dressed up too. Silencitx is looking like a steampunk Mad Hatter, while Ethancitx is going for a funky 1980s vibe [because he’s growing up in the 1980s]. Continue reading Silencitx and Ethancitx dressing up!
Traditional canned goods for my kitchens
I have a bunch of little glass jars with corks in them filled with different kinds of rocks. I emptied out some of the rocks and made home-canned preserves with two of the jars. I put real jam and real honey in the jars and sealed them with hot glue. Then I put fabric circles over the tops. Voila! Continue reading Traditional canned goods for my kitchens
Redoing Silencitx’s hair with flocking
I cut off Silencitx’s ponytail and pulled out the remains with hemostats. Then I put glue on her head and unwound a dark brown/black pipe cleaner. I glued the bits of fuzz on her head. Result? Looks like she buzzed her head, which is exactly what I’m going for. Now she really looks like herself!
New set: Ethan’s doll studio — and some new dolls for dolls!
I finally put all my toys for dolls to good use and created a set of Ethan’s doll room. Besides doll customizing, he also likes robots, radio controlled things, steampunk, and sewing, so I put in appropriate miniatures in those categories. Continue reading New set: Ethan’s doll studio — and some new dolls for dolls!
Unexpectedly amazing Rements
A few years ago, Rement did some miniature terraria — more like terrarium-inspired miniature scenes — in a series called something like Petit Terrarium Country Life. It’s a series of 6 miniature scenes from European country life, each housed in an appropriate plastic container made to look like glass. There’s a farmer and a Holstein in a milk bottle shaped container. There’s also a person watching a donkey with a milk wagon, and that whole thing is in a milk bottle. There’s a person cooking over a stove in a square-sided bottle with a short neck and a cork and a man picking olives in a corked olive oil bottle. There are two wine-themed scenes: a woman jumping on grapes in a white wine flute and a man and a woman in a rowboat in a red wine flute.
Anyway, I bought these because I figured that the little figures could work as dolls for my dolls. And they do! Some of the scenes work well as tiny sets that 1:6 scale doll lovers have created!
I thought that these things would be smaller. For some reason, I expected the bottles to be 1:6 scale, rather than 1:2 scale. I was also not prepared for the ingenious construction. Every piece, from base liquid to background foliage to people to non-human animals, is separate, with detailed paint jobs on the people and appropriate translucency on the liquids. Rement has made these scenes as easy as possible to assemble, with removable bottoms for all the bottles so you can easily set the scenes in. There are also removable caps and corks.
The level of detail reaches Rement’s usual outstanding levels, although I think the milk wagon scene must be the best. It contains a milk bottle falling off the wagon and dumping milk back into the milk that the whole scene is floating in [see picture]. There’s also a lamb standing on the cart-pulling donkey for no apparent reason. It’s hilarious.
I like the fact that these aren’t just scenes stuffed into any old type of bottle; the coordination between container and scene makes these miniatures both strange and wonderful. An olive-picking scene in an olive oil bottle is delightfully apropos. It’s also weird because the little scene appears to be floating [?!] in the olive oil. In fact, 4 out of 6 scenes are sculpted so that they appear to be floating. This is, as I mentioned, a very loose interpretation of the term “terrarium,” and I appreciate the fantastical impression of the floating scenes.
Bottom line: I thought I was going to get rid of the containers and use the scenes as dolls for dolls, but I find the overall concept and execution so clever and well done that I think I’m displaying all of them as is when they’re not being used as props for my dolls!
The Little Dorks in…Boating!
Little Allison and Little Theo went to my parents’ house with me and played with their boats in the puddles. Sadly the puddles were not deep enough for the boats to float, but they tried. Continue reading The Little Dorks in…Boating!
The Little Dorks in…The Motorwagen!
Little Silence and Ethancitx went out in Little Silence’s Motorwagen this afternoon! With temps nearing 70, I took them to the waterfront, right in front of the wastewater treatment plant. [P.U.!] It was too blustery for me to show them starting the car and getting into it, so I just showed them driving. The model is a Franklin Mint 1:8 scale reproduction of an 1885 Benz Motorwagen, the first factory line gas-powered car. It’s too small for 1:6 scale adults, but it’s perfect for 1:6 scale kids!
The Little Dorks in…Sleepover! Part II
The Little Dorks dig into Indian food that Ethan and Meghna made. Continue reading The Little Dorks in…Sleepover! Part II
The Little Dorks in…Sleepover! Part I
Ethan [with purple cat ears] and his older sister Meghna [with glasses] bring over some Maharashtrian food that they made.
Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of the night…
…shall keep Vermonters from the first creemee of spring!!! [ESPECIALLY not snow.] Silence Lucinda Saxon, left, and Ethan Coolidge Jones, right, of Hardship, VT brave a slush pile at the end of the Perkins Pier parking lot in Burlington to get their soft serve. [It was about 50 degrees out when I took these photos].
Continue reading Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of the night…
Finished! Big Theo!!
Big Theo, a 3D printed headsculpt with a likeness to the amazing Pearl Mackie, is finally completed! I’m so proud of this one. Pearl Mackie is a very hard likeness to capture because, like Sacha Dhawan, she has big eyebrows, wide nose, large mouth, and large chin, but none of it looks out of proportion. I knew that I succeeded when I made the character smile and her smile looked bigger than her face, as Pearl Mackie’s does in the most wonderful way possible!
This doll took so damn long to paint because I was trying to use very thin layers of paint for a more even coating. Not sure if the tedium was worth it, as I never examine dolls as closely as my photos do. She also took a long time to paint because I was color matching between her body and her head. I really wish there were articulated action figure bodies easily available in a variety of skintones.
New hair for the Stylist!
The Stylist just got a ripply mohair wig in the colors of fire, with some added magenta for excitement! It’s a little bit bigger than her head circumference, but it works.Continue reading New hair for the Stylist!
Silence shows Saxonian spark!
Some time during the month, but I forgot exactly when, I did a partial overpaint of my Silence doll to make her better match Little Silence, who has thick, intense brows, and flecks of gold in her eyes. Continue reading Silence shows Saxonian spark!
His name is now Ethan, and he’s finally done!
The doll that I began about a year ago as the Spymaster has now come into his own as a denizen of Hardship first named the Disaster, then Amish, and now Ethan. After a month of painting and adjusting and ordering/waiting for hair and ordering/waiting for hands and all that sort of thing, he’s finally finished. Progress pics below. Continue reading His name is now Ethan, and he’s finally done!
ACTION PASTA!!!!!!! …and other exciting mini fudz
Recently I got some Rements that are larger than the usual scale [which is around 1:7 to 1:8]. Some are also sculpted as if they are in the midst of being served. Thus my dolls can eat them more realistically. Continue reading ACTION PASTA!!!!!!! …and other exciting mini fudz
Toy stoves as pieces for dolls
A while back, I acquired a cast iron child’s toy stove that would have worked well for 1:6 scale, except it was too short. I recently purchased a beautiful Little Maid pressed tin, lithographed toy stove from the 1930s with the same problem — too short. I justified this purchase by saying that I have three currently active characters who like to cook [Amish, Night, and the Magister], and the Magister is exactly the sort of person to have different cooking places for different foods.
Incidentally, I did some research, and apparently stoves really looked like that in the 1920s and 1930s. Little legs were common, as were multiple ovens, often set side by side with the burners.
I’m surprised that toy stoves running on electric current were so popular for decades. As far as I’m concerned, that sounds like second-degree burns or a house fire just waiting to happen.
Anyway, shortly after I acquired the Little Maid stove, I found Sixth Scale Studio on Etsy. Besides furniture, this shop also makes risers for kitchen furniture so that it’s a more realistic height for 1:6ers. Huzzah!Continue reading Toy stoves as pieces for dolls
Little Theo — the cutest kidsy!
Well, all of my kidsies are equally cute, but Little Theo is the most recently finished, so she’s currently the most adorbz. Progress pics below. Continue reading Little Theo — the cutest kidsy!
Nata’s Neologisms #6
I was telling her about an idea for a portrait that showed an aspect of the subject that most people often overlooked. Response:
Her: ohhhhh like the wossname gay in the attic
Me: The Picture of Dorian G[r]ay.
Bunkbed for the Little Dorks!
The kid-sized bunkbed is finally complete! Continue reading Bunkbed for the Little Dorks!
Some new 3D printed heads — Little Theo, Big Theo, and Grownup Amish!
I got some new 3D printed heads in the mail today from @beetleboo! Continue reading Some new 3D printed heads — Little Theo, Big Theo, and Grownup Amish!
Two Little Dorks in…The Sleeping Bag!
My mom made my kidsies a sleeping bag out of some rainbow fabric I gave her and an old wool blanket she had. What do you do when you’re sleeping over at your bestest friend’s house, and you get cold? D:Continue reading Two Little Dorks in…The Sleeping Bag!
House Rainbow Barf upgrades complete!
House Rainbow Barf is alive and back together at last! I was waiting on some parts before I could put together Jujube. Earlier I moved Honorine over to an Obitsu 11cm/Paraboccle hybrid. Just now I finally got all the pieces to do the same with Jujube. Head is 14cm Elfdoll tiny. Bust is Obitsu 11m. Everything else is Obitsu Paraboccle. Continue reading House Rainbow Barf upgrades complete!
Little Meghna and Meghna II
Little Meghna, Amish’s older sister, who somehow became an honorary 7th Little Dork, got her mohair wig earlier this week. Now she’s permed up in her late 1980s/early 1990s glory! Shown her with Little Amish. Continue reading Little Meghna and Meghna II
Recent doll work: Meghna, Amish, Theo
Improvements on recent dolls:
Continue reading Recent doll work: Meghna, Amish, Theo
Recent doll stuff: Vehicles
Some small-scale vehicles have recently jointed the local fleet, and I haven’t really done much with them in terms of playing with them. Photos below. Continue reading Recent doll stuff: Vehicles
The Little Dorks in…Kitty!!!!!
The Little Dorks encounter a very friendly cat. @natalunasans got me a rather large figure of a munchkin [short-legged] cat recently. Though the cat only has swivel joints, its sculpting works with its articulation to achieve some expressive poses — especially when begging people for pets!
Nata’s Neologisms #5
Chatting with me about modding a 1:6 scale cat’s face:
Her: the nozzle is a little weird so I thought it could work
what’s the word I want
not nozzle
Me: Muzzle!
so mouth+nozzle
Me: Muzzle…nozzle…same thing.
Her: jijijiji
also nuzzle exists
which is what a miaou does with their nozzle
Ebru, aka the EXTRA GAY BARBIE, gets a makeover
I finished a significant makeover on Mattel Extra Barbie No. 1, doing a partial repaint and hair restyle, major body mods, and an almost complete outfit change. Continue reading Ebru, aka the EXTRA GAY BARBIE, gets a makeover
Recent work: Grass and pants
First off, I went to the craft store, bought a mat of fake grass, and cut it into four more naturalistic shapes. They now break up the straight border between sky background and ground cloth. I stuck some plastic ferns in the grass pieces to break up the evenness of the blades. Continue reading Recent work: Grass and pants
Crappy overview photos of all main sets and areas where dolls are out
The Dorklets in… The Sleepout
Fidgeting, pestering, chatting, and occasionally even sleeping. Continue reading The Dorklets in… The Sleepout
The Little Dorks in The Vending Machine II
Damn soda machine, stealing my money!!
The Little Dorks in The Vending Machine I
Hey, I paid good money for a soda! Continue reading The Little Dorks in The Vending Machine I
Sleeping accommodations updated — sleeping bag
My mom gave me some wool from an ugly wool blanket, so I hand-stitched a sleeping bag for one of the Dorks over the last few days. It came out okay, I think. Nothing spectacular.Continue reading Sleeping accommodations updated — sleeping bag
The Little Dorks in Shaved Ice
After all that melodrama, the two “cooks” [in quotes because they’re not using heat in this instance] prepare a sweet snack for the rest of the gang. Featuring a hammock made by my mom!Continue reading The Little Dorks in Shaved Ice
The Little Dorks in Hammock Construction
Who lets these kids play with tools unsupervised?! Continue reading The Little Dorks in Hammock Construction
The Little Dorks in Outing #2: Stargazing
Ooooooh, lookit that! Continue reading The Little Dorks in Outing #2: Stargazing
The Little Dorks in Outing #1: Rest Stop
Oh, take a hike! Continue reading The Little Dorks in Outing #1: Rest Stop
Recent projects: Honorine’s new body, BBQ grill, arm improvements
Again pulled from crappy phone camera.Continue reading Recent projects: Honorine’s new body, BBQ grill, arm improvements
Recent projects: Device update, vending machine, Little Dorks camping, Gay Coat Barbie
Pulled from my crappy phone camera.Continue reading Recent projects: Device update, vending machine, Little Dorks camping, Gay Coat Barbie
The Little Dorks encounter LEON
Six Little Dorks and Leon… Continue reading The Little Dorks encounter LEON
Updated kidsies: Little Dorks, Annie, and Clara
In other recent news, I have improved some of my cutest dolls, known collectively as kidsies.
Continue reading Updated kidsies: Little Dorks, Annie, and Clara
Ten pictures concerning absolutely nothing!
I’ve been waiting for so long to make this pun…Continue reading Ten pictures concerning absolutely nothing!
The Doctor 2.0 and the Master’s new clothes
When I think of the Doctor from Doctor Who, I think of the Doctor from Scream of the Shalka. Played by Richard E. Grant and written by Paul Cornell to be a snarky, smug, petulant, dry, sarcastic, emotionally walled-off person with depression, they’re understandable, but not particularly approachable. Because I like happy characters, I decided to treat much of the Doctor’s attitude in SotS as manifestations of depressive symptoms.
I write all my fanfic from the perspective of the Doctor having recovered from much of their misery. They are now playful, witty, elliptical, and silly. They love plants and music; they frequently express themself in poetry and puns, and they do not match at all. Continue reading The Doctor 2.0 and the Master’s new clothes
The messy lab and new contents
Shit, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. In the meantime, I’ve been quite busy. Continue reading The messy lab and new contents
A slightly racier set of mini pulps, as read by Alison and her extended Dork Fam
The mini pulps I made today and yesterday are racier than earlier sets. See details as Alison and her extended Dork Fam gather in the Spymaster’s lab for some reading time. The first set took pictures from late 19th and early 20th century ads for circuses, plays, magicians, and Navy recruitment. The next three, all featuring Terra Nova and her spacesuits of dubious functionality, combine renders that I made in Daz Studio on the fronts and 20th century vibrator ads on the backs. Continue reading A slightly racier set of mini pulps, as read by Alison and her extended Dork Fam
Recent doll doings IV: vintage computing center, Mattel windups, Acme magnets
Well, I finished the Spymaster’s vintage/steampunk/old-fashioned computing center with the removal of the CRT on legs and the addition of a Mattel Barbie Magic Moves windup computer [the pink one on the right]. I’ve amassed quite a few Magic Moves windups and Acme magnets recently because, as I’ve stated many times regarding Acme magnets, they’re detailed, well made, and perfectly 1:6 scale. Continue reading Recent doll doings IV: vintage computing center, Mattel windups, Acme magnets
Recent doll doings III: More steampunk stuff!!
While searching for steampunk stuff to populate the Spymaster’s lab, I discovered that old clock movements are as beautiful and sculpturally fascinating to me as the innards of stereos and record players. I got a cuckoo clock movement for like $20 shipped. It’s about 3.5 x 3.5 x 1 inches, pleasingly harmonious and balanced in its asymmetry. I think I might get some more. They’re just so cool! Continue reading Recent doll doings III: More steampunk stuff!!
Recent doll doings II: The papercraft steampunk laptop
Inspired by my recent forays into papercraft, I made a steampunk laptop printable of my own, combining images that I rendered [primarily the keyboard] and images from Pixabay, where people can download royalty-free images. I did a test run of the laptop this afternoon.
Miraculously, the laptop possesses correct measurements so that it fits together without any problems. However, it’s about 20 to 25% too big. I need to print it at about 75 or 80% for more of a laptop size. Also I supplied the keyhole, leather handles, hinges, side gauges, and side buttons as separate things to glue on to add some dimensionality to the piece. Only the handles and hinges should be glued on; the other stuff doesn’t need to be.
Anyway, pictures below show the Spymaster modeling and using the clunky device.
Continue reading Recent doll doings II: The papercraft steampunk laptop
Recent doll doings I, presented by Bill and Little Bill [with bonus Little Alison]
@natalunasans gave me some MGA Rainbow High doll clothing. Big Bill is wearing the rainbow socks and rainbow platform sneakers from one, while Little Bill is wearing the babydoll top and jacket from another. Little Alison looks on adoringly with great WUVS, as usual. Continue reading Recent doll doings I, presented by Bill and Little Bill [with bonus Little Alison]
Nata’s Neologisms #4
One of her dolls was sitting in the bottom curve of a circular lamp. She commented:
like those little clown ppl in the moon
I wrote back:
She wrote:
yeah them
Anatomy of a pile of junk
Conflict occurs when the chaotically organized Spymaster encounters Alison, an insatiably curious person who pokes at everything.
Alison: “Oooooh, what’s that?”
The Spymaster: “Don’t touch! I have everything organized. Besides, do you know how long it took me to balance all of that?”
How to entertain a bunch of nerds: snacks and pulps
More shots of my recently created pulps and Rocket Fuel Foods in action, courtesy of Alison and her extended Dork Fam. Continue reading How to entertain a bunch of nerds: snacks and pulps
A new Fiendish Device and a vintage/steampunk computing center in progress
This weekend I also worked on a new Fiendish Device and the Spymaster’s vintage/steampunk computing center. Continue reading A new Fiendish Device and a vintage/steampunk computing center in progress
Papercraft pulp magazines, books, food packaging, and apothecary cases
I have been papercrafting a lot recently. This past weekend I folded, cut, scored, and glued a lot of paper. Results below. Continue reading Papercraft pulp magazines, books, food packaging, and apothecary cases
Alison + Spymaster + Bill = <3 <3
Alison reunites with her secondary partner the Spymaster: Continue reading Alison + Spymaster + Bill = <3 <3
The Spymasssssssster [oooooh]! I finally finished him!
A project that I have been working on since at least February is finally complete! During this challenge, I vastly improved my skills in making likenesses, as well as painting. Hooray for me. Now I’m just glad it’s over. Continue reading The Spymasssssssster [oooooh]! I finally finished him!
I built some shelves over one of my counters.
I used a cardboard box, art papers [for lining box], electrical tape [for covering raw edges of box], balsa wood [for shelves], hot glue [to secure shelves], and picture nails [to secure shelves to counter] to make some shelves for the back of one of my counter units. Look! More storage/display space! Continue reading I built some shelves over one of my counters.
Double-jointed arm transplants for Mattel Creatable World bodies! The Little Dork Improvement Project…
Four of my favorite dolls are the Little Dorks.Continue reading Double-jointed arm transplants for Mattel Creatable World bodies! The Little Dork Improvement Project…
Nata’s Neologisms #3
Her: Let me know if you have any luck at Seespace.
Me: ????
Her: Seaspace? Port of Call? The store with the stuff.
Me: Oh, you mean Homeport.
House Rainbow Barf moves! And other rearrangements…
I decided to disembarrass myself of House Rainbow Barf’s heavy, ungainly roomboxes. As an alternative, House Rainbow Barf and inhabitants have moved to an open-plan apartment on the bottom shelf of a bookcase in my bedroom. I also got rid of most of the furniture that went with the roomboxes, so Jujube, Jeff, Dorothy, Honorine, and Ishi are furnishing their loft with a combination of boxes and Rements mostly.Continue reading House Rainbow Barf moves! And other rearrangements…
Presenting THE Doctor and the Judge!
Two years or so ago, Big Chief Studios put out some amazing prototype pics for their doll of Geoffrey Holder as Baron Samedi in Live and Let Die. I saw the wonderfully expressive open-mouthed face and promptly declared that it was clearly a doll of the Doctor from some other universe. A whole history developed in my mind.
Before they were THE Doctor and the Judge, they were just two kids who were the best of friends who swore that they’d always be together and do the right thing. They drifted apart when, in early adulthood, D was recruited to be a medical assassin for the Council of Time Fascists, while J was recruited to enforce the elite fascist policies. They both compromised themselves so deeply that they were sure that the other wouldn’t accept them anymore, so they stayed away from one another.
The Time War was when shit really went down. THE Doctor, who was by then THE Doctor, was killing in the service of “the right time,” whatever that way, while the Judge, who was by then the Judge, was rendering verdicts in service of the Time Fascists and their concept of a “pure timeline.” Eventually THE Doctor rebelled and refused to kill, which brought him to trial, presided over by the Judge. Either she recused herself, or she just blatantly refused to convict him, so the fascists felt compelled to punish them both.
Then things start looking up because there was a horrendous space kablooey [or something], and an explosion kicks both THE Doctor and the Judge out of their universe and onto Alison’s Earth with complete retrograde amnesia [because why not?!]. Alison, ofc, meets the Judge because she has an affinity for Time Dorks like the Magister [Shalka Master, one of her partners in my fics] on her side of the pond, while Bill, ofc, meets THE Doctor because she has an affinity for Time Dorks like him. Because the Judge knows a lot about THE Doctor and vice versa, Alison and the others in the U.S. [i.e., the Magister and the Stylist] assume that the Judge is the Doctor from another universe. Bill and the others in England [i.e., the Doctor and Harry] assume that THE Doctor is the Master from another universe. Hah!
Anyway, the Dork Fam brings THE Doctor and the Judge together and helps them to remember who they are. Alison and Bill assure them that this is a happy ‘verse where no one is conscripting you, monitoring you, or making you condemn your friends. Both THE Doctor and the Judge’s minds are rather blown by the possibilities. With Alison’s permission, they decide to hang out in her universe for a while.
Sheep Happens!: A pointless photostory!
Wow, twelve panels in which to say nothing at all… My sister gave me a felted sheep for use in a photostory, so here’s its starring role. Continue reading Sheep Happens!: A pointless photostory!
Dammit, Doctor!
That’s not what they mean when they say to wear a mask out in public!
Alabama’s body swap for greater realism and poseability
I’ve loved Alabama ever since I got her about 7 years ago. However, she has always seemed too large to be a truly 1:6 scale kid to me. Also, while I love her headsculpt, her porcelain lower limbs and wired armature really limited her poseability. I finally transferred her head onto an action figure body to general success. Continue reading Alabama’s body swap for greater realism and poseability
3D printing in 1:6 scale: Straight out of Sculptris, it’s…the Timeless Kid!
In other 1:6 scale 3D printing news, I present, straight out of Sculptris, THE TIMELESS KID! Yes, folks, brought to you by six mediocre screencaps and hours of collaboration with @natalunasans, it’s my 1:6 scale headsculpt of the Timeless Child, as played by an adorable little kid whose name I do not know. She’s ready to print, but I haven’t yet done a test print.
Yes, I’m aware that the mesh is a little fucked up around the outside bottom edges of her nostrils. No, I don’t care. This was my first time sculpting with this mesh [Dodger’s free and wonderful Elizabeth 2 figure], and I’m officially done with my first effort. Any mesh fuckery will be dealt with by sandpaper.Continue reading 3D printing in 1:6 scale: Straight out of Sculptris, it’s…the Timeless Kid!
Updated adventures in 3D printing 1:6 scale action figure heads: the Spymaster and Missy!
It’s been a bit since I last posted about my tests in 3D printing 1:6 scale action figure heads. Here’s the latest on the Spymaster and Missy. Continue reading Updated adventures in 3D printing 1:6 scale action figure heads: the Spymaster and Missy!
Attempt 4 million and 6 at a 1:6 scale power wheelchair
Recently, inspired by @natalunasans’ use of large plastic vehicle toys for toddlers, I decided to try my hand at a 1:6 scale power wheelchair YET AGAIN.
Continue reading Attempt 4 million and 6 at a 1:6 scale power wheelchair
Further adventures in 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ action figures
I’ve been working on a digital sculpt of Michelle Gomez as Missy/the Master on and off for about six months. I finally sharpened her up this weekend and got a decent shape of her nose, so I think she’s ready for prep and printing whenever I get around to it! As with my Spymaster doll, she’ll need full paint and added hair. I think I’m gonna give her the expression shown below as well… Continue reading Further adventures in 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ action figures
3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ action figures IV
I prepared my third attempt at a digitally sculpted 1:6 scale action figure head for Dhawan Master today. Continue reading 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ action figures IV
Farrier’s hair surgery — resculpting after microwave casualty
I stuck Farrier’s head in the microwave because I was heating it so that I could remove the neck peg. Bad idea. He melted and burned. I took the opportunity to sculpt him some new hair and paint it SUPER OBNOXIOUS MAGENTA. Much better. He also got a new set of hands.Continue reading Farrier’s hair surgery — resculpting after microwave casualty
3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls/action figures III
I’m back on my bullshit, trying to print a decent 1:6 scale head of Sacha Dhawan as the Master. My first attempt was chronicled here. It came out looking like this:
Continue reading 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls/action figures III
3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls/action figures II
Two years after my initial blog post about 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls and action figures, I’m at it again.
After that entry, I tried preparing heads for printing and sending them to Shapeways, a professional printing service, which offered higher resolution and finishing quality than could be gotten from the local makerspace. I made the heads hollow, but I couldn’t figure out how to make neck holes. Therefore I tried manually sawing the necks open. The fine plastic of the print did not agree with my hacksaw, and I got so frustrated that I hid the project in my closet for two years.
Now I’m back, highly motivated to improve my 3D printing skills, because I need a 1:6 scale likeness of Sacha Dhawan as the latest [and arguably best!!!] incarnation of the Master on Doctor Who. I made a decent caricatured likeness of him in Daz Studio. Then I followed this approximate process to create a print-worthy Spymaster.
Continue reading 3D printing 1:6 scale heads for 12″ dolls/action figures II
Thirteen and the Spymaster — together at last!
EDIT 08/05/2020: This is the only picture I have of them in a comparable state of doneness since I’ve been working for so long on perfecting the Spymaster’s headsculpt. Continue reading Thirteen and the Spymaster — together at last!
Two Doctors meeting: Martha Jones, MD, and Ruth Doctor
@natalunasans bought me a Character Options Martha Jones! She’s a cute doll with a decent likeness, but an unflattering tank top and a peeling pleather jacket. She ditched those in favor of this 1970s number and said hello to one of her greatest fans… Continue reading Two Doctors meeting: Martha Jones, MD, and Ruth Doctor
Final pictures of Ruth Doctor, the bestestest Doctor ever
I have long since finished my Ruth Doctor doll, but I thought I’d take some shots of her faceup. Continue reading Final pictures of Ruth Doctor, the bestestest Doctor ever
Spymaster 2.0 in progress
The first Spymaster that I was working on did not work out. I decided that the faceup looked too hostile and broody, while my interpretation of the character is much more open and friendlier. Furthermore, the sculpted beard looked like shit. I ditched that head and started over. Continue reading Spymaster 2.0 in progress
Ruth Doctor faceup mods
Ruth Doctor had a little bit of a paint job rework so that her features more accurately resemble Jo Martin’s. Continue reading Ruth Doctor faceup mods
Doll of the best Doctor ever in progress: Ruth Doctor!!!!!!!!!
Jo Martin as Ruth Clayton/the Doctor = bestest! Accept no pasty White Feminist substitutes. I’m making a doll of her. Progress below. Continue reading Doll of the best Doctor ever in progress: Ruth Doctor!!!!!!!!!
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 02/08/2020
The Little Dorks came to VTDL yesterday, along with my collection of felted sleeping cats. They played with their toys and then, inspired by the cats, took a nap.Continue reading Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 02/08/2020
Recent projects II: Another hand-sewn apron!
I have always envisioned the Doctor as a person with about five types of eyewear on their head and a work apron filled with all sorts of stuff. Part of my vision came true last week when I made them a work apron full of pockets. It was initially going to be a single layer of that goldenrod felt, but then I decided to reinforce it. Then I decided to be artsy-fartsy. Then I decided to add more pockets…and more…and more. It came out extremely loud, extremely pocket-laden, and therefore perfect for the Doctor!
Continue reading Recent projects II: Another hand-sewn apron!
Recent projects I: Nychthemeron, the Spymaster’s TARDIS
As I have dolls of almost all of my DW characters that I write about, so I also have 1:6 scale representations of all characters’ TARDISes. I have a police box for Anima, the Doctor’s TARDIS, since she never assumes any other form. I have humanoid forms for the Master’s TARDIS Scintilla and the Stylist’s TARDIS Reeve. To this crew, I now add another: Nychthemeron! She’s the TARDIS belonging to Dhawan Master, aka the Spymaster.
Continue reading Recent projects I: Nychthemeron, the Spymaster’s TARDIS
The Spymaster in progress — 1:6 scale figure of Sacha Dhawan as the Master
Ever since I saw Spyfall, the series 11 opener for Doctor Who, and developed an infatuation with interest in the latest incarnation of the Master as played by Sacha Dhawan, I’ve been working on a 1:6 scale version of him to join all my other DW dorks in 1:6 scale. Continue reading The Spymaster in progress — 1:6 scale figure of Sacha Dhawan as the Master
An apron for the Master!
This evening I drafted a pattern and made an apron for the Master so he can cook without getting his clothes messy. Of course, he wouldn’t usually wear something so colorful, but my story is that the Doctor made it for him. They were so proud of themself, so he couldn’t disappoint them by not wearing it, now could he? One of these days I’ll do a photostory with the Master cooking for the Dork fam!
I based this pattern on a Mattel Barbie apron, reverse-engineering it, adding length and width where I thought appropriate. For a first try, it came out reasonably attractive and functional, though the bib is too long and the waist ties too low. The apron also lacks bilateral symmetry, but that’s less a fault of the pattern and more a fault of me, the sloppy sewer. I’m very satisfied with the initial results.
Little Dorks and their interests
Little Alison and Little Bill got new bodies from Mattel Creatable World dolls. They changed their clothes too. So did the Little Fixit. Now they’re doing some of their favorite activities…Continue reading Little Dorks and their interests
Happy New Queers from the extended Dork fam!
In which we see just how far from the source material my Doctor Who fanfic characters have wandered…Continue reading Happy New Queers from the extended Dork fam!
New Year’s Wishes 2020, Little Dork Edition
Happy 2200 or 2020 or something from the Little Dorks!
Continue reading New Year’s Wishes 2020, Little Dork Edition
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/21/2019 — the Little Dorks
The Little Dorks and Clara [Mattel Nutcracker and the Four Realms doll of Clara, i.e., the only fully articulated Skipper-size body that was around before the Mattel Creatable World line] attended VTDL yesterday. I opened up my two Mattel Creatable World dolls, purchased on sale at the end of November for $10.00, and took pictures of the CW clothes with my Little Dorks.Continue reading Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 12/21/2019 — the Little Dorks
The [extended] Dork fam in THE THINGIE!!!!!!
I just saw this digital model, a steampunk time machine, and needed to shoot a photostory about it. Naturally all my Doctor Who dolls got in on the action…Continue reading The [extended] Dork fam in THE THINGIE!!!!!!
At long last, the 1:6 scale gingerbread house project is complete!
About a year and a half ago, I got some 1:6 scale candy house replicas made by BC Mini. This is what they looked like:Continue reading At long last, the 1:6 scale gingerbread house project is complete!
The Little Dorks in the candy store!
On November 9th, I took part of my grocery store set to VTDL: the sweets/snacks/candy. I also took the Little Dorks, who had a great time shopping and eating.
Other photos from VTDL are on the official blargh.
Broom lessons for the Little Witch
VTDL occurred today. The Little Witch, Carnelian, and Anna attended. The Little Witch had broom lessons and a mishap!! Wordless photostory below. Continue reading Broom lessons for the Little Witch
As Heck would say, “Nannyyyyyyyyyyy!”
Look who I’m making a doll of! Look who I spent an ungodly [har har] amount of money on clothes for! Look who I spent $40.00 on sunglasses for that don’t even fit her damn [har har] face! Look whose neck I’m gonna have to bulk up… Look whose hair I’m gonna have to sculpt without weighing down the back of her head too much. Look whose head I’m going to have to paint for a rough match… Look who still needs mods on her blazer for a higher collar and slightly longer shirt cuffs and a dark red ribbon at her throat and a carpet bag and SOME GLASSES THAT FIT!
Look who, despite all that, looks remarkably awesome, even in draft form and will look even awesomer when I give her a smirk! Look who’s eventually going to have at least a Heck doll to go with her!Continue reading As Heck would say, “Nannyyyyyyyyyyy!”
Harry is a chick magnet?
I got a cell phone holder shaped like a couch with two stuffed animals on it. I think this one is a chick… Continue reading Harry is a chick magnet?
A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: doll photostories
Amazing dramas involving ice cream and cats filmed in Andrea’s doll room with her backdrops. Tagged “natalunasans house” for easy finding, even though I did not go to her house this time.Continue reading A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: doll photostories
A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: general photos
@dollsahoy, @natalunasans, and I met last weekend for doll geekery! Tagged “natalunasans house” for easy finding, even though I did not go to her house this time.Continue reading A weekend at Andrea’s house, 07/04-07/07/2019: general photos
Death to creepy soaps!!!
Jill gave me these for my birthday precisely because they were creepy. She hoped that I would do a photostory with them. Here it is. Continue reading Death to creepy soaps!!!
Nata’s Neologisms #2
Broadband, but for drugs. It’s a verb. To mainline.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 06/15/2019
I took a bunch of 1:6 scale doofuses, including Iris, Bailey and Pammy, Major Tom, and 1:6 scale Thirteenth Doctor.
Nata’s Neologisms #1
My friend @natalunasans has anomial aphasia [or, as she says, “Help — I lost my nouns!”], so the labels for things come slowly to her. As a result, she often creates wonderfully poetic circumlocutions. Here are some of my favorites:
Goo + goo = thing. Two-part sculpting epoxy.
A sound looker. You know, for babies. Ultrasound.
Free things that aren’t real. Free digital models, textures, morphs, and other assets for creating CGI art.
Bailey’s shit-tacular shirt
Using @dollsahoy’s long-sleeve shirt pattern for female fashion dolls at 100%, I started an overshirt today at fiber arts, finishing this evening. The original pattern does not come with cuffs, but I added them. Messy results as usual, shown below. I think I would do a lot better if the thread was invisible. Bailey is not impressed. Then again, she’s not impressed by anything.Continue reading Bailey’s shit-tacular shirt
All my dolls, 05/26/2019
There has been enough change since the last census, 03/30/2019, that it’s time for another.
Universe tags are as follows:
Bugs me: dolls that interact with me
DW: Doctor Who and extended universe
Hardship: The Tales of Hardship, Vermont
House Rainbow Barf: 1:12 scale
LHF: Love Has Fangs [inactive]
Smallerverse: 10″ scale, slightly smaller than 1:6 scale
Zville: Zombieville [inactive]
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final hair, final neck, done except for boots!
Today I gave my Mattel Thirteen some Obitsu24 hands on Obitsu24 pegs because they’re slightly larger and more proportional than the default Mattel ones. I removed the neck spike thing from the cut-off top of neck, reamed out inside of shortened neck, and wedged loop end of neck spike thing into opened-up neck. It will hold the head on fine as long as I don’t pop head on and off, which I won’t. Sealed faceup, glossed eyes, trimmed one bang on left side. I used dark brown paint on the hair to simulate the brown roots along the part and around hairline around face. Once I get some brown boots from @natalunasans, I can call this custom complete. Till then, have some pics of a mostly complete, very smirky Thirteen.
I’m so pleased with the results of this custom. It should be noted that I am no longer a fan of modern DW, and I refuse to watch any more of it since its racism, sexism, classism, and ableism have broken my heart too many times. I will never see any episodes with Thirteen in them. Nevertheless, I love the character of the Thirteenth Doctor, in part because they are QUEER AS FUCK. Hence my affection.
Anyway, though not a fan of Thirteen’s era, I still become very excited when Thirteen dolls come out. The 10″ Character Options one thrilled me, as did the Mattel version. I wouldn’t have gone out and bought the Mattel one, since it is not at all worth $50.00. But I welcomed the gift of it from @natalunasans because, as soon as I saw it, I had a hunch that I could make it so much better.
Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final hair, final neck, done except for boots!
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final lips, draft shading, new sock tops
Today I finalized the doll’s lips and gave the face more definition with some shading around eyes and nasal bridge, including trademark eye bags [TM]. I also made some better sock tops out of actual 1:1 scale sock tops. They fill in the space between the doll’s ankles and the comparatively large [temporary] Ken hiking boots, adding stability.Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final lips, draft shading, new sock tops
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — neck reduction, draft lips
I considered whether to move the Thirteen head to a modded WWE Fashion Superstar body. Then I ultimately tried removing a bit from the top of the default body’s neck. The shortened neck reduces the impression of a scrawny bobblehead, obviating the need for a new body with a thicker neck. I also painted a draft of the lips, mostly darkening the existing lips and making them slightly bigger. Added some golden tan highlights in the eyes to make them appear more hazel than muddy green. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — neck reduction, draft lips
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — alternative bodies
The narrow neck on my Mattel Thirteenth Doctor is bothering me, especially since Jodie Whittaker has a rather short, wide neck. Below, I stuck the Thirteen head on a WWE Fashion Superstar first, then a Takara Cy Girl body second. [Don’t blame me for the nipples. I had nothing to do with them.] Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — alternative bodies
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final eyebrows, shortened legs, added feet
Today I finalized my Thirteen’s eyebrows, shortened the legs, and added FLAT [!!] feet from a Made to Move doll. The doll is now 11″ or just a bit under, which scales out to Jodie Whittaker’s actual height. The shortened legs also make the cuffed culottes a bit longer and thus more realistic. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — final eyebrows, shortened legs, added feet
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — finished eyes, draft eyebrows
I worked a little more on my Mattel Thirteen tonight. Eyebrows are in draft form, but looking good. Also worked on taking a little height out of the legs, as Jodie Whittaker is 5′ 6″ [=11″ in 1:6 scale], so the default doll is a little on the tall side, especially with those damn molded heel feet. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — finished eyes, draft eyebrows
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — overpainting the eyes
I’m working from pictures like the one below of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor: Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — overpainting the eyes
Angel of Grief/Weeping angel in 1:6 scale
Before the Weeping Angel monsters from Doctor Who existed, there was The Angel of Grief, carved by William Wetmore Story for his wife’s tomb. Some time ago, I got a small-scale replica of this statue, shown below with a 1:6 scale figure for comparison. Continue reading Angel of Grief/Weeping angel in 1:6 scale
Timonium’s new wig — sigh…
In other news, I made Timonium three wigs this weekend. The first wig involved me sewing wefted red hair onto an elasticized size 4 wig cap. I did this with the hope of cutting and styling it to look like Jareth’s hair from Labyrinth. Unfortunately, I could still see the cap, the cap’s elastic, and the weft stitching at various points in the finished wig. In other words, it was not dense enough for my purposes. I don’t know how I could have made it denser, however, since there’s only so much room on the wig cap!
My second wig was made of red faux fur. Since I don’t have a sheet of red faux fur, I stitched together many small pieces from a multicolor piece of faux fur. Trying to keep all the pieces together and also trying to hide all the loose edges proved more trouble than it was worth. I threw that away.
In the end, I used my long pile VIOLENTLY PINK faux fur to make a simple wig from a pattern for Isabel’s wigs. It looks fine — the bright color contrasts nicely with Timonium’s dark outfit and shows up his pale resin well. I have hereby given up on making him a wig that looks like Jareth’s hair in Labyrinth.
Continue reading Timonium’s new wig — sigh…
Mattel Nutcracker and the Four Realms Clara repaint
@natalunasans gave me this doll for my birthday. She’s notable for using the first highly articulated Skipper size body and also for having an unusual toy-soldier-inspired uniform. I let my whim guide me as I repainted her, darkening everything about her facial features, with heavier brows, heavy eyelids, MW Signature Eyebags [TM!], and brown-based lips. I also filled in her irises with gold paint marker. I’m not sure who she is, but I have enjoyed repainting her, and I think she has much more character now. Continue reading Mattel Nutcracker and the Four Realms Clara repaint
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — another minor mod, another major improvement
I cuffed Thirteen’s culottes and stitched them up. They’re a little short now, but the overall likeness is improved. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor — another minor mod, another major improvement
Bailey and Pammy completed!
I used some zit cream and UV rays to remove some stains on Pammy’s face from her devil suit. Then I dressed her in that suit. I removed her lip paint because her lips are sculpted enough not to need paint. In the mean time, I drilled out Bailey’s wrists, making them easier to swivel. Here they are finished and together! Continue reading Bailey and Pammy completed!
Minor changes to Mattel Thirteenth Doctor, major improvements
Tonight I trimmed the right front of my Mattel Thirteenth Doctor’s hair. I also took the shirt off my Character Options 10″ Thirteen and put it on the Mattel one. Still looking too pale and washed out, but there’s a marked improvement. This gives me hope that a minor repaint will work additional wonders… Continue reading Minor changes to Mattel Thirteenth Doctor, major improvements
Fancy Pippi updates
Besides the Swedish Pippi head that I showed yesterday, I also have a Mattel Scooter. I have long wanted to make her a Pippi, since her red hair and mischievous expression are perfect. Anyway, at first I thought that the 2007 Mattel Mad Hatter body was too small for the Swedish Pippi head, so I moved it up to a Noix de Rome Ninie body. I added some ball-jointed pegs to Pure Neemo jazz hands and used those. I also added upper arm swivels, since the Noix de Rome body lacks them for some reason. The Hatter clothing still fit on this body, but with an appealingly too-small look.
Because the Swedish Pippi head did not match the Ninie body [the head was too red], I tried the Scooter head. The skintone matches much better, and she’s adorable. I will use Scooter for Fancy Pippi. Swedish Pippi will use Scooter’s original body, which is a better color match. I need to either give Fancy Pippi feet or glue her shoes on. I also need to do her hair. But she’s very close to done!!
Parting out a Mattel 2007 Mad Hatter
Thanks to @natalunasans, I scored this hard-to-find doll for my birthday. No pictures of the doll as it came, but the head went to a smallerverse character, Max, one of Frankie’s parents. Continue reading Parting out a Mattel 2007 Mad Hatter
Pants 4 Pammy
Pammy, Bailey’s little sister, will wear the devil outfit that she came with. However it doesn’t go down far enough to cover where I spliced her calves. I made a simple pair of pants to go under the costume. I am aware that the stripes are unaligned. But who wears such loud prints for alignment anyway?!Continue reading Pants 4 Pammy
Body mods on a crabby little toddler, Pammy
I hacked into my recently purchased Pampi action figure from the Medicom Stylish Collection Bambi and Pampi. Pictures and commentary below. Continue reading Body mods on a crabby little toddler, Pammy
Freelancing links, writing samples
An exhaustive showcase of my writing and editorial work, organized by type.
Book Reviews
Blogging: Cultural Criticism
Blogging: Parenting Kids
Mattel Thirteenth Doctor Barbie compared to Character Options Thirteenth Doctor 10″ doll
Basically the CO 10″ doll is a surprisingly well-made, screen-accurate, and affordable translation of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, while the Mattel 12″ doll is more of a product inspired by the portrayal, filtered through the distinctive Barbie sensibility. Once I figured this out, I disliked the Mattel one a lot less, but she still really can’t compare to the cheaper CO. Pics and commentary below. Thanks to @natalunasans, who gave me the Mattel one [although she kept the screwdriver :p ]. Continue reading Mattel Thirteenth Doctor Barbie compared to Character Options Thirteenth Doctor 10″ doll
Iris with new and improved hair!
Iris came back from her sojourn with @trufflemushroom, who rerooted her using a Pride rainbow of warm-toned embroidery floss. Queerness ensued. Continue reading Iris with new and improved hair!
Bailey and Pammy [aka Medicom Bambi and Pampi] before modding
I recently purchased Medicom Stylish Collection Bambi and Pampi action figures. I first got these back in 2003 or so. I kept the Bambi head, shoes, and gun, getting rid of the body, as it was too fragile. I got rid of the clothes because they didn’t fit anyone else. And I got rid of Pampi because I had no interest in a kid in a devil suit. Bambi became my much-loved Baozha, crabby and explosive-happy adopted daughter of the leader of the Hun [vampires of Boston’s Chinatown] Chow Bang. Eventually I transplanted her head and shoes to a modified Spin Master Liv body. She now looks like this: Continue reading Bailey and Pammy [aka Medicom Bambi and Pampi] before modding
Behold, for I have made a two-tier produce shelf!!!!!!!!!
I finally upgraded my flat produce display furniture to appropriately slanted furniture. The frame of this piece is an unfinished wooden box from Michaels. Base is a wooden crate from packaging for some candy. Bottom shelf is just box lids glued side by side and also glued into frame. Top shelf has a support framework made with dowels, balsa wood, and hot glue. I ended up removing the shim under the front edge, and I put my mini pumpkins and mini squash on the top of the frame, but, other than that, the pictures show how it looks now.
Continue reading Behold, for I have made a two-tier produce shelf!!!!!!!!!
Recent doll work: smallerverse Bill is finally finished!
After several bodies and uncountable mods, smallerverse Bill is complete! Continue reading Recent doll work: smallerverse Bill is finally finished!
Smallerverse update: Missy and Bill
It’s been a while since I worked on my smallerverse DW dolls, mostly because I can’t find a decent, highly articulated base body. I finally put Missy on an Obitsu24, which works pretty good for her. Even the comparative heights between her and Thirteen are accurate, as she’s slightly shorter than Thirteen.
As for Bill, she’s currently on a Hasbro Descendants Jordan [daughter of the genie] body. It matches her light golden brown skintone very well. Unfortunately, it’s single-jointed all around, and the knees can’t even do a right angle. The legs are also way too long, making her more like 11″ rather than 10″. I’ll deal with that later. For now, she has shoes [a challenge to find for those large heeled feet], and she can hang out with the other smallerverse persons until I have the energy to cut her down.
No, I don’t know when I’ll get around to the rest of the smallerverse Dork fam. SIGH.Continue reading Smallerverse update: Missy and Bill
Iris mockup
At first there was the Gay Barbie, a Mattel Fashionista 90 with a sparkly Pride minidress. I eventually realized that I was not a fan of her headsculpt, so her dress moved to another doll, a Fresh Dolls Lynette that @trufflesmushroom rooted for me with a rainbow of embroidery floss. Continue reading Iris mockup
New and improved newspaper machine with custom graphics
When I first got my newspaper machine, a cast iron bank from Liberty Collectibles, it was emblazoned with logos of Shell Oil. It looked like this:
Continue reading New and improved newspaper machine with custom graphics
Early forays into making 1:6 scale food: 11/25/2003
From the depths of Andrea’s archive of photos I sent to her in MSN chat eons ago come these shots of my early attempts at making 1:6 scale food. As you can see, even back then I tended to make my stuff on the large side of 1:6 scale.Continue reading Early forays into making 1:6 scale food: 11/25/2003
2 Juns, a photostory from 10/23/2003
Andrea sent me a bunch of photos that she collected from our MSN chats over 15 years [!!!] ago. Here’s an early photostory.
Same silliness, sarcasm, and emotionally expressive [?!] posing as always. Presentation, sets, and layout have, however, improved vastly.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 04/13/2019
Araminthe and Fritillaria attended. Pics on official blargh.
Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands miniatures — a little big, but they work for 1:6 scale
Zuru has come out with 5 Surprise Mini Brands miniatures. Like the Australian Coles Little Shops minis, the Zuru minis are small representations of familiar branded items one can find in a grocery store. Unlike the Australian Coles Little Shops, the Zuru minis feature United States brands. There are various sets of 5 apiece. I bought a bunch already opened off Ebay because I only wanted certain ones of each set. Below you can see pictures of various minis with a variety of 1:6 scale dolls for comparison. Overall, I’d call these minis a consistent 1:4 scale [unlike Coles Little Shops, which really vary in scale]. Nevertheless, since foods and drugstore products can come in so many sizes of packaging, I think these can easily work for 1:6 scale too. Continue reading Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands miniatures — a little big, but they work for 1:6 scale
Last of Girl body mods and a new smallerverse character
I got my Redman Toys Last of Girl doll yesterday. She was $136.00 in part because the company didn’t spring for fancy packaging. She came in a plain box with her name, but without graphics. Inside was a foam insert with three slots. In one slot was her body, dressed in most of her outfit. In another slot were extra hands, head, and hairpieces. The final slot held accessories and clothes. As someone who doesn’t believe in MIB, I was very pleased. Follow body mods below. Continue reading Last of Girl body mods and a new smallerverse character
OKAY FUCK IT! Here is the final word on the scale of my smallerverse peoples.
I’ve had a heck of a time figuring out what scale my smallerverse dolls are. This is the group of DW dolls where the standard female action figure is 10″ tall. At first I thought they were 1:9 scale, then 1:7 scale, then 1:7.3333333333. I have finally performed the definitive math, and here’s the result: 1:6.9 scale.
The math goes as follows:
Standard female action figure in 1:6 scale is 11.5″ tall.
11.5″ * 6 = 69″ real-world height
Smallerverse standard female action figure is 10″ tall.
10″ * n = 69″ real-world height
n = 6.9
Smallerverse 1″ = 6.9″
In other words, smallerverse means 1:6.9 scale, which I am rounding to 1:7 scale. I’m changing the tag to “smallerverse,” ffs.
What my dolls are doing as of 04/07/2019
This is pretty much all my dolls, 1:12 scale, 1:7.33333333 scale, 1:6 scale, and 1:3 scale, that are finished and out. That’s 81 of them. Continue reading What my dolls are doing as of 04/07/2019
Alison’s awesome attire — wordless photostory with Alison and the Master
I recently got a Playtoy Female Monster Hunter doll, i.e., Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious from Van Helsing, solely because of the cool outfit. Once she arrived, I gave Alison the corset and the bolero jacket. She also wears a Triad black leotard, some gold leggings from Aliexpress, shoes from Ebay, and a choker that I made. She felt very self-conscious because she’s not used to wearing such things, so the Master tried to cheer her up! He, of course, thinks she looks amazing. Then again, he thinks she looks amazing in anything.
Continue reading Alison’s awesome attire — wordless photostory with Alison and the Master
Exhibit of miniatures at Fleming Museum, 03/31/2019
Went to an exhibit of miniatures at the Fleming Museum in Burlington, VT on March 31st. I couldn’t take pictures of the items on loan from other places, but I did take some pics of things from the Fleming’s collection. Ishi came along to provide scale. Continue reading Exhibit of miniatures at Fleming Museum, 03/31/2019
All my dolls, 03/31/2019
I haven’t done a portrait census in years. Time for another!
Universe tags are as follows:
Bugs me: dolls that interact with me
DW: Doctor Who and extended universe
Hardship: The Tales of Hardship, Vermont
House Rainbow Barf: 1:12 scale
LHF: Love Has Fangs [inactive]
Smallerverse: 10″ scale, slightly smaller than 1:6 scale
Zville: Zombieville [inactive]
Redman Toys Last of Girl proposed body mods
I have a cute kid doll on order, Redman Toys’ Last of Girl. Apparently she’s based on a 14-year-old character, Ellie, from a video game The Last of Us. I got her for $136.00 shipped, which is an amazing price for a complete figure that comes with two scalps [molded hair or fiber hair options], 8 optional hands, jeans, shoefeet, black long-sleeve shirt, red T-shirt, green jacket, backpack, gun, and knife. I got her for the headsculpt, which reminds me of a young Ellen Page. Continue reading Redman Toys Last of Girl proposed body mods
Character Study: Ann Z.L. Rich
The historian of Hardship, Vermont has a thematic, though not explicit, sort of debt to Doctor Who. Also the doll is a BCS Clara that I redressed, resculpted the hair on, and added glasses [with actual lenses!].
Vermont Doll Lovers February meetup, 02/09/2019
Clara, Thirteen, Missy, and a Barbie attended. Pics on official blargh.
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 03/09/2019
Ann, Jujube, and others went to VTDL with me. Pics on official blargh.
Caring for naturally coily hair! / Caring for Black hair
This post is full of information that is very helpful to me.
Alison and the Master — the snuggle is real!
Alison and the Master… THE SNUGGLE IS REAL!!Continue reading Alison and the Master — the snuggle is real!
New 1:6 scale stuff — record player, mini vending machines, etc.
Got some 1:6 scale stuff recently. Clearing out my phone, I found these photos. Continue reading New 1:6 scale stuff — record player, mini vending machines, etc.
My favorite Roger Delgado non-media shots
Here is a collection of my favorite Roger Delgado non-media shots, i.e., candids, portraits, and other things not directly from the movies or TV. Enjoy the quintessence of that ineffable Delgadesco charm!Continue reading My favorite Roger Delgado non-media shots
Thirteen’s new companion, Frankie
My 10″ Thirteenth Doctor has been lonely since I acquired them. Inspired this weekend, I made them a companion from a 3″ Titans vinyl head from Janine Melnitz, a character from Ghostbusters, spliced onto a body from a Disney Elite 10″ Princess Leia. Continue reading Thirteen’s new companion, Frankie
Acme magnets
Acme, a company that made lots of kitchen magnets in the 1990s and early 2000s, produced many pieces that can be repurposed for dolls. Here are my Acme magnets below. The first two photos show those that can be used for 1:6 scale. The third shows those that are too large for 1:6 scale, more like 1:4 scale. Continue reading Acme magnets
Alison’s Loud Shirt
I made a collared shirt for Alison from @dollsahoy‘s pattern @ 115% and proved two things. 1) My sewing skills have improved immeasurably since the last time I made a collared shirt a few years ago. 2) My characters, like me, have, at best, dubious taste in clothing.
This was going to be a showcase for Alison’s painfully bright shirt, but it digressed into a commentary on gold eyeliner…Continue reading Alison’s Loud Shirt
Mattel Minerva McGonagall repaint/restyle as Michelle Gomez as Missy
Behold my third iteration of Michelle Gomez as the latest incarnation of the Master, a.k.a. Missy. Mattel recently came out with a bunch of Harry Potter dolls toward the end of last year. The Mattel McGonagall doll, which is supposed to represent Maggie Smile, an actor in her 80s, looks about 50 at absolute max. With the softening of the features, the doll now bears about as much resemblance to Maggie Smith as it does to Michelle Gomez. I decided to try a repaint/restyle to see if I could increase the likeness to Michelle Gomez as Missy. Efforts below.Continue reading Mattel Minerva McGonagall repaint/restyle as Michelle Gomez as Missy
Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Alison, Bill, the Master, and the Doctor have New Year’s sentiments to impart. Continue reading Happy 2019 from the Dork fam!
Relax, Master! — further resculpting of a 1:6 scale resin Roger Delgado head
I’ve been working ever since I got this 1:6 scale resin head of Roger Delgado as the Master to make it into my mental image of him. Today I started on my third iteration of mods. Continue reading Relax, Master! — further resculpting of a 1:6 scale resin Roger Delgado head
The Goblin Market has little jars of…uh…stuff.
Twenty-five little resin jars of…uh…stuff…arrived today for the Goblin Market. The labels claim that they contain jam. However, given the fluorescent colors, I think they’re probably extraterrestrial. I put them over with the off-world food.
Continue reading The Goblin Market has little jars of…uh…stuff.
Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Acme Magnets, now sadly defunct, issued a wide variety of kitchen magnets in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. A lot of them were household items, including furniture, appliances, and food. Some of them even had sound features. Anyway, Acme magnets, while popular on Ebay, can be had for decent prices [$5.00-$10.00 apiece shipped], and they combine sturdy construction with realistic detailing and, in some cases, obnoxious noises. :p Today we’re looking at a boom box magnet!
Continue reading Acme Magnets: a source of small-scale props
Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
I am now the proud owner of a 1:6 scale newspaper vending machine. It’s actually a diecast metal bank by Liberty Classics, a company mostly known for their scale models of vehicles. They also produce newspaper machine banks so that companies can commemorate various occasions with souvenirs. When I searched on Ebay for this one, which was commissioned by Shell Oil, I also saw ones commissioned by the Kiwanis Club, St. Petersburg Times, and Chevron/Texaco. I chose this one because its bright color scheme reminded me most of the attention-getting machines I have seen in my travels.
Made entirely of diecast metal except for plastic bottom and back, this bank is a sturdy, solid piece. It measures 13.4 cm high without the coin machine and 18cm with the coin machine. It is 7.5cm wide x 6.5cm deep. It’s beautifully detailed down to the diecast rivet heads, the branded graphics on the side, and the customized text, including the name and price of the paper, a preview window to the Petroleum Post, and a framed advertisement window below that. This piece is so well-made that I will not be able to remove the Petroleum Post and Shell copy, since they’re on pieces of metal. I’m just going to paste my own graphics over them.
The front of the bank even opens just like a real newspaper machine! Of course, there’s no place to store papers in there, as that would interfere with the bank reservoir. But it’s still fuckin’ cool. With some customization, this machine will show up in a future photostory as a convenient way of setting the stage.
Continue reading Coolest prop of the last 5 minutes: a newspaper vending machine!
House Rainbow Barf thrift shop turns into an arcade!
I have been amassing miniature arcade cabinets to make a game room for my 1:6 [and 1:7.333333333] scale dolls. However, the games I have so far also work perfectly in 1:12 scale, that is, for House Rainbow Barf denizens. Proof below. Continue reading House Rainbow Barf thrift shop turns into an arcade!
Shopkins packages for 1:6 scale food packages
Shopkins, in case you have been living under a rock for the past few years, are kawaii anthropomorphic foods and household items made by Aussie toy company Moose. I have shunned them because I find their faces disturbing. Recently, however, Moose came out with Shopkins in small replicas of food packaging. The items range between 1:4 scale and 1:6 scale, and they’re sufficiently realistic in their details to serve as 1:6 scale food. Pics forthwith.
Continue reading Shopkins packages for 1:6 scale food packages
The Goblin Market got durian and tomatoes!!!!
Photos with 1:6ers Alison and Bill below. Both durian and tomatoes are resin pieces purchased from Aliexpress. Tomatoes were billed as “1:12 scale,” which seems not to actually mean “1 inch scale,” but “suitable for dolls; take your chances on size.” Durians all have an area of skin cut off to show pulp, but I have put that area facing the table so no one notices. Voila! Continue reading The Goblin Market got durian and tomatoes!!!!
Vermont Doll Lovers year-end meetup, 12/15/2018
Jareth, Dorothy, and Honorine attended. Pics on blargh.
The newest resident of House Rainbow Barf — Ishi!!
I got one of the mini Disney Princess dolls representing Tiana in casual clothes, as she appears in Wreck It Ralph Breaks the Internet. All of the princesses are surprisingly adorable, thanks in large part to their extremely expressive, exaggerated headsculpts and their clever outfits that make reference to their stories with modern styling. They also have ball-jointed shoulders and hips, along with jointed elbows and wire in their legs. Their limbs each have 90 degrees of flexion! With rooted hair, fully tailored outfits with shoes for some, and accessories for certain ones, they represent a high quality that I haven’t seen in playline dolls for a long time. Tiana, however, is objectively the adorablest, with her expression of great jubilation, asymmetrical eyebrows, and one winking eye.
Anyway, I was very distressed when I first got Tiana — renamed Ishi — because she didn’t seem to be in the same scale as any of my other dolls. Was she doomed to be lonely, friendless, and unloved? Continue reading The newest resident of House Rainbow Barf — Ishi!!
Jareth in frilly, ruffly Elizabethan garb
Damn…I haven’t taken photos of this dude in years. In fact, he’s been in my closet for quite a few months, as I was rearranging my room and making space for 1:6 scale inhabitants. But @supergranularqueer inspired me to have a coming out party for Jareth which involved changing his clothes. Phew, now I remember why I don’t do that too often. He has fiddly, complex, bespoke couture that requires hours to get him into. Of course, I really have no one to blame but myself for his style, since I commissioned all his clothes based on my own designs.
Behold one of his inimitable looks, vaguely Elizabethan, insofar as it’s layered, puffy, frilly, ruffly, and froofy. Behold as well the glory that is my creative chaos.
Damn, Jareth. Just DAMN. How do you manage to look so hot in everything and anything?!
Yellow peppers and bok choy for the Goblin Market — this time with 1:6 scale comparisons!
Yellow peppers and bok choy! This time, 1:6ers Alison and Bill show scale.
This set is the most detailed I’ve ever made. Even my forest and cemetery sets, while they contain many parts and customized pieces, don’t have the sheer number and variety of things as this produce section does.
I also think that this is the most expensive set that I’ve created. Most people who follow my work know that I tend to use simple, cheap, multipurpose objects in my sets. While I used this principle with the counters [made of a table, a miniature crate, cut-down box lids + dowels] and some of the produce holders [mini box lids and screw-top lids], the majority of the pieces, being food, are very specific. That means a lot of money sunk into single-purpose props, insofar as pieces of food are counted as single-purpose things. Someday I’ll add up how many objects are in this set and how much they set me back, but today is not that day.
Still to come: Rocket Fuel Foods snacks, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots. Ugh, I need more counter space…
Articulating a small 1:6 scale kid doll with wire
So I bought this really cute Mattel Chelsea Club kid a few months ago because they were adorable. The molded buzz cut, which I’d never seen before, the simple, relatively restrained facial screening, and the realistic outfit all charmed me. Continue reading Articulating a small 1:6 scale kid doll with wire
The Goblin Market now stocks pineapples!!!!!
The Goblin Market gets citrus and a full juice fridge!
More stock arrived today for the Goblin Market: oranges, yellow grapefruit, and more juice for the fridge. Continue reading The Goblin Market gets citrus and a full juice fridge!
Progress on the Goblin Market
I have decided that my produce section is part of a local market called the Goblin Market. Its eldritch name derives from the off-world foods it sells. The addition of fictional foods makes the Goblin Market a much more interesting set, as well as a perfect place for my DW dolls to hang out. Recent additions below. Continue reading Progress on the Goblin Market
Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
My latest round of 3″ Titans — the Master x3, the Stylist, and an extra — arrived today. HELP HELP! They are too adorable for words. Continue reading Help the Titan 3″ vinyls are TOO CUTE!!! — the Master, the Stylist, and an extra
The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
The Titans 3″ Delgado Master debuted [fucking finally] on November 19th, so I immediately purchased three — one for regular Master, one for Catster [with cat ears and whiskers], and one for extra. To that end, I’ve been busily working on 1:7.33333333 scale persons this weekend. Below is the current state of the Master’s body.
I’ve decided to keep my 1:7.3333333333 Master in his iconic black Nehru suit, with black shoes and black leather gloves. As a result, I don’t give a flying fuck what color his body is, since it will all be covered up, and I can paint the neck to match the head. As a result, I’ve pursued articulation over aesthetics for his body. Bust is from a 2018 Mattel Harry Potter kid doll. Arms are from an Obitsu slender male doll. Abdomen and lower body are from some solid plastic Willy Wonka 1:6 scale action figure from @natalunasans, heavily hacked down to size. A good sharp craft knife blade goes right through that dense solid plastic. Of course it also goes through flesh too… >_>
Below, the Master with another Master. Continue reading The 1:7.3333333333 Master’s body in progress
Made some more counters, embraced the out-of-scaleness, and found background 1:7.33333333ers
I made some more counters out of a box top, which I cut in half and added hot-glued dowels to for legs. They’re so realistic that they have shims under one of the legs for added gritty realism because I cut them imperfectly. Continue reading Made some more counters, embraced the out-of-scaleness, and found background 1:7.33333333ers
Crescent cast iron stove has been spiffed up
A while back, I got a Crescent cast iron stove for my dolls. Continue reading Crescent cast iron stove has been spiffed up
The produce section has a shopping cart — will it work?!
I got a shopping cart off AliExpress in the mail today. Will it work for my produce section??? Continue reading The produce section has a shopping cart — will it work?!
Alison and Bill and the produce section in progress
Here’s an update on the produce section… Continue reading Alison and Bill and the produce section in progress
Working on Lakis: body mods and matching
When we last saw Lakis, she was on a Hasbro Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl body. She needed shorter calves, color matching, and a better fitting outfit. I achieved all three today, and now she just needs hands! Continue reading Working on Lakis: body mods and matching
Lakis on a new body — Hasbro Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl
Lakis got a shorter and plumper body, the Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl. I popped her head on, then her clothes, for a test fit, to see what work needed to be done.
Continue reading Lakis on a new body — Hasbro Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl
1:6 scale or 1:7.3333333333333 scale grocery store
I’ve always wanted a small-scale grocery store. However, the sheer volume of food available that I would have to make has always daunted me. Recently I decided to use my time-honored method of using a part to suggest the whole, but with the principle applied to a grocery store. I chose a produce section to make because variety of shapes and colors would be aesthetically pleasing. Plus fruit is much easier to make than endless permutations of, say, cereal boxes. Results below. Continue reading 1:6 scale or 1:7.3333333333333 scale grocery store
The Master looking magisterial in purple and gold
The Master commandeered the robe from a Mattel 2018 Dumbledore. Despite looking unutterably cheap, it nevertheless captures the swooshing regal dramatic clothes that he wears these days. Continue reading The Master looking magisterial in purple and gold
1:7.3 scale kitchen — Crescent cast iron stove and Rement kitchen
1:7.3 scale Bill and 1:7.3 scale Missy pose with two recent acquisitions, a Crescent cast iron toy stove and a Rement kitchen, to show scale. Half in the frame of the first pic is another project in progress: a small-scale produce section for when I want my characters to go to a grocery store.Continue reading 1:7.3 scale kitchen — Crescent cast iron stove and Rement kitchen
Scratch that — they’re NOT 1:9 scale! They’re 1:7.333333 scale!
The 9″ DW dolls previously referred to as 1:9 scale are actually larger than that. They’re 1:7.333333333 scale. Fine…I’m changing the tag…
Coles Little Shop branded miniature food and products
Coles, a grocery chain in Australia, ran a promotion in August and September. People purchasing $30.00 AUD received a blind-boxed miniature of a product sold at the store. There were 30 miniatures, plus rare accessories like branded baskets, aprons, carts, etc. People went wild for the minis, not only in Oz, but around the world, and Ebay sellers did a brisk business in secondhand minis.
I, of course, being an aficionado of small things in the 1:6 scale range, perked up when I heard about Coles Little Shops. The inclusion of Nutella in the minis sealed my interest. I’m not really a fan of particular brands, but Ferrero Nutella is one of them. I have not acquired any Nutella in 1:6 scale, however, mostly because I didn’t want to sculpt its distinctive jar shape. When I saw that Coles had reproduced the iconic Nutella container and the packaging label in minuscule detail, I jumped on it.
In comparison to the premier 1:6ish scale products made by Rement, which are meticulously molded and painted, often with openable packages, Coles Little Shops are simpler. As duplicates of exterior packaging only, they are either paper or plastic packages filled with foam for shape, or they are single-color pieces of stiff, brittle plastic. Scale varies wildly among the 30 products. Daily Juice, eggs, Leggo, for example, are good for 1:6 scale, while Nutella, Milo, and Colgate look like larger 1:6 scale containers you’d buy at a bulk store…or 1:4 scale. Vicks and John West seem closest to 1:3 scale. It seems very strange that the promotion didn’t just pick a scale and go with it.
The advantage that the Coles Little Shops have over Rement is the fact that they’re officially licensed by certain brands, so they look exactly like the real things sold in Oz. For example, if you squint hard enough at the Colgate, you can see the toll-free informational hotline number for Australia and New Zealand if you want to call someone up to talk toothpaste!
My favorites are Nutella, Colgate, Daily Juice, Mount Franklin, Coles eggs, Pantene, Leggo, and Chobani. These all work really well with the solid, simple design of the minis. Colgate, Daily Juice, Mount Franklin, Coles eggs, and Leggo are all instantly identifiable, even if you don’t know the brands, so they’re very satisfying aesthetically. As for Nutella, Pantene, and Chobani, they’re recognizable as branded products that are either never produced in 1:6 scale form or are produced rather unrecognizably. When was the last time you ever saw decent yogurt in close to 1:6 scale?! Continue reading Coles Little Shop branded miniature food and products
Thirteen and the TARDIS
Character Options came out with a 10″ Thirteenth Doctor. After seeing how gay and dorky @natalunasans’ looked, I decided to get my own. I knew that, if I hesitated, the Doctor would probably increase in price on the secondary market, as the 1:6 scale Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones dolls have, and I’d be shit out of luck.
The Thirteen doll bears a very recognizable likeness to the actor Jodie Whittaker. The expression is neutral, tending slightly to the befuddled and definitely dweeby. I like it! Molded hair, tucked behind one ear on one side and partly obscuring the face on the other, is simply, but effectively sculpted. Body is sculpted more for function than form, but it’s all generally in scale. Right hand is sculpted to hold included sonic screwdriver, while left is in an open, neutral position.
The fabric outfit replicates the character’s dress with a few concessions to ease of use. Thirteen wears a long-sleeve white undershirt and a black T-shirt with rainbow stripes over that. These two pieces have been combined by Character Options into one piece, over which is a partly lined blue-grey trench with rainbow lapel trim, functional lined hood, and nonfunctional pockets. The high-waisted blue culottes Velcro in the front and have separate thin yellow ribbons for suspenders. There are molded brown boots with molded socks.
Paint is very simple on the face, with long dark eyebrows, unadorned eyes, and lips in a neutral orangey shade. I haven’t been paying attention to promo pics, but I’m pretty sure the character wears at least some more eyeliner. The character’s hairstyle with brown roots showing is approximated with a pale yellow layer over a brown plastic base. The yellow is too striking; I’ll have to work on this.
In terms of articulation, the doll has a single sculpt for both head and neck, with a ball joint at the base of the neck. Swiveling is good, though the neck socket on mine doesn’t quite accommodate the neck on sideways turns, so the front and back bust pieces separate slightly. There’s a bit of nodding movement, but not much. There are ball-jointed hips and shoulders, double-jointed elbows and knees, swivel waist, and wrists with both hinge and swivel joints. Doll can touch head and face [for extra puzzled/dweeby poses! :D], sit competently, and stand unsupported. However, because the feet are somewhat small, with only ankle swivels, balance is compromised.
Unfortunately, the Thirteen doll is not 1:6 scale. At 10″, it’s 4′ in 1:6 scale. If the doll were going to be truly in scale, it would be slightly more than 11.5″, as the actor Jodie Whittaker is slightly over 5.5′.
This doll will run people in the U.S. between $30.00 and $40.00, depending on where you pick it up. It’s built for play, but the price is kinda steep for kids. Older fans of Doctor Who, however, won’t blink at the price and will take a highly articulated, realistic, well tailored Thirteen that actually looks like the character and go wild. I enthusiastically endorse this doll, with the caveat that it will not play nicely scale-wise with anyone else.
Would it have killed you to make Thirteen in 1:6 scale, Character Options?
Here the Doctor steps out of the TARDIS and detects something odd about relative sizes… TARDIS played by a truly 1:6 scale BCS Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS. Thirteen played by aforementioned NOT-1:6-SCALE Character Options Thirteen doll. Continue reading Thirteen and the TARDIS
Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Wow, I totally forgot that I had done this photostory with Alison and the Master almost 5 months ago! Here it is, another experiment in wordless storytelling. Continue reading Dandelion Biking with Alison, the Master, and a TARDIS cat
Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
I worked today on my 1:9 scale Doctor Who gang… Continue reading Updates on 1:9 scale Doctor Who dolls
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VIII
Part VIII: Friends Make Everything Better. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VIII
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VII
Part VII: Where’d She Go? Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VII
Fattening the Little Witch
I moved the Little Witch’s head to a more articulated body of better weight, but I needed to do one final thing before she was complete. I needed to bulk up her torso to make her little fats. Continue reading Fattening the Little Witch
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VI
Part VI: Playtime. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part VI
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part V
Part V: Open House. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part V
Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
I got a Barbie skirt in the mail recently for Missy, shortened it an inch, and it fit perfectly. I made a raggedy bow out of some gauzy purplish stretch net, and I was done. Then she posed against a selection of Halloween/Gothic art papers I got from Michaels recently.
I just finished 1:9 scale versions of Bill and Missy today. Both of them are hybrids, combining heads from the 3″ Titan mini figures with bodies from ToyBiz’s Famous Covers series of Marvel action figures. They’re 9″ high.
For Bill, I painted her body to match her head, filled in her irises, dry-brushed her hair to show up the detail, glossed lips and eyes, ground the neck off the head, and modded the crotch and tops of forearms for greater flexion. She wears a dress from a Mattel Skipper Babysitters Inc. doll, a bolero from a Fresh Dolls Mia, leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie, a Rement sunflower, and bracelets made from a bubble tea straw.
For Missy, I removed her original hair and replaced it with a combination of a hand-sculpted scalp [with Aves Apoxie Sculpt] and a ponytail of Mattel Barbie hair, which I curled with a boil perm. I swapped out the default ToyBiz Famous Covers hands for those from a 10″ Disney Elite Princess Leia figure. I filled in her irises, repainted eyebrows, gave a very light brown wash to the nasolabial creases, and repainted eyebrows. I also carved out top of forearms and inner sides of crotch to increase poseability. Missy wears a shirt from an unknown female action figure, a Mattel Barbie skirt [shortened by 1″], leggings from a Mattel Made to Move Fashionista Barbie [not shown], and a cravat that I made. Her umbrella is a large cocktail umbrella painted black with acrylic paints and sealed.
Coming eventually in the 1:9 scale world: Alison Cheney [Scream of the Shalka], Shalka Doctor, Delgado Master [=Shalka Master in my mind], and the Third Doctor!
Continue reading Glam photoshoot for 1:9 scale Missy [who’s done!] and Bill!
Improving the Little Witch’s body and likeness
After I upgraded the Little Fixit to a 21cm Obitsu body, I felt the need to work on the Little Witch too. I’ve been playing with these dolls more than I expected, and their limited poseability was bothering me. Continue reading Improving the Little Witch’s body and likeness
Honorine’s body upgrade
I recently purchased an 11cm Obitsu body with the thought that I would articulate one of my 1:6 scale younger kids. Well, when I discovered how floppy Honorine’s resin body was today, I decided to experiment. I enlarged the neck hole in Honorine’s head and popped her on the 11cm Obitsu body. She now has much more articulation than she ever did on her resin body, as the 11cm Obitsu has ball-jointed neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, torso, hips, knees, and ankles. It’s even got double-jointed knees, a tripartite torso, and an amazingly tight set of joints. Anyway, she’s now nearly a head shorter than the other inhabitants of House Rainbow Barf, but I’m okay with that. Pics below. Continue reading Honorine’s body upgrade
Vermont Doll Lovers meetup, 09/15/2018
The residents of House Rainbow Barf, Jujube, Jeff, Honorine, and Dorothy, attended.
Making Jo
My extended Dork fam of Doctor Who characters grows rapidly these days. I recently started a doll of Jo Grant, companion to Three and underrecognized badass. Continue reading Making Jo
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part IV
Part IV: Reading the Story. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part IV
Art Hop, Burlington, VT, 09/08/2018
Art Hop pics. Continue reading Art Hop, Burlington, VT, 09/08/2018
Missy’s sonic umbrella
…Is a large cocktail umbrella painted black and sealed with matte varnish. She’s still disgruntled because I have yet to procure proper clothes… Continue reading Missy’s sonic umbrella
Paper dolls from VTDL part II — late Sixties and early Seventies styles!
Mary again brought more paper dolls to VTDL last month, and I only got around to processing the pics today. Below…more fashions clearly designed by people who were having fun exaggerating the traits of current trends. Continue reading Paper dolls from VTDL part II — late Sixties and early Seventies styles!
1:9 scale Missy done except for clothes!
I finalized 1:9 scale Missy’s hair and faceup over the past few days. More detailed pics later, including shots with 1:9 scale Bill, when it’s not so late.Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy done except for clothes!
1:9 scale Missy hair sculpting, neck mods, body mods
1:9 scale Missy takes shape… Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy hair sculpting, neck mods, body mods
Stream of consciousness pea soup
1 lb dry green split peas
1 lb butternut squash, diced
1 russet potato, diced
1 large red onion, diced
3 cubes Edward & Sons LOW SODIUM Veggie Cubes
1 pkg apple and turkey sausage patties, diced
7 c water
freeze dried diced garlic
chili powder
Prepare ingredients. Put them all in slow cooker. Season to taste. I used, in descending order of amount, garlic, cumin, thyme, salt, pepper, chili powder. Cook for 7 hours on high until peas have disintegrated, stirring regularly to distribute spices.
1:9 scale Missy gets improved hair
I originally planned to make Shalka Doctor next in 1:9 scale, but I just felt so sorry for Missy with her shitty hair that I turned my attention to her next. Continue reading 1:9 scale Missy gets improved hair
1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Pictures of the latest adventures in 1:9 scale — i.e., hybrids with 3″ Titan vinyl heads and action figure bodies — below. Continue reading 1:9 scale news: the Doctor and Missy
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part III
Part III: A Heavy Load. Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi Part III
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi II
Part II: Here’s Alison!
Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi II
Curry try n where n is a very large number
1 lb sliced carrots
1 red onion, diced
1 russet potato, diced
2 lbs frozen mixed veggies
2 cans low sodium chickpeas, drained
2 cups low sodium chicken broth
1 can coconut milk
8 tsp curry powder
4 heaping tsp coriander
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp ginger chunks [in larger pieces than granules]
1 tsp garlic chunks [in larger pieces than granules]
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 heaping tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Prepare as directed. Cook on low for 5 hours. THIS HAD BETTER TASTE LIKE CURRY GODDAMMIT.
EDIT: Had to cook on low for 8 hours. Tasted like zilcho. I am not going to do slow cooker curry anymore until I figure out what went wrong.
Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi: Part I
Part I: Playing Peacefully.Continue reading Little Shalka Dorks in Introducing Pippi: Part I
Bakery cooler in process
I want to show off some of my cool sweets, so I arranged a display of my favorites. Hey, who put that Cyber helmet there?! That’s not even remotely close to edibility! I need a sheet of clear plastic to cover the front…Continue reading Bakery cooler in process
Giving fking Charlie a more accurate fking body
When we last saw Charlie, I was about to give her the clunky robot body from a 12″ Cyber person figure. I did that this weekend. Continue reading Giving fking Charlie a more accurate fking body
Curry in the slow cooker, try God knows what
Adapted from the Vegeterian Slow Cooker Curry recipe here.
I’m using a 5 quart slow cooker, just for reference.
2 lbs. frozen mixed veggies [broccoli, cauliflower, carrots]
1 lb. carrots, chopped
2 large red onions, diced
1 lb. precooked chicken strips, diced
1 large russet potato, diced
2 cans low sodium chickpeas, drained
1 container Taste of Thai green curry paste
1 can coconut milk
2 cups low sodium chicken broth
some oil
aggressive amount of garlic powder
Prepare everything as directed. Put chickpeas, carrots, frozen veggies, potato in slow cooker. Mix.
Oil a frying pan. Turn it to medium heat. Sautee one half of the onions and chicken, plus one quarter of the chili paste, for 5 minutes. Add another quarter of the chili paste. Cook for 1 or 2 minutes. Put in slow cooker. Mix.
Sautee the rest of the onions and chicken for 5 minutes. Add aggressive amount of garlic powder. Add some more chili paste. Cook for 1 or 2 minutes. Put in slow cooker. Mix.
Add coconut milk, broth, and the rest of the chili paste. Mix. Cook on low for 5-6 hours. Yum?
Other projects II: Weeping Angel and 1:9 scale Alison
My interest in cemeteries, funerary statues, and Doctor Who converges in the Weeping Angels. Since I stare at Carnelian’s cemetery/magic set every time I’m at my computer, I started thinking that it needed more 1:6 scale statues. Sure, I have an Angel of Grief, but she’s more like 1:9 scale. I also have a meditating skeleton, but I was thinking of something that could actually work as a realistic cemetery denizen [assuming that you don’t look at its FANGS]. Therefore I thought that I should make a Weeping Angel.
BCS made 1:6 scale Weeping Angels, but they stink for a few reasons. 1) They’re not articulated figures. They’re big resin door stops with swappable heads and arms. 2) They’re expensive. I wanted an affordable interpretation with more poseability. For mine, I decided to mount the upper half of an action figure on a solid base [i.e., the floor-length skirt]. The solid base would provide enough of a statuesque look, but she could still menace people with her upper body articulation.
For maximum effectiveness, I wanted a yelling or snarling headsculpt for my Angel. I had very little luck, as most open-mouthed sculpts for female action figures look relaxed or seductive at best and blank at worst. TB League made a 1:6 scale version of comic book hero Shi, however, with an angry expression. With her crinkled nose, lowered brow, and individually sculpted teeth, she’ll serve quite nicely, even if she is fangless. You can see her below at left. I’m going to remove her hair and current paint, then sculpt her chignon, make her chiton out of some sort of semi-stiffened fabric, then paint the whole thing with spray paint that has a stone effect. Continue reading Other projects II: Weeping Angel and 1:9 scale Alison
Other projects I: fkin Charlie and her appropriate fkin body!!
Charlie is a Cyber person that the Dork fam encounter on Newland, the Mondasian colony ship from which they rescue Bill. She experiences the Doctor’s first experimental refacement procedure, in which they created a 3D printed flexible face from her memories of what she used to look like, then hitched it up to her brain [the only organic part of her remaining besides spinal cord] so she could make faces. Anyway, though she has her face back, her body remains obviously Cyberized, so I’ve long wanted a sort of clunky armored robot body for her. Now I have one!!! Continue reading Other projects I: fkin Charlie and her appropriate fkin body!!
Stuff I got last weekend
VTDL met last Saturday, with Eseme and Kukolka from the Figurvore boards coming specifically for 1:6 scale selling, swapping, and enjoyment. I got some cool stuff for both my sets and my 1:9 scale Dork fam.
Bill, Alison’s Heliantha clarissima
1:9 scale Bill improved exponentially this morning when I cut the stem off a Rement plastic sunflower and put it in her hair! The Master, who never calls people by their given names, refers to Bill as Heliantha clarissima, or most brilliant sunflower. And now she truly is a Heliantha, waiting for her Alisonshine!
1:9 scale Bill is done!
Here she is! I made her some bracelets out of a bubble tea straw. I enhanced her faceup just a bit by darkening the line of her upper eyelashes and filling her irises and pupils with brown to make her look more innocent and friendly. Continue reading 1:9 scale Bill is done!
Enhancing 1:9 scale Bill’s existing features
Since I last took a picture of 1:9 scale Bill, I performed several minor mods. The tendons on her right hand stood out prominently, so I filled in the back of her hand with some Aves Apoxie Sculpt and painted it to match. Fortunately, Craft Smart Golden Brown acrylic paint allowed me to match her hands to her head [and other painted parts of her body] without mixing. I sealed her hands with matte varnish.
I then turned my attention to her hair. When I ground down her jaw, I also chipped paint off the bottom of her hair. Therefore I started with a layer of blackish brown to cover all of her hair. Then I dry brushed a layer of Folk Art 940 Coffee Bean acrylic paint over her hair. This gave the impression of light touching the ends. It also brought out all the detail in the sculpt, which had formerly been obscured by the flat black paint.
For my final work, I’m going to enhance her faceup. She needs eyeliner, bags under eyes, more defined smirk brackets, and some eyebrow texturing. Probably some lip texturing too. The basics are there; they just need a little help. I’m really appreciating the Titans vinyl figures. Many of them [not all, but most] combine a recognizable likeness with a great caricature. The simple, but accurate, details of the sculpts are lost beneath indifferent paint jobs.
This 1:9 scale Bill doll has started me on a scale that I never thought I’d get into. But now I have embraced it with enthusiasm. As I mentioned before, I have a Titan First Doctor that I will make into Shalka Doctor, and I’m getting a little Delgado Master next month. I have also prepared my digital version of Alison for printing in 1:9 scale so I can make her, thus completing the Dork fam.
I’ve also ordered a Third Doctor, just because a Delgado Master needs a Third Doctor, and a Missy. I was planning to do Three and Missy in 1:6 scale just like everyone else [i.e., my main dolls], but the 1:9 scale sculpts were too good to pass up. I think I’ll do 1:9 scale Three and Missy. Not sure about a 1:9 scale Ten, though. The sculpts for Ten are great, but a 1:9 scale Ten would need a 1:9 scale Harry, and the Titans of Simm Master are just ugly.
Continue reading Enhancing 1:9 scale Bill’s existing features